General Discussion

General DiscussionA question about Party MMR

A question about Party MMR in General Discussion

    Can someone explain me why is 800 mmr acccount in party with 3k + 3.2k and 3.5k is partied with 1.1k mmr playing against a team of 2.4k. Loss is -32 win is +14. Why is this a thing. This is every lobby we play unless you 5 stack into CM. If you do so you play against 5k or 4k people with average mmr of 3.5 who are again together with low mmrs. Is this how the new system is supposed to work or what? (No one could explain it to me on other sites they just said I'm salty for the loss).


      you know there is an option to disable parties in solo queue if you don't like it.

      Also, new system is pretty simple

      if your SOLO mmr is bigger than your PARTY then it'll use an EFFECTIVE PARTY mmr in between your solo and party.

      so if your solo is 3k and party is 2k, then your effective party mmr will be 2.5k for that match

      P.S the amount of mmr you win or lose in a game is decided by the overall mmr difference between each team presented by the ''average mmr''

      aka if your team has an mmr avg of like 2.5k while theirs has 2.0k then if they win they get like +49 or something.

      Este comentario fue editado

        I am talking about party MMR not solo Q.


          Because Party Ranked is a lot less played.
          Therefore, when people first calibrate them, they will be as low as their solo was at the time (generally speaking).

          After that, they usually grind solo MMR and get better at DotA overall, then come across others that they enjoy playing with. Then, oh joy! We are both 3.5k mmr, but our party MMR is 1400! Lets have some fun!


            Ok thanks. Just thought people are abusing the system to get queued with lower tiers for easy points


              haha i think cookie triggered with that answer lul


                HahA I ThInK CoOkiE TriGgerEd wItH ThAt AnsWer LuL
                Got em