General Discussion

General Discussion4K Team needing members!!!!!

4K Team needing members!!!!! in General Discussion
artreezy's dad

    I am part of a 4k!!! team that is looking for two new members. (supports, I play core only)
    The requirements to join the team are as follows:
    You must be above 5k mmr
    You must be a fluent English speaker and able to play on US east (US west is for f.ags) servers
    You must be able to play at least TWO games a day between the times 3pm-330pm EST (weekend schedule is different, but it's a secret :3)
    If you are interested in one of the rolls needed please leave a massage on this thread with your steam id.

    Este tema ha sido editado

      > above 5k mmr

      > 4k team


        sign me up


          Can I join


            > above 5k mmr
            > 4k team

            SOLO MMR


              9ce b8 m8, i r8 9/8.


                5k NA = 1k EU so count me in!

                i follow Jesus.

                  5k NA dota? more like 1k lul

                  Goethe's Shadow

                    doge memes are the funniest memes out there 😂👌💯💯🔥




                        I'm in

                        artreezy's dad

                          ^ sry sir. You're only 3k and I only accept 6k players for this team

                          @Y- I'm only 1k because retards hold me back in solo but I'm just as good as rtz at playing core.


                            me too

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              I have 2k but play like 5k, can I join?

                              artreezy's dad

                                ^no I only accept 6k players.

                                Also if ur mmr isn't high ur not good.


                                  SOLO MMR

                                  U LITERALLY MADE MY DAY. GOD BLESS U

                                  Why0 (3!)

                                    A B S O L U T E
                                    C U C K
                                    dotabuff ppl are better then reddit ppl for recruiting
                                    i have no shame

                                    artreezy's dad

                                      ^ so do u wanna join my team??

                                      And on a serious note, how can you not have shame. Ur a 3k asking for a 4k team?????


                                        Looking for attractive female Dota players for my team
                                        The requirements to join the team are as follows:
                                        You must be a fluent English speaker
                                        Must be ages 18-25
                                        Asian and beautiful
                                        Must have long hair and big boobs
                                        Must be under 120lbs, no fatties allowed
                                        Must be an avid anime watcher
                                        Must have a HD webcam and is willing to appear naked
                                        Must refer to me with the suffixes of senpai or sensei
                                        Must be a virgin, no slμts please. If your hymen isn't intact, you're off the team
                                        Dota playing is optional
                                        Really, it's optional, you don't even need to have the game installed if you don't want to
                                        If you are interested please leave pictures of your breasts, face, and feet with a timestamp in this thread with your steam id and your top 3 anime