General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help understanding mmr calibration.

Need help understanding mmr calibration. in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    I started playing Dota in 2013 and I wasn't a serious player back then.. When I started ranked I calibrated very low mmr (700).I stopped playing after that as I lost interest..

    I have started playing Dota again last year and now I'm stuck with that mmr.. I'm playing pretty good these days.. And also now we get a chance to recalibrate during ti7 international ranked matches..

    The issue is I'm always falling in 700 mmr bracket during my calibration matches (I mean when my mmr is TBD)..

    Please help me knowing how to enter higher brackets.. Some friends of mine told me to matchmake with few 4-5 k player in party so that you fall in high average mmr bracket.. Would that help..

    Please anyone who is willing to help answer.. No trolls please..


      you need to get better

      if you get better you will easily win the 700 mmr matches and your mmr will increase.


        As said, just keep playing and winning games. People are only in low mmr brackets because the deserve to be. Those that complain about their team mates being bad & losing them games don't impact the game enough to change the outcome.

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          If you fail in 700 avg games you deserve to be there
          Work your ass up, play with your brain, do replay analysis, practice, be open minded, etc


            You definitely lack in skill and item build
            Just check the guides on hero page in dotabuff and find the reasoning behind every item pickup


              Hi Guys,

              thanks for the reply. I understand what you are trying to say here. But I am not complaining about my team mates with whom i match make. Yesterday for instance I got pretty good support players and we won a very difficult match. They helped me carry the match. Also, In mostly all the matches I am getting ~600 GPM and > 700 XPM. Maybe I deserve to fall in this bracket. Anyways thanks for the suggestions, I will keep it in mind when I am playing.

              Also, as i had mentioned earlier, if i party with one 4-5k mmr player will it land me in good avg mmr bracket?



                Hi Seatard.bws thanks for the reply. I try different build each game. I mostly stick to the basic diffusal, manta, butterfly build, but in this game I realised that there are pretty tanky players and also pa's dagger didnt let me farm early game, and jungling was also tough with low HP pool. so i decided to go for a helm and a battle fury for fast jungling. which actually helped me farm fast mid game, and you can see my net worth also was pretty high by the end of match, I owned late game and I had enough money to buy a manta but i didnt coz our last push ended up in victory.

                Still I take your advise positively and I will try to understand more about builds if it will help me improve my skill..


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