General Discussion

General Discussionscreen freezes

screen freezes in General Discussion
Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

    Since yesterday (release of 7.06) while playing Dota my game randomly freezes for a second and then goes back to normal. It happens quite frequently and it is literally unplayable.
    The game runs constantly at ~120 FPS and ~20 MS Ping. When the game/screen freezes the frame counter stays at ~120.

    Does someone know how to solve this and can help me ? Please

    -Windows Defender is deactivated.
    -XBOX DVR isn't enabled.

    My specs are:
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
    Intel Core i7-4790 3.60GHz
    and 16GB Ram

    So i don't really think that my Computer is the problem.

    mentally handicapped

      git gud

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        another dunning-kruger kid complaining
        when will u shits stop blaming ur losses on teammates or "circumstances" and just accept ure bad?
        heh, your COMPUTER is the problem, yea right

        here's a perfect solution for you:

        Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

          Are you retarted?
          At wich point did I say that I lose because of my teammates or any other "circumstances" ?
          and also I never said that my computer is the problem.

          Instead of you I am trying to improve because I know that i am not the best player by any means.
          Telling others to get good because you are the best ? "Dunning-kruger" maybe ?

          And getting good doesn't solve my screen freezes at all.

          Este comentario fue editado
          one syllable anglo-saxon

            yeah yeah just another list of excuses for being bad, as always

            dunning-kruger kids never change


              I thought its just me. happens to me too, not sure why though the ping and fps show the same numbers.


                it doesnt happens to me tho