General Discussion

General Discussion'If u r playing support only ur mmr is inlated'

'If u r playing support only ur mmr is inlated' in General Discussion

    One guy told me that if Im playing supports only consistently then my mmr is inflated cos I m not able to play the core on the same lvl I play support due to poor mechanical skills
    Is it right?
    Im not talking about players who spam mechanically challenging supports like chen or visage

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      My carry skills is like 3k I believe


        My mmr is inflated because I rarely play support!!!!! I still lack brain!!!!


          that guy's retarded.


            Your guy friend person is a tard.

            Of course if you spam supports your going to get really good at them. Most higher MMR players tell us pleeebs if you wanan climb, find 3-4 heros and play just those. If your supporting, well your going to get really good at support. DUHHHH

            If all your play are cores then your going to be really good at farming creeps etc. , jungle patterns, last hitting while being contested.
            Granted your friend here is saying that supports don't do as much as cores. Not true. The entire early game is determined by the support.

            Bad support will pull creeps to small camp without stacking it sending a double wave of delightful XP to that offlaner. Good supports ensure the stack kills off the wave. Good supports will zone offlaner and continue to follow them and contest the jungle. Bad support just sit in lane with saping xp.

            basically what I am getting at here, good sups set your carry up for victory. Supports may not have crazy good apm or mechincal skill but you dont need it. You need good map sense, positioning and vision. Ya i suck at last hitting when I play Jugger (rarely ever , buys a qb) but that hero isn't any harder to play then dazzle or distruptor.

            Just don't feed and your good to go as a sup.

            meteor hammer

              people say this for bot hsides. just retards trying to make their mmr "worth" more, when in reality it shouldnt fucking matter to you either way.

              the only thing that matters is win or lose. not is my region the hardest, is my role the hardest lol


                ^^ or is my dic the hardest.... oh wait.. sorry that was for another message.

                Humble got it, both types of players are required in the game.
                You dont see 5 core lines ups(In higher mmr) or 5 support games.

                stop making excuses for your Dunning Kruger


                  sonneiko must belong into 2k then as he doesn't deserve 8-9k mmr as it's inflated because supporting


                    Supports have poor mehckek..skills wat?


                      can confirm i fell 500 mmr


                        The guy that told you that is right. In the same way as in if you spam anything, your mmr is inflated. Your true mme lies where the mmr of all your roles converge. Unfortunately no one sees it like that anymore because of smurfers, meta spammers and account buyers ruin the game and shifted it towards isolating the roles. This because of shit people thinking they are better. So now we're LOL and those players are rewarded and think they are the shit and whoever doesn't comply gets reported which VOLVO complies with.

                        meteor hammer

                          thats why in competitive you rotate through all 5 roles after every game, so that the most skilled players win :thinking:

                          meteor hammer

                            just realized its benao posting, nvm


                              dat noob GH hanging out with liquid


                                maining supports in sub 5k does make your mmr slightly inflated, yes, but not for the reasons your friend stated

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                                  Your Friend may have a point. But this all depends on what mmr means to you

                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                    It's bullshit. I rarely play support and I'm a better support player than anyone who's 1k mmr below me. In fact I never played Phoenix and I claim I'm a better Phoenix player thab any low 4k.

                                    Why is this? Because MMR = skill.

                                    Just look at pro support players shitting on kids with Voker, TA and AM in pubs.


                                      It inflates it a bit, but tons of things inflate your mmr.
                                      Speaking english
                                      Not randoming everygame
                                      Picking high winrate heroes

                                      Doesn't really matter though. You're still winning fair and square


                                        only those hero spammers are inflated
                                        specially meta hero spammers

                                        meteor hammer

                                          a 6k player who has 200 games with 5 strong meta heroes going to absolutely dumpster 4ks though

                                          the "inflation" usally isnt super crazy, unless ur talking about completely broken stuff like the op old techies spammers


                                            support is the harder role anyway


                                              Yeah you're right supporting in pubs is more difficult than playing carries, i think that you're friend minsunderstood the role of supports, maybe he thought that supports only ward, pull, stack. That is definitely wrong


                                                Also i think that if one plays support, it would improve your map awareness


                                                  ^it also helps you learn utilizing everything you have to the limit

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                                                    @never give up. You are right

                                                    Perhaps it is not right to say your mmr is "inflated". Just that u don't have a very symmetrical mmr. But mmr won is still mmr deserved. It is not "inflated".


