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General DiscussionA 4k scrublord asks for offlane advice

A 4k scrublord asks for offlane advice in General Discussion
Илија Маскович

    So recently I got matched as a solo offlaner vs a trilane. A trilane in which every hero had a stun or a slow. Tried backing up in the jungle, but the supports did their job good and zoned me out of the lane and the jungle. made my life living hell, and so I fed... Anyways what are you thoughts on dealing with a trilane with stuns/slows as a solo offlaner?

    git gud


      Leave lane i guess. Or ask for help


        Feed less and think about how much space you made for your carry XD


          Waiting for Renshin to answer


            go to your offlnae jungle or if u have like enigma or deny skill shit . always deny range creeps

            ILC - Lethal Ninja

              that's why Riki as offlane carry is the perfect fit. as he can stay invi in the jungle and sap experience.


                ^TRUESIGHT? :thinking:

                also just abandon lane, jungle, and if they follow u into the jungle, then go to the jungle on the other side of the map, and if they still follow u then u just made enough space for the rest of ur team to win the game.


                  Pick abaddon and purge slows with your shield. Trade with supports until you're out of health and mana, then shrine and do it again. If they have enough regen to out trade you with all of that somehow then you buy talon and jungle.


                    Here is what i know
                    Its ok if you didnt get any farm just leech xp because 2enemy support will stay in the safelane wo having any impact in other lane. The support will also take the carry exp away. So its really like you are keeping 2 support at the bay


                      If the safelane doesn't have stuns, make risky plays and tp away when ever they go for you.

                      One way to take over the lane is as @QB said, make the supports use everything and use shrine advantage. Abaddon is a classic example of this.

                      Sometimes the lane is just too strong to do much about. Iron Talon is your friend. Also ask your support to ward the jungle entrance so you know when they come for you.


                        if there's a 3lane can't kill you instantly(stunlocking you something like lion/cm/slark), steal the creepwave at 0:17 and bring it to yur next creepwave behind your tower(not inside your tower)

                        then the lane will guaranteed push towards you and you get 3-4 creepwaves of free lasthits under your tower

                        meaning you automatically win that lane.


                          maybe pick independent offlaners such as tide,abba,omni,dseer. if you know nothing would happen and they rotate on your offlane jungle, go to ur own safelane jungle and ask supports to stack for you ( IRON TALON IS UR FRIEND). hope for the best.
                          but if yer picking like a slardar offlane u will really need a support to pull that shit off dude especially the first 3-4 levels or else rotate to otherlanes with your supports that'll