General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do I do if all the lanes that belong to my team except mine fails?

What do I do if all the lanes that belong to my team except mine fails? in General Discussion

    First pick in 2k rank, some invoker with 400 avg gpm. Okay fine, nothing new right? Our 2nd pick, a safelane drow. Well we just got started. I only play core role, so there's the offlane left. I picked my offlane natures prophet. 4th pick, a jungle lc. Last pick a nyx assasin. I shared an offlane with nyx and gave up and went to the secondary jungle(3 camps kind of area) tried my best to recover. Main problem was drow was feeding her head off, and invoker started getting solo picked off by sf multiple times. It really takes some effort to get to 2k in Sea. I have no idea how they made it to 2k. And it can't be a party cause I turned on strict solo mm. What would you do if you were me in that situation?

    How do I choose what heroes to pick? Im stuck and depressed in this stage 2 kanser. How do I make it to stage 3 cancer??


      you snowball your lane and force rotations towards your lane, once they get there you go jungle till the laning phase is over

      if they don't rotate take hte tower and keep killing the enemy.

      after that splitpush and rice as much as you can, don't engage in a single teamfight at all.

      and besides, you didn't win your lane

      jungle isn't a lane, you fed like the rest of your teammates

      Este comentario fue editado

        Tried split pushing, took 3 towers I think. And by the time I could push more the game was practically over. Cookie can you coach me?


          i added you from nox account, accept and i'll show you what i mean

          if anyone else wants to come they're free to join

          mr. rabbit

            cookie youre doing a broadcast right now correct? i want to get into it too but i cant seem to (because ur not in my friends list?)


            heres my main just in case


              can i join might learn something useful


                can i join too..


                  cuker stop beeing so kind with 2k's

                  jk no h8


                    i'll stream on twitch tomorrow then


                      Any way you are saving those streams cookie?


                        :thinking: I first pick AM :thinking: