General Discussion

General Discussionpos 4 (high mmr supps are welcomed here)

pos 4 (high mmr supps are welcomed here) in General Discussion

    Is trying to get some mmr by playing some sneaky pos 4 shit (riki, treant, kunkka, tusk, bh etc.) worth it? I mean, it feels like I know what to do and if we got nice picks I usually manage to gimp at least 1 enemy lane and we win because of having a really good start. On the other hand, in some games like my last 3 ones, when cores pick shit or if they are way worse than enemy cores in terms of skill, it feels like I cant do anything. I can get this courier, this first blood but then everything fucks up with one fight where ur storm spirit loses all mana for 1 jump into enemy and then gets rekt by pudge.

    So is it real to go higher with that way of playing or learning and spamming pubstompers like TA/meepo/... is the only way?
    I know that support players from top tier teams are supporting in pubs occasionally but it's hard to find out whether they do it consistently or they pick cores in the majority or rankeds because u cant really climb with playing supps? (e.g., ppd, Cr1t etc.)

    зачем я начал поиск

      1. IMO, jacking off to pro players and trying to replicate it in pubs is inherently retarded. All that Miracle/Arteezy/Dendi/whoever circlejerk is almost always retarded and doesn't work.

      Instead, you should look up to pub abusers, they are the real guys to learn from, IMO.

      2. I almost never play supports, but from what I've seen in some of my friends, spamming broken shit is tbe way.

      Omniknight, Treant, Riki, I am pretty sure you could grind with those, purely on paper though.

      3. No, you don't need to pick pubstompers to grind MMR. Mid/carry is not the only way for sure, because I can't recall the last time I've played mid/carry, yet I could easily grind pts.

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      yung griphook

        Im not a high mmr and I didnr watch your games, but from what youre describing, its important to remember that sniping the crow and getting first blood arent enough to justify a pick. The tricky thing about those pos 4 roamers is staying relevant and impacting the game after the first 15-20 minutes.

        I think that it's important to recognize when you can and can't play aggressively, and find ways to help your team even when youre not killing their mid at lvl 2 or whatever.

        again, this is not to say that I know what I am talking about, or that I even do these things on a semi-consistent basis, but those are the problems i've run into when trying to play a pos 4 that makes its impact by messing up other lanes, for the same reason as you said. If your team isnt as skilled as the other team then it really doesnt matter anyway. That's why I try to have a clear idea of what I am going to do with the support I pick. I've tended to lean more towards fight oriented supports, and it's been working out more often then me trying to play a roaming kunkka or something.

        It takes a lot of game sense to play a roaming 4 correctly, and the margin for error is much bigger. This is why it works better for pro style players like you mentioned, but not neccesarily for pub players (check out monkey king's winrate in normal and high skill brackets compared to VHS bracket)

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          Depends. If you're a better core than support.
          Support is literally all about positioning, map awareness, and ward spots.

          I call missing for all lanes regardless of where I'm at or what point in the game.
          At game start I give a ward to mid and a ward to offlane if there is a particular tower I want to push I wait for enemy to show on map away from that spot then go sneak a ward there. ONLY if I know where they're at.
          Supports are usually squishy so I generally try to stay behind my carries.


            im playing 3k smurf and had 5 0 ranked scors sith silencer roamer
            every game at 20 i have 40 int
            sncer make people rage i made enemie troll have 240 mana or cm 250
            i think u should try silncer


              MO, jacking off to pro players and trying to replicate it in pubs is inherently retarded

              ignore this


                @Achmed Jr How do you roam with silencer ???


         300 mmr gained in 9 days spamming 4 position in the 4k bracket


                    I just wanted to give 4 position a try on this account because I am tired of this patch and I don't want to play ranked on my main because it's boring. So I played a lot of games with riki and bara, and some with treant and bh. You can do it, especially at low mmr because people tilt easily, and a 4 position can win pretty much all 3 lanes with the right rotations. I don't play Monkey king because I hate the hero and I have very bad fps, but u can use him as well


                      3k mmr asks for high mmr players to do strats that he have seen on competitive scene?


                      Story Time

                        ^Bratan: nice stats on this account


                          just go jungle with lc, you have a higher chance to win by doing that