Ive also seen stuff like blink but I dont understand how blink helps him.... also lotus orb and bkb for silences are understandable but when exactly should I get them...do I waste my midgame powerspike or do I delay them as much as possible
pls dont go like analyse replays cuz I tried and they literally do everything with the hero its hard to understand anything
Halberd, Aghanim and Solar Crest seem kind of huge on him now with the buff to how they function.
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What do you guys think about the hero this patch?
I wanna expand my hero pool and he seems like an interesting hero....
im having trouble on how to itemize him tho
I want to play him as a core offlaner and I see pros are building everything on him that I cant understand when to do what
they build literally every kind of boots ... they go midas drums blademail... they go euls... they go atos ... I've been thinking about building him a hybrid build that supplement both his core and support
smthn like tranqs->soulring->Atos->crest->blademail/halbred->shivas/refresher/aghs/hex->ac/crimson guard/pipe/heart
is that better or is sticking to the support build of things like force and euls and atos or only get auras for your team better than a hybrid build and why
also what do you guys think about aether lens on him.... ive seen a guy stack 4 of those and keep one shotting our team