General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to get Blink on Juggernaut?

When to get Blink on Juggernaut? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    More often than not, the item is definitely excellent on the hero - it's just that I have no theory or clue behind WHEN the item should be bought.

    For simplicity's sake, let's use the standard Manta - Diffusal - Blink - (Tier 4 item) build for example. Blink is usually bought after Diffusal, but I've seen people skip the item completely. When should you do this?

    Would like some explanations on possible game-state reasons, maybe Winning vs Losing, against squishy targets with no escape, Mid Jugg vs Safelane Jugg, etc.


      u buy blink I guess when u need to go for pickoffs, or need initiation, for example, the blink manta diffusal, or blink abyssal


        u buy blink when u have damage already


          Buy it against range heroes you need to close the gap against such as sniper, drow, sf. Else if you need an initiation item silver edge is better.

          Este comentario fue editado
          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Phase Boots
            Aquila (or stick if they have skill spammer)
            Yasha > Manta
            Diffusal or Maelstrom (soon to be diffuse lvl2 or mjolnir)
            Situational: sell aquila for
            -Butterfly. For right click enemy
            -MKB. For those who have evasion
            -BKB. For nuker
            -Abbysal. For BKB carry


              why tf wud u buy blink dagger after yasha?
              that just gimps ur dmg early game and u don't have much use of blinking in on someone without abyssal or diffusal.

              Livin' Real Good

                Just go Aquila, Phase, Quelling blade, Poor Man Shield, Magic Wand, Manta style, Blink. (Wand isn't needed, but I like the +4 stats early game, and replenish effect)

                If you're gonna get it, just finish Manta first, could be wrong tho. (4.8K shitter)

                Este comentario fue editado

                  If you get wand I think skipping quelling is the way to go


                    Always buy wand, my inventory earlygame is usually phase+aquila+wand+pms+qb+tp, once yasha comes it replaces qb. In midlane I usually go for a bottle over the aquila and if I have a cm I skip the aquila entirely.


                      blink is for nasty backlines who rekt ur ass
                      or, if your team needs that enigma kill to win the game (tldr kill one 1st 2 win situation)
                      maybe if you are playing a gimicky shit and improvising infest bombs with jugg lul depends


                        Everytime after ur manta