General Discussion

General DiscussionHow on earth do you lane against sniper mid?

How on earth do you lane against sniper mid? in General Discussion
sumail fan

    As invoker and sf?


      push lane and farm jungle
      and ask for support rotations to gank that fuker


        don't go like retard for lvl 1-2 kill/trade , you will ONLY feed him or at best you will both die , just play kinda passively and you will eventually win when you reach a point when he cant out damage/last hit/deny you and kill him


          Sniper is squishy af, get ur lvl and gank him when u got 6


            if u have good souls or you have harassed him or he has used his shrapnel you can kill him at 3 as sf.


              With skill


                WR is a bit shit mid currently but I like her vs sniper for the evasion. Kill potential too.


                  As sf u just need to get some souls early then shove the lane hard at sniper and go stack, just come back into lane to shove it into snipers face, and get some denies if u can, snipers dmg is too low to reliably deny u when u have some damage. Then just outfarm him and get fat enough to walk up to hg and not give af.


                    cry but only a little

                    sumail fan

                      @roadtoCD - i think that makes sense. Not stay in lane at all i guess, and double wave him all the time? but what do i do in the off time when the wave's pushed towards him and i cant very well tank the stack damage?


                        Sharpnel fucks up both invo and sf.

                        You'll just have to play passively and avoid sharpnel showers, as SF go and stack neutrals after nuking the mid lane creeps.

                        Sniper is an annoying mid, I think his best counter mid is a viper with neurotoxin and corrosive skin

                        EDIT: nethertoxin, not neuro, lol

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          u don't tank the stacks as sf, u triple raze from a distance, ur ranged so just kite the creeps.


                            U easily get more rightclick than them pretty early so pretty much cs and deny everything

                            sumail fan

                              and then @RtCD, when i run out of mana? bottle crow? Makes sense. Thanks you guys.


                                Phase boot qqq+eew if ur eee sucks


                                  There's thousands of runes out there and you still goes bottle crow ?


                                    just cold snap ss him ez i always win vs him as voker plus u get roamer and hes out


                                      Aquila + raindrop and u have infinite mana
                                      Maybe 50g clarity will help
                                      And usually u farm jungle then take bounty rune and u get ur hp and mana back


                                        go dk, max passive, ignore him completely :)


                                          as what i've seen you harass him first before he can bully you with shrapnel or normal hit because shrapnel lvl1 isn't that much painful so zone him and ask for ganks


                                            and why would an sf lose to a sniper? you can make him eat your raze with 1 raze it's like half of sniper's hp as for invoker you have alacrity so you can harass and with quas you can regent decent hp