General Discussion

General Discussionmy experience at the PMA™ method

my experience at the PMA™ method in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    so i was stuck at 3.5k and i began tilting HARD. like fucking envy. i never actually had the guts to walk down mid but every single time any shit happened i'd just look at the bleach and ask myself if i was REALLY done. then i decided to give it a break, since i was just having a 50% winrate everyday, which was pretty good, i got to play guitar hero and i'm really good with the drums, and i began to catch my breath as a gamer again. and also, i think this is the most relevant part of the thread.

    when i came back, i sat at the screen, clicked on the find match and prepared to rage again. found match, this guy has 430 average gpm yet he wants core desperately. i sit back at my 640 average gpm and use the :thinking: meme: should i let him carry me? and after all these years of playing core, i had for the first time in my life, PROPER SUPPORTING. i first picked crystal maiden and carried my team in my sweaty back. i did what no man ever did at my bracket, and i had success with it.

    the trick was indeed to mute every single person that says ANYTHING. he said "why did you ward here? why did you steal my kill? i wanted to farm this camp man!" BAM, instant mute. stack pulls until minute 10, rush that midas and buy your shit. it doesnt matter if your carry is the worst player in the world (actually it does matter but hes an exception he probably bought his account i've never seen someone playing so bad, ).

    also not making a fuss out of every mistake your team makes, and i cant even describe how important it is. the key not to tilt is to not make your team tilt. it doesnt matter if OD missed his ult as long as you killed who you wanted. DO NOT whine. if someone whines. use the BAM method. 5th player picked jungle? its fine, mute him an you will not only not hear a word he says but also you will never EVER play a game with him again. thank you gabeN, from the bottom of my heart. you fixed matchmaking after all those years.

    i hope this can enlight some of my fellow 3k's and also say a warning to miracle, cause im coming for his booty with this method Kappa


      Dafuq is wrong if a guy has 430 GPM and wants to play core. How if he played mostly support in his last 20 games, but he can play carry? This is stupid imo. I can average 700GPM in 20 games if I play carry. I had a teammate back then who questioned my ability to play mid because of my 400+ GPM, while I played supports in my recent games. He stopped talking when he realized I was carrying his dumbfuck ass.


        Pretty sure I stopped getting triggered by 2k games by laughing at people's mistakes instead of making a fuss bout it

        i follow Jesus.

          @yukiko turns out he didnt play support. hes just bad. i played support and i'm still at 570.
          gpm doenst really matters but i jerk off to it