                                                      If not ranked should be strictly all random


                                                        Then why is clemont destroying 2k memer then?

                                                        TheDoctor (HTPG)

                                                          i believe no matter what role or hero you use
                                                          as long as u are good at playing the game/role/countering/mecahnical skills/ decision making etc
                                                          you're gonna be alright in MMR


                                                            I play support in all the calibration match of International Ranked game, still calibrated 4k+.

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                                                              my support skills are at least high 4k the other roles are in my bracket :(


                                                                But mmr won is still mmr deserved.

                                                                Jacked finally accepts that I deserve 3k? :thinking:


                                                                  You didn't WIN MMR from 2k to 3k cuck

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                                                                    yeah thats why everyone wants to carry so they wont inflate their mmr and be clean af


                                                                      Exactly why I don't accept you are 3k lul. U didn't win 1000 mmr

                                                                      all role player

                                                                        playing defensive supp is YEAH
                                                                        playing offensive supp nah same as carrying
                                                                        that's why i'm suck at pos 5 lol


                                                                          spamming is whats inflate mostly your mmr. watch this video of purge it will be more helpful than any comments here.


                                                                            if u spam carry and win mmr then your mmr is inflated when you play support because your not able to play supp at the same level. i dont get this thread.


                                                                              you spam a hero, you get good at a hero. Your spamming a role, you get good at that role.

                                                                              I play like a 1k voker, I'd play ember like 2k , I'd play jugg like a 3k but I can play veno/ phoenix at my actual mmr because they are my highest played.

                                                                              The biggest different between spamming core vs support is that spamming a core allows you to have more direct output on if you win or not. Playing core you can solo carry your team because massive gold advantage. You get a massive gold lead on a support and you maybe get that blink on a lion early , that helps you cuck the enemy and win. but you won't be carrying anything your still looking at the core to do their job in hitting the tower /take objectives, etc etc.

                                                                              Long story short, both roles are important. You spam core, you will probably suck at supporting. vice versa.
                                                                              if your a blue star massive EPEEN 6-8k MMR god, while your just fucking good at the game and win no matter what.


                                                                                Thats stupid imo, I reached 4,5 playing mostly core and then i raised it to 5,5 playing mostly support, I shifted not because of lacking mech skills but because I wanted to be able to control the early game since most games are determined by the first 20 minutes and how much the cores are crying and tilting.. so I spam support and try to win all lanes by following different patterns in pretty much every single game, its just so much more fun to me. At this point whenever I play carry I lose because of boredom and not even wanting to try hard, playing mid or offlane is funny sometimes aswell.. but safe lane carry is shiieet unless you have a competent supp like me :)


                                                                                  Also you can get enemies to abandon more consistenly by playing supp than playing core, you just titlt the fuck out of their offlane and mid player, then supps rotate and u go to rekt their carry and rage begins


                                                                                    ^^ yeah basically everyone wants to play core, how many games are lost at the picking phase because two fuckfaces are fighting over mid/Safelane cryong about whos got the bigger epeen (higher mmr) so you play support. No one ever tilts and feeds for stealing pos 4-5 LOL.

                                                                                    You gank the enemy jungler twice, sudden all you see is " REPORT LC " "NOOB FEED" then suddenly the courier is coming down mid frantically going back in forth back and forth until your mid kills it. MORE RAGE, MORE FEED> ez mmr.

                                                                                    HEY Leflash, if your 5.4k mmr where is your fancy big weiner blue star? why isn't it beside your name? Thanks


                                                                                      I guess I have to put my mmr in my dota profile and then activate it from dbuff, I didnt even notice tbh


                                                                                        brah, you gotta get dat blue star. You get that beside your name and suddenly everyone will respect you more, everyone will ask you for advice, girls(or guys if your into that) will stop and ask you for autographs and probably sex.

                                                                                        you'd be crazy not to get it....

                                                                                        Always nice to see a fellow support player to be honest :)


                                                                                          I already had my blue star like a year ago, I think I put my party mmr in my dota profile and im 4,9k party so maybe dbuff took my star out. Anyways im not very into posting, I like reading mostly.

                                                                                          However If its gonna get me sex I will make sure to get that blue star.


                                                                                            besides the plethora of CM games, who are your go to sups for playing pos 4-5?

                                                                                            usually your forced into FPing the support, so who do you have a lot of success on?

