PA have a decent chance , i won this match up before , you have to be careful with your jump and check his spells every time he cast invoke
Pa wins the matchup cuz she is way stronger than invoker lvl 1, by the time she has lvl 2-3 and boots + blightstone she can kill him
Witch Doctor max Maledict beats everyone mid
Wanna test this.
why does visage beat PA mid?
If you make Solar Crest your first item you remove her blur evasion (because of one of the newer updates, it removes evasion instead of adding miss chance to the enemies attacks), her dagger takes almost 0 damage when you max the passive on Visage and you take half of her HP with just one fully charged W, so when you use Solar Crest (it's like break, just with -10 armor), send Familiars and use W, PA is 100% dead.
invoker cant stand on lane for long against pa with his nice 0 armor and movement speed
u could try to push the wave against pa, she has no wave clear
Test it.
Lion max Mana Drain beats everyone.
Juggernaut max crit beats everyone.
Is your mind blown yet?
If you make Solar Crest your first item you remove her blur evasion (because of one of the newer updates, it removes evasion instead of adding miss chance to the enemies attacks), her dagger takes almost 0 damage when you max the passive on Visage and you take half of her HP with just one fully charged W, so when you use Solar Crest (it's like break, just with -10 armor), send Familiars and use W, PA is 100% dead.
this is just not how it works
at all
pa will still retain most of her evasion, I think she will still be sitting at 35% ish evasion after u solar crest her
also this is assuming ur skills are maxed and u have already farmed a solar crest, pa at lvl 1 is stronger than u, tho u become stronger than her given a couple levels she can sort of bully u out very early.
The thing is, a few patches back, PA was the default counter pick to Invoker mid. But that's not the case anymore, and a huge factor for that is the nerfed dagger that only increases in range as you level it up. What you have to understand about Invoker is, he is a greedy hero who suffers from any mid matchup where the enemy has a strong level 6 ultimate that they always skill because it almost always guarantees a kill on first use. Talk about heroes like QOP, Huskar, Kunkka, Lina, WR, some of which arent even good mid heroes, but do well against him regardless. Even Storm and Ember can kill him with a little bit of help at level 6. Earlier, he would get two forge spirits at level 8, so he did get a good power spike at that time, but now, its even worse for him.
Talking about PA specifically, her level 6 is different, because it relies on RNG. So while it is a viable counter to Invoker, it takes a skilled player to pull it off and actually get solo kills on the hero. You saw QO pick the hero every mid match up against an Invoker and own with the hero. But that was before 7.0 I think. You need to count hits on which you dont get crits to predict which hit will give you one. Extremely skilled PA's get like 3 crits in one blink strike, its rare, but I've seen it happen.
1-pa wins
2-visage doesnt beat anyone mid.... any midlaner beats visage at mid assuming yohr enemies are as good as you with their heroes..... thats why pros dont go visage mid and thats why the hero is a support even tho he has a huge nowball potential.... cuz he wont win his lane
visage beats everyone mid at low MMR because nobody has any fucking idea how the hero works
As maybe the only decent mmr person in this thread, PA has a good chance of zoning invoker out of lane.
Also to OP If you wanna beat pa mid you can go for mid bristleback/axe, you can take sandking if you know what you are doing or allies allow you to take him mid.. viper works too.... tiny.. puck if u time phase shift correctly... razor cuz she kills herself if u take points in passive
u need to have meteor + snap when he jumps on u and buy a stick and keep toggling quas to regen from dagger spam and u can do ok vs pa
PA should win most of the time. Invoker has almost no harassment ability besides right clicks and those won't do shit against PA. Invo should last hit just fine though.
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Who'll win in lane? Can't handle this PA in mid