General Discussion

General DiscussionCookies Doesn't belive me

Cookies Doesn't belive me in General Discussion

    Cookies thinks it was bullshit when I said on useast server enemy team is all peruvian 90% of games, so here is the proof

    Last ranked game:

    Checked profiles of all 5 enemy team members, 3 listed said lima peru, the other 2 had all spanish names in the friends list,

    Ranked game 2 games ago, : you can use the match id to see the match and check the steam profiles : 4 spanish teams in the name, 3 listed peru as country

    Ranked game 3 games ago 4 peruvians 1 us

    Ranked game 4 games ago 5 peruvians

    Ranked game 5 games ago 2 peruvians 3 usa
    Ranked game 6 games ago 5 peruvians

    26/30 enemies are peruvian.

    When they seperated the matchmaking by geographic location, every game on useast is now 5 player from north east vs 5 players from south america, atleast 90% of matches are now that way.

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      But does it matter? 🤔


        veeva peru veeva peru oi oi oi


          Yes considering 30% of my matches this month were against a peruvian pudge player, and every peruvian pudge play camps mid. Peruvians are all shit at farming, they just gank. Probably 50% of my matches feature 3 man ganks mid from peruvian enemies.

          He said 2ks dont tp to stop tower dive, maybe 1 in 30 of his games. I tried to make a point that peruvians tp to defend tower dive in like 30% of my matches, that or pudge is already there hiding in trees. That happens in like 3/10 of my attempted tower dives. Pudge is already there. Cookies was saying when zues is out of position to dive him. But 30% of the time peruvians are already waiting to gank since they all pick gankers.

          I did dive zeus and the peruvian mk was already camping mid waiting gank me.

          But yes I can improve to get more kills.


            yes, 30% of all my matches this month have pudge, who camps mid every game like every peruvian pudge does, they
            tend gank and camp mid 10x more than usa players,

            in probably 1 in every 5 matches my teammates gank mid, in pretty much 50% of my matches peruvians are ganking mid in groups of 2 or 3, sometimes full 5 man mid at 8 minutes. Peruvians also, tp to defend tower dives 3x as much.

            Este comentario fue editado

              if you cant kill a 2k dogshit when you have the advantage

              some 5-7k who knows when they have advantage over you will destroy you for that mistake


                yeah when i 1v1ed 5k's they were pretty much 2x time better at killing in 1v1 mid, but thats not something I magically can just pop out my ass, they learned it by playing thousands of matches, I've only played like 1300, so I have to learn more to get more kills safely.


                  Just calculate their potential dps compared to yours

                  Dead Game, Don't Care

                    Sem, what's your MMR now? I bet it is higher than what is shown on your db.


                      Peruvians are the most toxic and annoying creatures on the world, imagine them in US server peruvians+ ping