                                                                                            also, so much sex from that blue star. Girls love DB celebs. basically on par with Tswift or J beebs


                                                                                              Well I like playing pos 5 more than pos 4, I like having the responsability to place wards at the appropiate timings (most important ward placement are between min 3-6 (gotta cover that night vision, and this is something I think low mmr supports forget to do).

                                                                                              If I'm forced to first pick I usually go for cm, rubick or lion since they usually work fine with any lineup
                                                                                              If I have the chance to pick later I can go for:

                                                                                              - disruptor: mostly to counter slarks and storm spirits (lion works fine here too)
                                                                                              - wyvern: to ocassionaly counter lycan or when enemy are full of physical damage dealers
                                                                                              - wd: I like picking wd if I have an strong roamer like a bara in my team, or to deal against very tanky offlaners with maledict
                                                                                              - oracle: to counter dark seer or when I convice my team to pick huskar - insert dazzle here too
                                                                                              - ogre: if I have sf or ta in my team and I wanna secure the midlane and give bloodlust to 2 dps cores
                                                                                              - Omni: I think hes better as offlaner but I like playing it when I have pa or slark in my team or when enemy team is full of melee since they will always get hit with purification
                                                                                              - Shadow Shaman: When my team lacks a bit of push so I can make up for it (mostly when i have ursa on team)

                                                                                              There are other supports I play ocassionally but I dont have that much practice on them yet (Bane, Warlock, Jakiro)

                                                                                              I dont play much pos 4 but when I do I mostly pick it when enemy has picked their midlaner early int he draft and its something with no escape tool like sf or lina, then I go for pudge, bara or slardar. Gotta practice Nighstalker but after the nerf im not sure if its really worth it.
                                                                                              Used to play a lot of mirana as roamer before the leap nerfs and it worked pretty nicely, now that shes getting some buffs I might try iit again eventho people always flame you for picking potm for some reason.

                                                                                              Also sometimes I pick lich if we're against drow lineup or other early game strats, you go dual and force enemy to trilane and their drow doesnt get lvl 6 till min 10+.

                                                                                              At the end its important to not get bored and its nice to play many different heroes while having some "main heroes".

                                                                                              BTW, yesterday I spammed cm and holy shiiit they fucked up the hero, aura is still broken as always but playing her now feels terrible, I used to get my tranquils by min 5-6 and then magic wand by min 8-10, but yesterday I wasnt finishing my tranquils untill min 10+.
                                                                                              Nerfing jungle exp, frostbite mana cost, ult cd and ms have killed all the fun you could have with the hero, shes still gonna maintain high winrate cuz of aura but I hate it, I rather nerfed her aura and kept the other aspects intact.

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                                                                                                I had read his guide alraedy, but I was playing her before he released that. It's pretty accurate in all aspects but I learned to play her my own way. Also that guide is pre-nerfs, now you have to play her pretty different, you cant use 2 frostbites in a row anymore unless you use clarity right after your first frostbite which is really fucked up because if you go to use the second one on the offlaner hes most likely gonna break your clarity. And all these little things add up a lot.

                                                                                                In essence they removed 200 harass damage you were able to dish safely before, also the move speed is really noticeable to me, and creeps giving less exp and gold also affect her a lot with your item and lvl timings.

                                                                                                What bothers me the most is that shes not incredibly falling in the winrate % and this will probably bring more nerfs, ffs they could just nerfed his fucking aura to actually make her balanced and not destroy the playability of the hero.

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                                                                                                d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                                                                                                  you say you use to get tranq at 5-6 min did you even read the last few comments


                                                                                                  even after nerfs tranq 3min wand by 8min after buying consumables


                                                                                                    Dude, check the Cookie's cm games and you will see he gets tranquils by min 3 like 1 out of 20 games.

                                                                                                    You will only get tranquils by min 3 if you dont buy all the support items and you get first blood and that happens like I said like 1 out of 20 games. Realistically you will buy 2 obs, sentry, courier, smoke + 2 obs and courier upgrade at min 3. Theres no way in the world you're gonna get tranquilsa t min 3 if you buy all of that. And if you prioritize tranquils over vision during the night time then you're probably gonna lose either way.

                                                                                                    Also I remind you that guide was made before the jungle nerfs. Just take a look at my cm games if you want and you will notice before the nerfs I never had purchased my tranquils after 9 mins, and just yesterday I had 2 games where I got them at min 13 and one game at min 12. And I can assure you I have an idea of playing the hero.

                                                                                                    d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

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