General Discussion

General DiscussionTB nerf incoming

TB nerf incoming in General Discussion
Super Senko-san Time

    Damn, I wish I played him more

    зачем я начал поиск

      If VP wins, Ursa is doomed.


        more like magnus+DD rune nerf :)

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          There is NO way he deserves a nerf honestly. He already got butchered multiple times. Teams just can't pick a fucking Zeus or some shit to counter him. Or even LC.


            hero with 800 hp at 16 minutes really need nerf


              yea they are still not banning those heroes out though.


                ^ + infinte armor :)
                still i think he is balanced and in good spot , it is just OG vs VP he made a really good combo with magnus and was lucky with the DD runes


                  i'd rather if they buff his counters instead of nerfing him


                    oh please i don't really like a buffed zeus/tinker

                    Super Senko-san Time

                      It's because of a trend I saw in previous majors where heroes with high pick & win rates get nerfed the following patch. I really hope they don't though - I second what Mah Lemons said.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Arc needs a nerf, the hero is just stupidly easy.


                          ^ kys

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            Oh shit lool

                            Meeps, Visage, and Arc is all you need to spam, my dude.

                            Meepo needs a little tiny nerf himself. Retardedly easy. Even easier to play than Arc.


                              its easy to counter terrorblade's dragon lancer why all so noob? probably because its an idiot who is their againts at.