General Discussion

General DiscussionShould there be like an auto-mute option in dota 2?

Should there be like an auto-mute option in dota 2? in General Discussion

    I don't like shit team who steals kills from me and says I am pro blablabla.

    also I don't have time to press 18 buttons to do it.


      >mute all incoming chat

      white boy summer

        -kill steal


          How can some1 worry about ks (unless its unranked )


            someone tries to ruin your jungle by killing you but your farmed so you fight back and your winning then your team wipe them out and you got none and you wasted 5 min instead of farming rather than your team pushing the towers which you can just take care the fighting yourself.

            Pale Mannie

              man you promised yourself not post anything here in dotabuff. you're a disappointment for not looking for another forum


                But I like kill stealing, I'm like the kill steal king or something.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Dunning-Kruger at its finest


                    i like killing ur fmaily especiallty morther in trash and hacksawed head burned to last ash


                      as well as on dotabuff forums


                        go ahead I'm okay with it.

                        13 hours ago

                        man you promised yourself not post anything here in dotabuff. you're a disappointment for not looking for another forum

                        I did but no one is posting interesting some have the same topic. so I stayed here and tell people who has 100% good topic to move to Dota dev.


                          wait people still worry if you killstill? for me its like, if im support, I dont last hit the hero unless he's escaping, and when im carry if someone steals, i feel bad for the supports who have nothing to farm because I'm farming the whole map so i consider it a gift to buy more wards or support items. either way i don't care who gets it..

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