General Discussion

General DiscussionCREEPS

CREEPS in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    Melee Creeps :

    Ogre Magi

    Ranged Creeps :

    Io (Pubs!)
    Winter Wyvern
    ADD- Visage
    ADD- Chen

    I see 2 of these heroes in the enemy team I 'd double down with no fear at all.

    Any additions?

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    Jay the Bird



        Hows something with an aoe slow a stun and attack speed buff and 100000 armor at lvl 1 a creep

        Fox McCloud

          I forgot Visage and Chen, but no one fucking picks those heroes anyway.


            U added chen to meele creeps





              Fox McCloud

                Also Lone Druid is kind of a creep, but you get two so he doesn't count I guess XD


                  shadow demon, ancient apparation, rubic ranged creeps; undying and tusk melee creeps.


                    hello, 1k called, it wants you back


                      4 second BKB piercing stun= melee creeps
                      ''mr i rape your early game" = melee creep

                      just because you and many players cant play them doesnt mean they are useless

                      not arin




                          second acc:
                          too bad about your 1k theory, if you want proof add me on both accounts. Figured it would be smarter to play on the old one right now after working hard in college enough to finish first year but not playing dota almost at all (playing on higher ranked one would result in constant loss after getting so rusty). BUT sorry i don't inhabit the local attic or have 400 pounds. I have more accounts if you want further proof some of which not even calibrated yet, but the one i sent you is highest calib atm.

                          As for explanation why i took these as reference: play for late game. Creeps early can kill you, same as undy or shadow demon. TY kind sir.

                          Skarsnik: Hero: Shadow Demon Winrate: 42.86% k:d:a 2.42 Last Played : 6 months ago
                          you were saying?

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          disgusting weebs

                            op is mentally challenged


                              Creeps early can kill you, same as undy or shadow demon

                              Riguma Borusu

                                you had me until ogre magi

                                oh wait

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  Brood is the creep queen quite literally.
                                  A very bad hero.

                                  disgusting weebs

                                    holy shit boogie2988 thought he was arguing with 1k but the guy's actually 3 7 4 4!
                                    safe to say some1 got bamboozled!



                                      "Heroes I don't know how to play are creeps. I cannot micro controlled units, I lane with Ogre Magi, I afk with Lich, I feed with IO."


                                        Lol, IO??? omg, io can save anyone caught by chrono, black hole, call etc. AND he has global presence

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Ogre has base hp regen of 4


                                            io is cancer

                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                              dunno man, at 3k Io players are not that good. But viper is definitely cancer. Especially the ones who build drum, mek and pike. they constantly 5 man in that case, and as an Invoker spammer i hope to god my team can hold HG till i farm SOMETHING. Because Viper came mid and didn't leave me any farm. Viper is stage 3 cancer for the first 25 minutes.

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                ogre is farrrrrr from useless creep

                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  add brood bruh , she is always useless , no one knows how to play her in our bracket

                                                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                                                    Hey pal, did you just blow in from stupid town