General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion
meteor hammer

    i feel like this thread has become an AA meeting for the MMR grieved

    bitching holds a special place in my heart

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      my name is jacked, and my teammates hold me back

      meteor hammer

        getting commended for playing jungle zeus :thinking:


          pudge wards our jungle because I refuse to roam with him as jugg and farm instead :thinking:

          meteor hammer

            idk what u expected from that name

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              He even has a # before the trololo so you aint fucking with dis guy.... he mad fire

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                  i just want to share a game

                  reason for sharing: jugg rush fury no pms no boots because he will just static farm he says, built treads afterwards because he needs "damage between slashes when in using ulti"



                    I dont usually whine that much about games but man thus fucking earthshaker man is so fucking retarded .... he kept going mid and feeding enemy ember and I tried so hard to win but they fed him too much.... I even had 13 kills and two deaths.... also this stupid slardar cant land a single stun and stupid ta kept farming all game and nothing I can do alone.... enemy cm bought 20+ sentries and we only have ta go invis and my rubick onky bought 8..... why do I always get this in ranked

                    meteor hammer

                      get me OUT



                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          dude we get it u oike tinker


                            Do u get that I like sandking too?

                            meteor hammer

                              im so fucking bad at ta is physically hurts me to watch myself throw easy games lakjflakshflakshflkhaf

                              meteor hammer

                                under no circumstances is this build acceptable on WK

                                not buying armlet is ok but no armlet and no basher = no damage even with a bunch of shitty ias items and travels (????!!)

                                meteor hammer

                                  can they change corrosive skin to be better but only on autoattack hits im sick of only being able to blink .01 seconds after rearm


                                    when you have a huskar and a razor with a combined 16-25. and dotabuff lights up green




                                        " Hey Guys let me Mid, I'm super pro at OD"
                                        loses mid to necro, has worst gpm and gold on team, flames, is 500 mmr lower then rest of team


                                        meteor hammer

                                          never give up



                                            i keep screaming but god doesn't hear me


                                              okay im not picking visage again

                                              the game just turns to pure shitfest everytime

                                              can someone explain me what kind of brain damage one has to suffer to be like our jugger

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                                              not arin

                                                46% wr smurf on safelane
                                                4.1k guy instapick voker

                                                wonder what happens

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                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  We must keep the oceans salty

                                                  disgusting weebs

                                                    wheres ur glimmer man

                                                    not arin

                                                      dear god

                                                      not arin

                                                        somehow im still blamed for the result of this game

                                                        not arin

                                                          my teams flaming me regardless if i win or lose
                                                          ye i suck so much ass, i got super hard carried in my jugger lane with meepo in uncontested jungle XdxdxXD

                                                          it's awful how noone knows the cause and effect of situations happening in the games
                                                          but that makes me more determined to grind mmr since i refuse to admit that im as bad as these shitlords

                                                          not arin

                                                            6k wk

                                                            meanwhile i get matched against that retarded visage spammer again

                                                            nothing wrong with matchmaking lol!


                                                              Yes there's something wrong. You should be 4k

                                                              not arin

                                                                i am

                                                                it's int ranked you gigantic dumbass

                                                                зачем я начал поиск

                                                                  There are obviously unwinnable games, but only after a certain tipping point in the game.

                                                                  From the start you have some undefined number of steps by which you approach lose/win and, depending on the multitude of factors you may sway the game in one direction or the other.

                                                                  The longer the game, the more likely a certain team will win.

                                                                  There is a point in every game, when it's lost and it's before the ancient falls, but after certain moves/mistakes from either team.


                                                                    *flat 4k. You're high 4k right?

                                                                    not arin

                                                                      There are obviously unwinnable games, but only after a certain tipping point in the game.
                                                                      From the start you have some undefined number of steps by which you approach lose/win and, depending on the multitude of factors you may sway the game in one direction or the other.
                                                                      The longer the game, the more likely a certain team will win.
                                                                      There is a point in every game, when it's lost and it's before the ancient falls, but after certain moves/mistakes from either team.

