General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on visage? (Y/N)

Midas on visage? (Y/N) in General Discussion
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    So, yea, I've decided to steal a build from one of top Visage players out there, who plays him primarily in the offlane, everything went very well, BUT I've found that unless you snowball really hard, you don't really have that much money to buy all the items you may need. Same with exp issues.

    Should I just build Midas every game then on offlane Visage? I mean... The issue is, that all that gold would make a MoC, which I could use to make kills, so if I buy Midas, then I forgo the insane early burst damage for that farm.

    A very difficult decision, the way I see it. Are there any Visage players at all out here, who could elaborate on the issue?

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      Seems a wasted opportunity - don't you want to be roaming for kills once you hit six? If you get a midas you'll have no power spike at that point. much more likely to be fulfilling your purpose if you get a medallion instead.


        Yes... you buy midas on visage whenever possible....u just cant afk farm u need to be
        Aggressive and constantly fighting yet u still need alot of fast levels


          You buy Midas and refresher on every hero. Gives you lots of exp and gold.


            don't forget +30% xp bonus that amplifies midas as well

            basement :)

              I mained Visage for a while. It is much better to just get Medallion and Solar Crest.


                its very acceptable to go for midas after medal&tranquil as i do everygame, and just ignore solar crest as it only gives 3 more armor reduction for 1450 gold. Just buy blight stone instead that also works against buildings. Midas is one of my least favourite items in this game and so i used to play this hero without midas and gpm talent and i can assure you that even if i snowballed hard, i had hard time to be 6 slotted at the end of the game coz visage itself is already bad at farming creeps and last hits, and you cant really waste your familiar charges on creeps, also hero itself is slow and doesnt have the luxury to tp somewhere else and leave its familiars. So now i go for midas and gpm talent.
                Mostly top players buy midas for this hero because of over-confidence, people who are good with this hero knows that they dont need more damage to be able to kill enemy heroes in early game, so they buy midas at early game to be able to be better at late game.