General Discussion

General DiscussionSUPPORT ROLE

SUPPORT ROLE in General Discussion
< Never Fear >

    hey guys . im not miracle XD thats why im asking for some tips from pro player . can you guys share some tips on how to be a good support role and what to do to make sure our xpm not left far behind from our carry . ty so much for the sharing :) btw sorry for my bad english XD

    doc joferlyn simp

      miracel no need tips :-)

      mr. rabbit

        depends largely on what kind of support role ur doing

        if ur a really active roamer like riki sb bh your main goal is to make ur team top networth; it doesnt matter how u achieve this, as long as you do it. u can win them lanes, or stack and ward key spots that saves them from ganks, etc

        to not lag behind xp the simple answer is do pulls and get bounty

        a more complex answer is u just gotta maximize what u do with ur time. dont be that support player who just stands in lane doing nothing besides sapping xp and pushing the lane (that is not supporting AT ALL). u have to constantly think whats the purpose behind everything u do. the first 10 mins are really crucial so if u spend say, 5 seconds doing absolutely nothing then ur a failure

        pretty sure a blue star will explain this better tho xd


          Leech exp from pos 1. Lol.


            move with purpose

            < Never Fear >

              @pyontan . thanks bro :) ill try to do and apply it in my support game

              Story Time

                and then u will see that if u win first 10 minutes, your team can still throw, because why not :D prepare for disappointments

                < Never Fear >

                  @story time . lol xD i understood hows our feeling as a support


                    1. Don't die.
                    2. Recognise the weak lanes/heroes and gank them.
                    3. Learn how to deward economically. Not buying a sentry and 2 obs at game start then spam buying 4 obs and 4 sents at 10 minutes because your team is feeding and complaining about trash support who has arcane boots but has 0 effectiveness will not be enough to reverse the damage done. Remember, an obs placed is a sentry saved. When you have vision and can keep track of the enemy supports, you can tell where they would most likely ward, especially if you're attentive enough to watch their inventory.
                    4. Stick close to a core if there is an invis enemy: Riki/Bounty Hunter/Treant etc. That dust you bought will do nothing if that enemy has even one small item over you. Your low armour will most likely cause your death and that 90 gold on the dust charge is wasted.
                    5. Learn where, when and how many spells to use to farm the jungle or creep waves when you're not fighting. There are a tremendous amount of resources on the map and pro teams are capable of distributing it all at a constant rate.
                    6. Itemization: I would recommend buying force staff/euls scepter/glimmer cape on almost any support in almost any game. Going straight blink after boots and farming 20 minutes for aghs is going to lose you the game.
                    7. Midas: If there are atleast 2 midases on your team, dont buy it. However if you have another support with you and either he is the ward bitch or you both decide to share those costs, midas is viable. Please, just don't afk jungle for a midas into aghs if you're a solo treant support and think your new ability will save you from buying wards because supposedly that's the only thing that hero does. Please, for fuck's sake, don't do that.

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Be a cuckold ward slave, play only solo support.

                      Buy all wards, cour and everything, be a literal slave and die for your teammates, have 1k net worth at minute 25, be 0-10 at least.

                      Some easy ward slave gameplay tips.


                        Follow your hard carry around when they are at a point where they clear camps/waves super fast... Claim your are keeping them safe... Leech exp


                          1. pull whenever the creepwave is next to his tower so he gets 3pple waved and loses all of his regen
                          2. don't forget to take the lasthits you need for boots
                          3. afk and leech exp
                          4. scream at your carry for dying under tower vs dual offlane when you do said step 1
                          5. go ''gank mid'', but what you're really doing is stealing more exp/gold
                          6. make sure after a successful exp leeching that the enemy offlaner has AT LEAST 2 more levels than your carry then leave the lane
                          7. gg report noob carry went midas 10 minutes
                          8. go afk and wait next match
                          9. ???
                          10. repeat


                            cookie(riki) said u should do opposite

                            Este comentario fue editado
                            yung griphook

                              heHe XD