General Discussion

General Discussionhow does march cs and farming patterns work on tinker

how does march cs and farming patterns work on tinker in General Discussion

    i always use 2 marches to clear a creep wave but it misses like almost half of the fucking cs everytime ????????????????????


    do u also farm jungle after pushing wave k thx


      Calling out jdf8


        what level is the march anyway, lvl 3/4 march wil always get the cs for me


          you want to intersect 2 marches at a 70-90 degree angle from each other or run 2 marches 180 degrees from each other parallel to the creepwave


          type 1 is the far most superior as it lands the most area of damage onto the creeps

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          Player 368673122

            ^ type 1 always, usually you'd always try to march as u tp opposite the direction you're gonna be blinking so it's not shown you blinked backwards (with aether lens) into trees to do the second march followup, rearm blink, tp

            farm jungle before pushing waves, should always think of tinker as a counter-push farming defensively as you don't wanna be too predictable with clearing EVERY wave in every lane, while farming jungle you can look at lanes and decide whether you want to flash farm it or leave it to force a push since you're seen in other lanes & your team's well positioned for a fight which you can be a tad late to


              it's fucking terrible if your creeps contest cs regardless of used direction

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              all role player

                wow cookie quality information ! gonna save and try in pub game huehuehue

                TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                  i think using march perpendicular to creep direction will always deal the most damage and clear creeps the fastest, so if your aim is to clear creeps youd rather cast 2 perpendicular(relative to creep direction) marches in the same direction.

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                    If u cast 2 marches i get like 80 to 90% of the cs

                    casual gamer

                      the most consistent thing to do is cut waves before they meet ur creeps

                      other than that direction affects it, i just double march and gtfo. no point agonizing over it when you can just jump to the wave behind it before the first wave even finishes dying

                      casual gamer

                        has tinker tanked in winrate?

                        he didnt get directly nerfed but wasnt his winrate in 5k 53%+ before?

                        what happened since then to cause this. i havent played in a while

                        casual gamer

                          i need answers lads


                            dire tinker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> radiant tinker


                              ^^^ is that true

                              also I find it surprising that pugna doesn't counter tinker as hard as I thought! Guess im a NEWBBBB

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                              casual gamer

                                things that cancel blink in fog from a large distance or grant big vision area are most annoying. as long as u blink after rearm + before casting nwards not a probelm

                                so viper/cw are way worse than pugna in my experience. ofc i used to never play vs pugna cos taht hero sucked big time.