                                                                      game 1

                                                                      im laning against viper + sky paying occasional visits. lane is fucking awful, ench comes to gank once so we kill sky i believe, at like lvl 4 i solo kill viper but the lanes horrible anyway.

                                                                      our doom on bottom is 9 0 and proceeds to go brown boots vlads and a radi recipe so 9 0 becomes 9 7 since he has 0 idea what to do after laning stage
                                                                      gyro never joins fights, shakers farming jungle. we just die in super easy fights under our shrine as two people (me+doom). for some reason im blamed.

                                                                      game 2
                                                                      my 6k picks wk jungle, comes on my lane on lvl 1, single pulls first wave and axe proceeds to just creep skip. then wk stays on my lane and his entire impact lies in prehitting creeps so i can lh under tower (which i can do without him), leeches xp to the point where axe skips entire wave+ jungle and gets lvl 7 while im 3. enemy veno from safelane freefarm, huskars just doing random suicidal things while enemy visage kills them on sight
                                                                      im so behind that i cant kill a single hero since axe gets like 7:30 tranqs blink and visage just runs over people

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                      not arin

                                                                        *flat 4k. You're high 4k right?

                                                                        im flat 4k on normal ranked, i wouldnt bother with int solo rmm otherwise

                                                                        Este comentario fue editado
                                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                                          Sure, sometimes you get bad teammates, but most of the time you can win even with bad teammates, if you just know how to play the hero you've picked.

                                                                          There's no need to insist on how bad your teammates were, but to look at your own impact.

                                                                          If there's nothing you can do, then there's nothing you can do or you pick weak heroes for solo pubs, otherwise you should win more than you lose.

                                                                          not arin

                                                                            idk what more i could do in those games

                                                                            i had some stupid deaths in first ember game like getting bashed during fire remnant expiration etc and they could be prevented just by playing super safe but i dont think that it would win us the game either

                                                                            not arin

                                                                              and now the games are just opposite where enemy gets afk jungler
                                                                              idk anymore

                                                                              not arin

                                                                                here we go again

                                                                                not arin

                                                                                  meanwhile enemy axe and lina just wait on lanes for 20 hours before i show up so i get call into laguna

                                                                                  not arin

                                                                                    while lina got absolutely dumpstered on the lane


                                                                                      int ranked's a shitshow


                                                                                        relevant to the previous statement:
                                                                                        please don't match me vs vroksnak 5man int ranked stack 3 times when i'm duoqueuing normal ranked and we have 2+3, thanks MM

                                                                                        not arin

                                                                                          i am actually done with dota

                                                                                          not arin

                                                                                            relevant to the previous statement:
                                                                                            please don't match me vs vroksnak 5man int ranked stack 3 times when i'm duoqueuing normal ranked and we have 2+3, thanks MM

                                                                                            i don't think i've ever played against other 5 stack while playing in full party
                                                                                            always 2+3

                                                                                            not arin

                                                                                              anyway if some low 4k guys can get to almost 5k int then i can do it too regardless of amount of gameruining 6ks in my team


                                                                                                I secretly enjoy this thread actually. Your last game is proof that cooperation doesn't improve with mmr. It's a shitshow all the way probably

                                                                                                not arin

                                                                                                  nothing improves with mmr
                                                                                                  i watched an 8k guy playing mid in 6.5 avg where his bounty just ran down mid, tried to harass enemy and fed while he was already dumpstering the enemy midlaner in unfavourable matchup

                                                                                                  everything is suffering


                                                                                                    anyway if some low 4k guys can get to almost 5k int then i can do it too regardless of amount of gameruining 6ks in my team

                                                                                                    and still remain low 4k shitlord in reality

                                                                                                    basement :)

                                                                                                      I somehow won this game. We were behind by around 20 kills at the start.