General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to counter silver edge?

How to counter silver edge? in General Discussion

    Assuming you can't avoid being hit by it, what's the best way to itemise against break?

    meteor hammer

      bkb first, otherwise items to get away or ensure you live through the break: for some heroes it's pike, silver edge, or manta. for others you are better off buying an item to let you weather the damage you will take during break, like skadi bfly ac shivas type stuff

      if you are concerned about break removing your ability to kill the guy you go on, you simply must have bkb. A hero like PA can largely mitigate silver edge's danger with a 10 second bkb by jumping them before she can get jumped, but with a 5 second bkb it becomes much more difficult


        Once you have been broken, bkb doesn't remove break does it?

        meteor hammer

          No. You have to see it coming, or pop BKB preemptively




              x D


                How about don't go alone where you don't have detection and don't push without a sentry under your feet ? Like basic dota 2 shit ?


                  euls if you're a hero that can use it and don't want bkb. it's only half the time of break/reduction though. so maybe not.


                    Dust/sentry/gem doesn't disable break does it?

                    If you're an immobile hero like bristleback you're not going to be able to go through all fights without getting broken.

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      You can't possibly see an invis break coming and you certainly won't pop BKB out of instinct "Holy shit, he's here!"
                      50% dmg reduction isn't deleting you from the fight, just keep dishing out damage or run for your life, there's nothing you can do about it.


                        buy se and break the breaker xD


                          U cant get break if u spell immune?

                          meteor hammer

                            if ur already immune ur not broken

                            if u get broken then go immune it doesnt help

                            so yes. when i say bkb helps u either use it whe nu jump in so u cant get broken. or you fight under sentries so u can use it reactively. i assumed this would be obvious


                              WE NEED MORE WARDS!


                                Don't break down


                                  Only 5 sec its not that long tbh


                                    Flame your supports for not warding


                                      To counter SE you have to first see them


                                        >prevent them from getting SE in the first place


                                          By destroying enemi ancien?


                                            have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                              have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                                                Also buy invis. Gotta fight fire with fire