General Discussion

General Discussionspectre best armor item

spectre best armor item in General Discussion

    so considering spectre has a rly low armor gain (but it is really effective coz she buys heart), what should you do to remedy that?
    is butterfly really the item to go? even when enemy is already looking at mkbs due to your radi?

    or is blademail, ac, shivas, whatever, better?

    +5armor talent at level 10?

    Fox McCloud

      - She doesn't always buy heart.

      - Take the 5 armor talent if you need to.

      - Blademail helps you wreck your natural right-clicker counters.

      - (unpopular opinion) getting Vanguard and more than 1 level of dispersion early on makes you indestructible against physical heavy lineups, and allows you to kill ancient stacks.


        i buy late blademail every time coz i usually find myself with 4k hp and 7 armor

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          i didnt realise spectre has low armour. she feels so tanky to me already. what's happening in ur games to make u feel she needs mroe armour? lul


            you could always get skadi


              idk watching pa daggercrit me for 1000 actual hp (which to be fair is just 1/4 of my actual hp) made me concerned about the fact that desolator can pretty much reduce my armor to 0

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                Butterfly or blade mail seem to be the only choices that make sense. If you had a diffusal and needed it for the slow, shivas might be a good late game replacement, especially since it gives a decent amount of intel as well if you go spectral dagger cooldown reduction. Still doesn't sound that good to me. Maybe you can ask your offlaner to build an AC for you, that might be best.

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                  i think ring of aquila will be a really value early game pickup into a blademail


                    skadi, blademail or butterfly


                      Dispersion is actually doing a very good job in absorbing some damage and you could go with stats build especially agility since 7 points of agility is = to 1 armor.


                        yeah probably just get skadi + butterfly if u really need to tank up against PA. i lost to a pa manfight as spectre and i was kinda mind blown


                          It's because desolate ignores evasion, combined with dispersion and radi miss chance you can often manfight PA.


                            ^ but i couldnt manfight the pa. thats why i was mind blown. i thought spec > pa


                              I think PA and Spectre are two closely matched late game carries.
                              Yes, Spectre can buy MKB, but PA can buy Abyssal, MKB and Satanic as well.
                              I don't remember but quite some time back (pre 7.00) I saw a late game Miracle PA fighting the enemy Spectre 1v1 and winning more times than losing.

                              Edit: Found it

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                                it's just because pa with a couple of crits still beats pretty much any carry and spectre doesn't really burst her down so she has a chance to get some lucky crits.


                                  get assault cuirass. done

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Spec starts with 3.2 armor which isn't awful, but her agility gain is low for an agility hero. She'd be op if it was higher though cus of her illusions. It's about the same base armor as void and jug, less than PA, a ton more than slark. Her agility gain is just low.

                                    But dispersion, armor doesn't help dispersion cus it kicks in before any dmg reduction, which is also why block helps it so much. If you take 200 damage dispersion rank 4 knocks off 44 and then you take 156, if it's melee a vanguard block will reduce that to 86. If it was other way around, block would reduce to 130, then dispersion to 101. So you get a lot of extra value out of block with dispersion.

                                    Begin agility and having dispersion hp and agility are also a lot more effective than armor items. 22% dispersion adds 28% ehp, agility gets you armor and dmg and is really valuable on your illusions. Blademail is an ok item but I wouldn't be getting it for the armor but to counter right click with the active. Other armor items are pretty bad, AC is not good on spec, shivas and mek obviously terrible.

                                    Just get manta, skadi/heart usual items and don't worry about the actual value of spectre's armor so much. Get a vanguard if you need it.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      "it's just because pa with a couple of crits still beats pretty much any carry and spectre doesn't really burst her down so she has a chance to get some lucky crits."

                                      PA is better late than people give her credit for cus she is squishy once you counter dodge. But she's very mobile and does a lot of dmg. With abyssal she can lock down and 1v1 most carries. Issue is really when you have counter initiation for her and then blow her up like with a magnus rp, or a backliner like sniper with mkb who shreds her and she can't run at with that range.


                                        i dont think that spectre with manta and bm can actually lose a 1v1 though. maybe if the enemy has bkb she can.


                                          Manta, skadi, butterfly is good. But no need to worry, spec has a good natural damage reduction


                                            she has passive that makes her invinsible.


                                              diox has a passive that makes him retarded

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Spectre doesn't need blade mail to 1v1 with manta, the desolate dmg just annhilates people 1v1 with manta. Those illusions hit so hard. Nothing more satisfying that haunting onto a wk solo with manta + diffusal.

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                                                  Or just get HoT and not pick manfight brainlessly


                                                    yo isnt all her items gonna give her a lota armor?

                                                    drum stats, manta stats, butter, eye, diff. these 5 items give her around 100 agil so the armor just get built up.
                                                    early drum into manta would do, or if u r behind drum blademail


                                                      I'm curious at the point for blademail? as Dispersion works as reflected damage when attacked you'll want to reflect damage, while blademail does add to reflecting damage it dissuades people from attacking you while its up the same goes for blademail on Bristleback. Thus increasing Spectre EHP through the suggested items above, Skadi, Butterfly, HoT, Abyssal Blade, Radiance etc. Is a better option IMO.

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                                                        bearcat0611 aren't you suppose to be banned yet with the rest of your group.


