General Discussion

General Discussionincreaing mmr with support?

increaing mmr with support? in General Discussion

    so im mostly carry player,but im 2k and i have sup every 3-4 game and if i have sup he buys 2 ward in 10 min, so if i become support and i buy all the wards will it change something? because whenever i carry i mostly best in team

    wake up :)

      Zoo wee mama


        Support = ward bitch ?


          you really don't need wards if you have extreme map awareness so play the game no wards improves map awareness


            The purpose of supporting is not just about buying wards, it's applying pressure on your enemies and giving your teammates good farm. Also:

            FREE PALESTINE

              Besides what the hell is the use of wards if you place them badly and they instantly get dewarded/you don't see shit


                well i know how to support but i havent done it for like half of year? i jsut ask if i become good support because i obivously know how to support will i get more mmr


                  put the cry in crystal maiden

                  thats pretty good

                  FREE PALESTINE

                    In 2k the amount of wards you buy doesn't win games tbh, it's whether or not you win lanes

                    Story Time

                      yes, and in 4k, tilting the enemy is the key to success :) not even the lanes

                      FREE PALESTINE

                        Btw how do you calm a tilted 4k teammate(s) down, sing All Star?

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          The only way to climb as support is picking overpowered(broken) supports of the current patch which are mainly position 4 (roamers), not pos 5 ward bitches.
                          Examples of those heroes:

                          1) crystal maiden
                          2) treant protector
                          4) night stalker
                          5) riki
                          6) bounty hunter
                          7) tusk
                          8) undying
                          9) phoenix

                          All are roaming maybe except cm and phoenix in some cases

                          These heroes allow you to have really BIG impact on the game and tilt enemies with your annoying early ganks

                          Picking other supports meant that u get off the responsibility from yourself and the victory will mainly rely on whose cores are less retarded: yours or enemy's

                          To understand what do you have to do as those heroes - go for some 6-7k players' replays.

                          But I have to warn you: playing those heroes may get you a lot of mmr and maybe macro understanding of the game, but your mechanical skill will most likely stay lame

                          So instead I'd rather recommend you to try to get mid/carry in the most of the games and play heroes listed above ONLY when u cant' get mid/carry


                            Flip of the coin when you play sup in low mmr.
                            If your carry has a brain and you know how to sup them you won the game.
                            If your carry is an idiot and doesn't work with what he has you lose.

                            FREE PALESTINE

                              You can also play pos 4 abaddon, ogre or spiritbreaker and just auto win games lul


                                ^ Ye, I forgot them. Offlane support abaddon and roaming spirit breaker are also free win.
                                But all this stuff is gay and causes brain fatigue tbh
                                If u only need to see a big number near your nickname - go for that
                                If u want to really get better at the game - practice high skillcap heroes: invoker, meepo, tinker etc.

                                FREE PALESTINE

                                  ^ hey I'd rather improve my decision making and macro instead of mechanical skill xd


                                    The thing is when u play this stuff u only get macro and d.m. but when u play 'normal' heroes, u get everything: macro, d.m. and mechanical skill