General Discussion

General DiscussionPlay many game in normal before calibrating

Play many game in normal before calibrating in General Discussion

    I wanna make new acc to get high mmr and the last I calibrating my acc I got 2,2k mmr. Is it any influence if I play 1k until 2k normal matches to improve my skill and my bracket skill before calibrating ?


      You still will end up around 2.2k. So just git gud.


        I mean I wanna make new account and wouldn't calibrate it until I get hs or vhs bracket


          git gud


            it'll take you like a thousand matches before you get to vhs.


              1.learn to last hit
              2.learn how to pull
              3.learn how to creep agro creep
              4.learn how to gank
              5.more map awareness
              6.learn to build item
              7.learn to haras
              8.learn how to combo stun
              9.learn how to initiate
              10.learn how to execute
              11.learn how to stick
              12.learn how to push
              13.learn how to smoke
              14.learn when u need a gem
              15.learn how to warding
              16.learn how to make your carry free farm
              17.learn how to not steal exp from your core
              18.learn how to assist when u support
              19.learn how to backup TP
              20.learn how to playing dota

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                again? this crap when will people learn to improve their selves not improve around them imagine this you're a trash in a dumpster yep pretty gross but in the other scene you're a trash in some luxurious places the only difference is the place yet you're still a trash so improve and become at least a better trash


                  i dont understand people who calibrate low and then they say they want to make a new account, play tons of unranked games. which is essentially the same if they used the same amount of games in ranked to climb

                  mr. rabbit

                    rofl yeah, its not like ur account is banned from playing unranked after calibration LUL

                    @jacked why is that so true

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                      Because many retarded people of the dotes community see themselves as thousands better than their MMR and won't accept the reality. Me? I'm satisfied with my 2.9k calibration, as it's where I should be for now.


                        How to join millionaire club without being one?

                        Dead Game, Don't Care

                          Fake it till you make it... to your right mmr bracket, back to the dumpsters. PS I'm also in a dumpster.


                            totally off topic but @Sephiroth any chance your the sephiroth/seph from aoe and coh?


                              CALIBRATION CAP IS 3.5K WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT


                                Why not just play ranked over and over and over until you reach higher mmr?

                                If you want to play 500 unranked matches and get into VHS (if you improve enough), you might as well play 500 ranked matches and just work your way there anyway..?

                                If you make a new account and find some miraculous way to get into VHS when you're clearly not good enough, you'll end up getting stomped every game and then having a horrible time. You'll probably blame the team, but if you're not ready to play in decent games, why would you want to put yourself through the pain?

                                I would rather play in low skilled games, have a great time building any items I want, playing any hero I want and still having a chance to win.

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                                  my team: shitlords and assholes who are independent, greedy, envy and a bunch of assholes
                                  enemy team: nice pro teamwork 5K teamwork omfg
                                  me: push omg push and end game *and wins*


                                    5k teamwork is as bad as 1k teamwork


                                      Don't listen to them, you can keep creating accounts and calibrate them until your satisfied :highfive: