General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do people random?

Why do people random? in General Discussion

    200 gold? Is that why? 5-6 lh, is that why everyone fucking randoms? 90% of these scrubs playing this game don't know how to play the majority of the heroes, and when they random, and take a lane that would otherwise be taken by someone competent, they ruin the game for everyone. This garbage meepo from last game is among MANY MANY others who have no clue what the hell they're doing.

    Silver edge, diffusal, bkb on meepo. 4.6k my ass, wouldn't give this moron 1k.

    You want to random, go fucking play all random. And don't bother coming at me with that "if you're better than them you can still win", yeah no, not when you have morons for teammates. Wish that damn random button didn't exist, would've saved so many games for so many people. Oh and a game is a game, I don't give a shit if it was ranked or not. He did this in a pub, he most likely is doing the same shit in ranked. He sucked here, he will suck there.

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      i do what i want


        Dude its a pub why are u mad.... I was gonna agree with you cuz ppl who random in ranked are either 2000+mmr higher than where they are playing or fucking retards... but in unranked it doesnt matter dude cant someone have fun jeez


          You can't have fun unless you random? Maybe try All Random?

          casual gamer

            diffus good on meepo

            i random when im mega tilted so i can lose more


              Dude. Chill out. You play your game, he plays his. Also: Who are you to have expectations towards your teammates? Get off the high horse mr. noname


                ^Can the two of you guys fight.... this forum is so boring rn....


                  ^ We need drama to keep this forum alive.


                    I'm pretty sure 200 gold at the very beggining of the game is far more impactful than 200 gold at later stages. Whatever though.


                      Isn't really impactful when the player receiving the gold is a complete moron. Why would you random a hero you can't play, and keep him?
                      He said he never played him before, and everytime he died, "what do you expect, its my first time, fuck this hero"


                        Why are you complaining over an unranked game rofl I thought unranked is where you learn how to play heroes but I guess not if u random :/


                          Lets the system choose for you. Computer usually picks what anti's the enemies picks or whats lacking in your team's draft


                            I random when I know no one else on my team is going to pick and I didn't enter the match with a particular hero in mind.

                            Then again, I do consider myself at least semi-competent with around half the hero pool, so the chances are good that I'll do OK. But I always make sure I have enough time to re-random in case I get Meepo or something


                              Maybe people just want to be ironic or something by choosing random in an all pick mode game.

                              BSJ. LGD

                                he got inspired by me


                                  I dont understand, its a single draft game. You can random out of 3?


                                    ^^^^ lul


                                      Yesterday i had some very cool and competent player random tiny in my ranked game.

                                      12 minutes into the game he had lower lvl and farm then me (roaming spirit breaker) while having safelane farm. ended the game 1 8, clearly couldnt play the hero at all.

                                      but I guess i could have still won that game as roamig support because every game is winnable

                                      The random button in ranked has to go, It can appear again in 5k+ avg games but before this its just a "i want to ruin your game"-button

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Two people shadow mid, one first picks invoker or something, next guy randoms. That's usually what happens, when they don't get the lane they want so they say fuck it and random, always repick support.


                                          Unless I get Chen, Meepo, Visage or Earth Spirit I'm ok with first pick random.


                                            ^Whats wrong with getting chen, visage, earth spirit? these heroes are supports.

                                            Sugar Show

                                              To date, I may have click random 3~6 times since 2012.


                                                What if in ranked games you can only random if you have 50+ games on 80% of the heros.
                                                And/or you can only random 1st pick of the team.

                                                But I don't mind dota would be boring if every game went as planed.

                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                  whats wrong with silver edge on meepo


                                                    Guess BKB on meepo is great too! X)

                                                    I think I've randomed like 4 times since 2012 lol, there's just no need for it.

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      diffusal is good and SE is ok on meepo u fucking NROMIE


                                                        it is a gamble. If you random a good hero you can really snowball hard with that starting 200 gold. Like sometimes I would random a clockwerk man that offlane is a farmfest nothing can stop me. If you random a really good offlaner or mid it is really hard to stop you.

                                                        meteor hammer

                                                          or u can snowball in the jungle with that 200 gold


                                                            Random is all that keeps me alive when mid has been taken by someone who's profile seems somewhat incompetent(picks invoker and has 320avg gpm 390 avg xpm). If I random a support, so be it, if I random a jungler, ask someone to swap me, etc. the extra 200 gold if you're pos4 really helps get an early oov or wind lace.


                                                              I only play unranked to have fun with a particular hero or learn a new hero. So I can't understand why people random on pubs


                                                                Some people just can't understand why there is a ranked and unranked game in dota 2


                                                                  I win majority of the games I random cuz the 4 retards will try harder since one of the players clearly doesn't give a fuck anymore.

                                                                  Story Time

                                                                    ^also enemy will not focus a guy who randomed, because they think he sucks :)