General Discussion

General DiscussionSpectre

Spectre in General Discussion

    when do you build vanguard?
    is vanguard really bad on spectre?
    what item should i buy before radiance?

    how do you guys build spectre , thoughts?


      Didn't we already discuss this before

      Fee Too Pee

        Phase or PT , wand , urn , radiance

        Idk why people make vanguard on spectre


          Git hood liek me haHAA


            Probably if you are really getting your ass kicked in your lane maybe, but going for Talon and just go to jungle might be much better than VG.


              I build it around 12 minutes
              Is spectre bad on vanguard?
              Before you buy radiance, you need to buy item called Sacred relic and merge it with receipt of radiance


                I think I only build VG as 2nd or 3rd item against illusionfest/spawnfest/high dmg instances or when I need to soak up shits


                  I've never tried vanguard. Because how do u join every fight without an incentive which urn gives u. Lul

                  But tbh playing against a spec early game w a vanguard is kinda annoying cuz he tanks up so much. I just don't think abyssal is worth it on spec when u go diffusal anyway


                    Isn't vanguard good for multiple Low dmg instances and not burst


                      Sometimes hood is better


                        Vanguard is good only if you go for blademail radiance hot build. That would also mean your team lacks a frontliner/tank.

                        I go this build almost every spectre game and maintain 66% wr.

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                          I believe u can go urn blade mail radiance hot build and it's similar. But I'm not 4k and only have 58% wr


                            Vang only if your teams have like weaver/wr off, mid puck and 2 paper supports. You need vang asap to stay in front. I think its the only situation for this item.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              ^in my 3k experience, vanguard makes spectre pretty much ungankable most of the time, since you are getting boots - ring - complete phase boots - complete vanguard, and since between haunt and dagger along with phase boots she actually has ways to escape a gank, and HP as well as damage block helps you stay alive too.

                              Not to mention that you can actually farm ancients with vanguard since the dispersion rework, which is amazing if someone is stacking them for you (if you time it right you can stack them with dagger as well).

                              Not to mention regen is great too.

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                                you can't kill people in the early-mid game with it like you could with yasha though

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                                Riguma Borusu

                                  you can't kill people in the early-mid game with it like you could with yasha though

                                  You can if your team has a good damage output, but in general, yes, yasha is going to deal more damage than a vanguard (unless the enemy team is staring at you and doing nothing at close range, while the enemy windranger ults you and deals no damage through vanguard but the whole enemy team still dies to dispersion).

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                                    I can't tell you how many times I've seen a under leveled wind ranger ult a timber saw making the dam timber saw immortal .

                                    all role player

                                      does early manta good for spec????? or spec really need radiance :thinking:
                                      or SnY good on spec though ???


                                        I usually go boots wand talon phase urn radiance, I almost never see the need for vanguard, tho it isn't horrible technically.


                                          If they cant kill me we win the game!!!!!


                                            Oh wait i deal no damage after clumping up 2k gold onto one slot

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              you do deal damage because you have two built in damage spells, one that scales with hp. Why else do you think people get heart over skadi on spec? Cus dispersion does dmg based on your hp. You also have desolate + haunt in a team fight and dagger. Spec has dmg tools. Plus people really underestimate abyssal late game. For taking out a carry it's amazing. Once you get radiance too you won't die with vanguard so you'll do a lot more burn damage.

                                              Sange and yasha is probably inferior to manta cus of illusions and desolate. But I guess if you aren't getting diffusal blade like you're going radiance and skipping diffusal then s&y might be ok.

                                              I don't get why people skip aquila on spec either. My build is boots (treads or phase, I do like treads a ton of spec if your team has slows), aquila, vanguard, then if you have space to farm it radiance. If you don't, go diffusal, manta. It's easier build up and you'll start working your way back into the game.


                                                Vanguard does make Spectre fairly tanky, and after the last change to the item, it is more of a fighting item than a farming item, though you can do both with it now without requiring urn to sustain. According to Tortedelini's guide, vanguard is for fighting, but it is sort of counter intuitive to the hero. You really only want to get pickoffs with haunt on heroes who are alone, so that desolate works. But vanguard really helps when there are more enemies and proper teamfights, I'm not really sure. Anyway, why is a Tinker player asking about Spectre? Sticking to spamming, kid.


                                                  I find wand better than Aquila and I usually get talon cuz otherwise I cant farm jungle at all, and then urn and then I don't want too many items before radiance so Aquila usually gets left behind.
                                                  I don't think spec needs the cheap dmg and urn covers her mana.


                                                    I almost never go vanguard. I always make PMS instead, most often coupled with urn and treads. I try to get radiance under 20 min. I don't make phase bcuz diffusal is enough.


                                                      you do deal damage because you have two built in damage spells, one that scales with hp.

                                                      You do know that people can just ignore a 2k hp ghost who deal 40 damage per hit, right? Just because retards in 2k wins with VG BM since everyone keeps on hitting the spectre doesn't mean it's legit
                                                      Also people get heart over skadi because you can get out of a fight after shitting out dispersion damage, heal up in few seconds, and repeat, while skadi is just a manfighting alternative that only gives you raw stats and thats about it
                                                      I am not saying VG is bad, but it doesn't seem worth to get as 1st or 2nd item except for few situation


                                                        Aquila seems fine as urn alternative


                                                          I mean if you are going to manfight pl in the early game vg is quite op for that sinec illu=0 damage


                                                            ^are u refering to that VG radi mjo game

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              aquila is really good damage for the price.

                                                              Yung Beethoven

                                                                Getting vanguard really depends on the enemy team. If they have a lot of right click dmg, or even better fast right click, low dmg ( WR for example) you are good with vanguard.

                                                                The Problem with getting vaguard is: Spectre cant flash farm like sven or AM. he really needs radiance to do so. and if you buy vanguard you pace the game even slower as it would be. Conclusion: only buy vanguard if you really getting fucked in the lane and if they have a lot of right click dmg. If not, you are better off getting Phase boots, urn, magic wand.

                                                                And if you cant free farm but you arent getting fucked in lane either: get Manta style then diffu. After that go for that radiance.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  ^I would like to kno why even 5k+ players completely disregard stack farming with vanguard and dispersion, considering it's actually really strong.

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                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Idk you can just grab aquila and iron talon and you kill creeps pretty fast, fast enough to go into radiance after vanguard anyway.


                                                                      I normally buy vanguard when they have 3-4 Rightclick heroes that like to Gank. I can hide and farm and during teamfights with max W E you dish out enough damage to stay relevant before Radiance anyway. The Q is meh when dealing with a bunch of STR heroes.

                                                                      Yung Beethoven

                                                                        @RPQ-sama Because there are, most of the time, better heroes to farm stacks made by your team (mostly your mid, sometimes the offlaner). Also buying vanguard just to farm the stacks without losing life is just throwing money away. The stacked camps could be used by other teammembers ( as mentioned above ) or even by yourself if you ask a support to help you clear it.

                                                                        The point is: you want radiance as fast as possible since it provides the most dmg you do + gives you the ability to farm much faster. Furthermore radiance gives your also tankiness by giving the enemy a misschance.