                                                          Blademail is something you get when you're really behind and needs some sort of tool to exploit their sloppiness when they're ahead or you're against an AoE shitfest like gyro/tinker/kotl


                                                            ^That seem like a valid reason, however I'm still unconvinced with purchasing blademail. I would still prefer Drums or Vanguard (Upgrade later to Abyssal) You can also purchase a BKB increasing your overall survivability and damage.

                                                            Side Note: What are people thoughts on Echo Saber on Spectre? I haven't personally tried it, but seems like viable option.

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                                                            Erase Humanity

                                                              Against Magic/pure heavy lineups consider heart and skadi. Against physical heavy lineups consider agility/evasion items. Agility heroes usually should avoid AC, but it is good for buffing your team and debuffing enemy and it synergises well with illusion heroes, since illusions gain attack speed. And it's usually better to consider vanguard/solar crest over blademail.


                                                                oh yeah solar crest is a thing

                                                                didnt think about that

                                                                but nvm it is shit, bm gives you 22 damage and 10 int on top of the armor, so it is better than solar

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                                                                Last Hit

                                                                  I dont like getting blademail on spectre... His hp is not high enough to tank the damage.

                                                                  Rushing radiance is preferable imo. 17% blind is pretty good if you combine with 22% dispersion. If you need more, you can go with butterfly. Vanguard to abbysal blade is pretty good for some situations, but i prefer tarasque really, or vlad if no one has it on my team.


                                                                    i get bm almost every game, but i get it after the Radiance+HoT (manta) when you have 4k hp and <20 armor

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      It's so you can live longer and burn people more with radiance. Just like on bristle so you can run at them and not worry about facing and spam quills. I don't particularly like blade mail on spectre though.


                                                                        After doing some stat comparison in Demo Mode I suppose it is best to go for Butterfly+Abyssal after Manta+Radi+HoT.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          No diffusal?

                                                                          If you're going to get abyssal why not vanguard first?

                                                                          Idk I'm not a big fan of radiance early in any build. A vanguard + diffusal spec does a ton of work in team fights, arguably as much as a radiance spec and lasts a lot longer. Then manta, radiance, heart.


                                                                            idk i just copied Matumbaman Spectre which is built like Phase - Urn - Radi - Heart most of the time.

                                                                            And i can see why, Pms - Phase - Urn (something that all spectre players ive spectated build) already givs you fighting presence and decent sustain - urn heals keep you afloat when you farm or can be used to finish off kills during haunt, cancel daggers, and phase boots lets you escape/chase easily with your max spectral dagger.

                                                                            And if all goes well you can even finish your radi by 15 mins to really kickstart your farm.

                                                                            when you have Radi and Heart you basically cant die and farm super fast, so the game is basically secured from that point onwards unless you dont have a building-hitter in your team.

                                                                            If i must carry my team through the early-mid game and cant afford to immediately farm my radiance i would just buy a Yasha idk.

                                                                            i feel like buying vanguard actually hurts your damage and farm speed, and you can sustain the hp using urn, as well as pms phase being almost essential in the laning stage.

                                                                            however if you have total free farm i suppose buying vg as your 1st item isnt gamelosing at all.

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                                                                              @Dire Wolf I believe there are other items that can serve that purpose both on Spectre and Bristleback, Bristle doesn't need blademail to run at people you can do that without it, turn your back when being focus etc. unlike Axe that forces you to attack him.

                                                                              @END That is the standard build however I would suggest to delay your HoT after Manta and Diffusal. If you have a free farm your better off building Phase > Urn > Radiance, otherwise adjust accordingly to the game, if you are heavily contested in lane building a vanguard or just buying a Ring of Health for sustainability.


                                                                                armor item

                                                                                oh the shop infos

                                                                                HoT, Butterfly, Abyssal Blade, Manta Style, Radience and Boots of travel (major tank, escape, damage)

                                                                                Butterfly, Manta Style, Radience, Diffusal Blade, Abyssal Blade and Boots of travel (disable,minor tank,damage,escape)

                                                                                best build for spectre.

                                                                                Last Hit

                                                                                  Oh one thing though... Depending on your mmr, sometimes you need to back people up in early games, or you have to be able to defend for yourself. So instead of rushing vang or radiance, sometimes if i just know i wont get the farm on the lane, i would just buy ring of aquila and poorman shield. Why? I feel with the combination of those 2, i can jungle faster and can still be a threat in early games. Otherwise people will just gank your team or try to kill you if your going for radiance too quickly.
                                                                                  Pub games arent as forgiving as pro games.


                                                                                    Echo sabre is bad
                                                                                    Illusions dont benefit much from echo
                                                                                    People will find out you hero much easier (well reality sound is quite obvious, its a minor setback but its something)
                                                                                    Magic stick/urn/raindrop
                                                                                    Bring in one or two and you'd have enough mana regen AND sustain


                                                                                      Vanguard is expensive as fuck imo and people can just walk away from the tanky ghost


                                                                                        Like I said I haven't tried it myself, my train of thought would be the extra HP and Mana Regen, while Illusions don't benefit from it, haunting in and get a 2 hit desolate + slow does sound appealing but I guess you are better off using that gold into buying a diffusal blade.
                                                                                        Urn would be a standard item on Spectre, while stick and raindrop would be more situational.

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                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            I almost bought ac on spectre last night. Was vs a ta and dazzle and they just melted me. In the end though I got abyssal and made sure to haunt onto dazzle and kill him before he could ult us.