General Discussion

General Discussionhow good is lina, actually?

how good is lina, actually? in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    i've been winning with her but i just realized what a great, not to say amazing mid she actually is
    the hero forces bkbs, has a sweet flashfarming, insane burst with ultra low cooldown, decent survivability with just one armor item
    why isnt lina the number one contested mid hero in kiev?


      Cuz she is an ultra glass cannon
      She mainly relies on kiting with huge fiery soul movespeed and range to stay alive, but thats not always reliable.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        paper hero

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        i follow Jesus.

          yea now that i think about it she has no way to dodge blademails so spectre and medusa kinda hard counter her
          still shes a more reliable mid than ta and more effective as well


            ... Medusa Blademail?

            i follow Jesus.

              yea blademail actually goes before shield so it kinda works super well
              i've seen ccnc doing it too its legit Kappa


                EE plays dusa blademail
                also ta can always secure farm, and is definetley as good as lina.
                she has greater snowball potential imo.

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Lina's still viable, but mid getting Bloostone is standard now I don't even understand why. They used to build Euls, Aether and Aghs even if they're mid. Maybe they making her a full time right clicker now

                  i follow Jesus.

                    you need that OSfrog mana regen to maintain the fiery soul stacks
                    its just a really good item, lina needs mana and hp and bloodstone fits it perfectly, she can get charges without problem

                    unrelated, i maintained the same firey soul stack for around 23 minutes thanks icefraud

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                        Good. But mostly situational.


                          Lina support > lina carry


                            lol lina mid > lina support haHAa

                            Dire Wolf

                              I don't like her that much really. Seems to get 2 shorted late but other carries and doesn't do great tower damage. I mean it's pretty good if she goes a dmg item like daedulus. Idk just seems to need snowball badly.

                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                Lina is one of those midlaner heroes who can melt tower very fast. Depend on your picking, Lina is a good team fight oriented hero. Otherwise, if we are just talking about who is the best midlaner, she is not.


                                  pretty good w/ -35 respawn & blood stone ,travels octarine . poof you can late game


                                    Lina is good imo she can lane almost against any mid hero


                                      80% of the time lina would die to any jump initiation so pros dislike her