General Discussion

General Discussionsometimes i wonder , am i really climbed to 4k

sometimes i wonder , am i really climbed to 4k in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    idk man , i know i am whining but hell

    i thought i can get the hel out from stereotypes pub memes if i climbed

    but i just still get these pub memes stereotypes like :

    Lifestealer jungle (yea u farmed , u can deal damage , btw who can set up kills for you? oh yea, none )

    LC jungle (which kinda not as worst as Lifestealer , because LC can still set up ganks )

    Sniper : PT > Shadowblades (classic pub meme stereotypes)

    PA : naked brown boots > BF (more classic pub meme stereotypes)

    Very questionables junglers (Ex: fucking necrophos)

    Someone pick safelane hero and try to farm at offlane
    the best : pudge mid

    Can someone tell me which mmr u can get out from these pub memes stereotypes? thx

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      It never stop


        trench never ends


          meanwhile in my games i beg snipers to get shadowblade so that they stop dying from being out if position nonstop

          start at 1 k mmr, git gud (less bad in my case) on smurf, play again on 1k, play whatever you want and win, only play memes yourself.

          (unless its arc warden then you loose anyway)

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            The trench ends at 4.6k average games, trust me, I have multiple accounts 3k-6k, this being my main, but the trench does stop around there. I mean you will get the occasional retards and account buyers ever so often. Account buyers can linger around low 4k games for a long time because they will get carried by their teams in 4 v 5 scenarios. However I have never seen account buyers linger in high 4k and low 5k games because they start dropping and losing games very very fast. Basically awful players can get to 4k just based on the volume of games they play and having a microphone and being positive (like SirActionSlacks). However they will not get to high 4k low 5k without properly playing the game. Nobody in a 4.9k average game does retarded ass builds that ruin games. Here is one of my other accounts

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            Giff me Wingman

              even 7k games can get awful


                I've mastered the art of jungle I never been at fault when I pick jungle hero

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  Just afk farmed the other day as necrophos, 20-24 min. radiance still possible in jungle without stacking. Though we lost and my team wasn't so happy.

                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                    the stereotype is created by the way pro plays. if they use cm as carry, pub will use it as carry, if they use weaver as supp, they will do the same.