General Discussion

General DiscussionDemon Marauder strongest carry?

Demon Marauder strongest carry? in General Discussion
Player 153433446

    Is Terror Blade the strongest hero in dota late game?
    Personally i think wonder 9k players spam him non-stop.

    Splitpush? Check
    Powerfarming? Check
    Teamfight? Check
    Durability? Check
    Damage? Check

    You dont even have to buy jungle sustain item...he gets 7hp regen at lvl 10 talent.
    No armor items aswell.

    Aquila, powerthreads, dragonlance, manta, diffusal...finish game in 25 minutes.

    And everyone of his abilities ia just amazing.
    I mean look at Sunder for example? At lvl 25 it has 10 sec cd with 0 mana cost.

    It basically removes hero from enemy team and adds one to yours...the power shift in a team fight is just to powerfull.

    Sometimes they wont attack TerrorBlade because he will just Sunder them.
    Leave him unattended and he will shred everyone and everything.

    The Only flaws with terrorblade is his low hp early game , but you have 10 base armor, so just buy raindrops and that should nullify that disadvantage.

    Mobiltiy is his second and biggest disadvantage.
    He is stand and destroy type of carry, which makes him cumbersome and unable to make moves around the map except for splitpushing.

    Slark is the exact opposite, v.high mobility.
    Slark counter tb v.well...shadowdance and there aint no sunder.

    But still...this demon from foulfell will always be the hardest carry in the game of Dota.


      Dk is strong carry with decent line up high armor high hp almost have the same with tb but dying while on dragon form is problem tho still hit like a truck without dragon form

      deep name + dark anime pfp

        well without metamorphosis ur pretty much useless in fights, and this makes him very dependent on cd

          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
          i follow Jesus.

            tb is in what used to be fv's spot, miss a chronosphere/metamorphosis after the 45 minutes mark and the game is over

            Ramtin H

              Hmm If u are saying tb is the hardest carry Imo the hardest carry in dota 2 is lone druid
              A hero with 12 items can beat any one no matter what so .. i guess we cant say who is the hardest carry in dota 2
              For example pl is a 2 star carry but if he be in a game agaist no aoe team he will become a 3 star carry agais them like tb with out any counter
              But Yeah tb is 1 of the hardest carrie s in game but the sad part is he needs meta so much with out meta his damage out puts actually completely sucks


                Void>medusa>chaos knight>am>spectre>morph>terribleblade


                  void pre 6.86 was the hardest carry in game. now idk


                    Think the game has changed enough that we can't say "X" is the strongest carry.
                    I'm a huge fan of Lifestealer anyways, but he can get kited super hard.


                      Player 153433446

                        ^^ comment on every topic xD


                          I believe AM is the strongest carry like the top 1 its just that not everyone including me is not really good at using him.


                            I dont comment ok every thread i just comment on the autistic ones and the funny ones.
                            Take a good guess as to which one urs is.




                                Dusa is strongest carry in late game.


                                  People talking about which hero is the hardest carry like it fucking matters and most of them still got it wrong

                                  Savvy Cat

                                    Axe is strongest carry.

                                    white boy summer

                                      am is only strong for the same reason alche is: his skillset applies you to flashfarm. that being said, if you don't farm 6 slot and finish at 35 ish mins the game gets harder and harder since you reached your cap already and enemies can do nothing but catch up on you since your abilities are not that strong (u are vulnerable against silences and roots so much, u have a mana break that's effect fades away in teamfights, spell shield that doesnt do shit against enemy's carry, mana void that is not that strong if enemy has not got enormous manapools)
                                      tldr am and alch are only good midgame and only cause their farming abilities, they also want to avoild teamfights most of the cases

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        Incorrect. Arc Warden is strongest carry.

                                        He is literally online at level 2 or 3 and stays online for the rest of the game.


                                          Incorrect. CM is the hardest carry.
                                          Slow? Check
                                          Stun? Check
                                          Root? Check
                                          AoE ultimate? Check
                                          Passive with regen? Check
                                          Ranged? Check
                                          +60 dmg talent? Check
                                          +120 gpm talent? Check

                                          Honestly CM>Shadow Shaman>Lion>Treant>AM>Morph>Naga>TB>Spectre>Medusa>CK

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            Honestly CK is one of the hardest carries. Several full damage illusions, lifesteal, high crit, built in deso. His only problem is farming, but I don't think anyone can take on CK if both of them are six slotted.

                                            Player 153433446

                                              Bb gets 270 damage from ulti...he also can be v.good late game.


                                                i'll just put spec's name here


                                                  You make a good case for tb.


                                                    io is the strongest carry. great escape, great speed, awesome damage

                                                    Catsys Rivers

                                                      Can Stun. Can Die.


                                                        TB has no disables and generally poor teamfight. He is a hard carry, but in the very stage of the game, he cannot be as powerful as Luna, Medusa and Chaos Knight.