General Discussion

General Discussionevery game is winnable

every game is winnable in General Discussion
chicken spook,,,,
    Why the fuck did I pick weaver I got 30 cs at fucking min 10 good shit mate picking garbage cs contester in 2k 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

    meteor hammer

      honestly how do you replace my triumph over a horrendous 4 game loss streak with this nonsense :V

      meteor hammer

        it's so nice when a game goes on long enough for both teams to get a turn throwing

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        meteor hammer

          i made it guys


            why did u lose two 1v1s against a 3.8k guy

            meteor hammer

              the second 1 i dced during and broke my items when i rced 2 mins later xd

              im really bad at laning and logical is good at laning for his mmr, plus im kinda memeing but genuinely hes way better at 1v1 sf than me

              meteor hammer

                those 1v1s are basically me trying to practice basic aggro mechanics and shit, if i miss 3 creeps in the first wave he usually snowballs and crushes me

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                chicken spook,,,,

                  Top 10 omni player right here boys


                    another epic game vs singsing and vroksnak on his 1k account, sure love losing to em for the 50th time

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      At least you can brag to kids that you played against singsing and papa smurf

                      meteor hammer

                        sometimes your team just holds you back and theres no way to win guys


                          was that comment meant at you? lmao


                            hell yeah another game with 4 40% winrate smurfs

                            tiny offlane? hmm
                            sven without blink? (i barely could convinve him to buy bkb ''nah dude i just need to hit faster" queues up S&Y)
                            puck with brown boots dagon 5 eblade?

                            this game is freaking dead man, took a 1 week break and literally both games i played were like this

                            3k is just filled with people like this gg

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Shoutout to all the "SEA cancer server" dickheads who can't see dota is filled with morons no matter what server

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Also why are u picking SD in 3k


                                  jesus christ stop buying veil

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    and medallion


                                      I hate this game

                                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd


                                        meteor hammer

                                          btw i havent lost a game since switching from c- beh score to normal



                                          Potato Marshal

                                            I'm just going to quit Dota when I drop to 4.5k. Game's are unplayable right now, I don't know why every match is like this now.

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Just a few more matches and I can quit.


                                                its actually impossible to win if im not first picking my best hero


                                                  matchmaking is completely not rigged, was 5 games away from 5k and games turned into unwinnable shitfests

                                                  just as a showcase, this is my pos 1 carry who had a free lane

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                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    How the fuck am I suppose to win with a CM on my team that rushes midas into treads, then tries to run up to the enemy to solo kill and ends the match with a KDA of 1/13/2?

                                                    white boy summer

                                                      ITT bunch of angry kids who want the perfect team to carry them

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        F3 is 2k morons' favourite button


                                                          easy mmr i guess...some games arent loosable

                                                          feels like when at 3-3.5k a win or loss is decided by who has more 40% winrate smurfs

                                                          meteor hammer

                                                            ok lads ive been matched with the same p4 mk player twice NO tilt



                                                              AND ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF SMURF DOTA

                                                              after winning my last game to a brown boots dagon 5 nyx smurf

                                                              i loose my game because my smurf void refuses to buy bkb for 40 minutes and ends up with less hero damage then an afk jungle cm because he gets rooted disarmed and whatever by jakiro and invo....LUL 50 minute game with 19k hero damage pos 1 void

                                                              seriously these games literally are lost based on who has the worse smurf on his team

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                                                                wtf am i supposed to do with an afk farming cm with 500 LH that only sits in jungle and a smurf void that doesnt buy bkb against jakiro and invo and wastes chrono on some BS monkey all by himself and cant even kill him

                                                                i dont think i could have carried that game any harder, mid tower was down like 8 minutes into the game, highest hero damage, highest kills, highest assists

                                                                yet my team cant even carry freaking TPs or dusts against a brood, i have to play support and carry at the same time and succeed anyway, yet they decide they need to do everything imagineable to loose the game as hard as possible

                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                  wtf am i supposed to do with an afk farming cm with 500 LH that only sits in jungle and a smurf void that doesnt buy bkb against jakiro and invo and wastes chrono on some BS monkey all by himself and cant even kill him

                                                                  not be 3180 mmr probably


                                                                    hmm good solution

                                                                    based on my winrate in my last few matches i need to play app. 130 hours of dota to climb to 3.7, where i probably wont get matched with failsmurfs anymore...


                                                                      when u try to carry a losing game with ultra rat
                                                                      u get 2 rax by urself, thru backdoor protection cuz of ur items
                                                                      but then they get super careful and tp all the time
                                                                      u make one fatal mistake and the game starts tumbling out of ur grasp
                                                                      and then after its over u realize that u shud have gone rapier and yoloed on rax, maybe u wud have a chance with megas
                                                                      but no
                                                                      rip boys

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        where i probably wont get matched with failsmurfs anymore...

                                                                        Sadly, that's not the case

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          Man weaver is so fucking garbage rn I should try to learn clinkz instead


                                                                            weaver and clinx r both rlly good

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              Excuse me? Which one of us know weaver better?


                                                                                u sEe My wEAvR GAeM? 2 STRONK? or not fAM? EKs'Di

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  You forgot the match link and "was my item build correct?"

                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                    the trick is to link a gamme where u went 30/0/16 with dumb items in a 2k average and then ask for item advice

                                                                                    then whenever someone tells you to buy different items you flame them

                                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                                      tough day for me, -3

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                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        One sensitive fuck
                                                                                        One afk farmer
                                                                                        One intentional feeder
                                                                                        One countered cool guy
                                                                                        What could go wrong?

                                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                                          dont buy mek on lich :V

                                                                                          meteor hammer

                                                                                            and then we won xd



                                                                                              FED 322XP LOL

                                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                haha le 322 xp xD rofl!


                                                                                                  how the hell am i supposed to win this game?
                                                                                                  how are people like pl even intelligent enough to turn on their computer, or get anywhere near 4 digit mmr?


                                                                                                    pa proceeds to buy hyperstone instead of bkb and make us lose two lanes of rax


                                                                                                      BUT IT'S OKAY YOU CAN'T WIN EVERY GAME RIGHT? SOME GAMES YOU WIN SOME GAMES YOU LOSE BUT IF YOU'RE GOOD YOU STEADILY RISE IN MMR.
                                                                                                      EXCEPT THE CASES WHERE YOU GET THESE 10 IQ RETARDS 20 GAMES IN A ROW