General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother - Radiance

Broodmother - Radiance in General Discussion

    Could anyone explain me why more and more people start building radiance for Broodmother (almost 50% guides on dotabuff). I have tried it and I feel it doesn't fit for this hero. Radiance gives us:
    1) faster farming - we don't need it, broodmother already farms really fast and she can clear all camps in her weebs and lane in 1 minute. If I buy radiance, before 25 lvl talent I don't have enough weebs to farm more camps (and going outside weebs in enemy jungle is unsafe)
    2) stronger teamfights - broodmother is solo pusher and rarely participates in teamfights
    3) burn - it is good for tanky heroes who broodmother definitely isn't
    4) miss chance - it isn't good to combine two miss chance abilities (radiance and incapaciting bite) because radiance doesn't help in pushing so games are longer. It means all carries get mbk before you end game if you buy radiance.
    I don't see any situation when radiance could be better than orchid/deso/solar crest as a first bigger item. Broodmother needs more pushing power to end game fast and items which helps in pick-offs. So why radiance?

    < blank >

      3k boy, just do it


        Brood farms incredibly fast. An early radiance does devastating damage to squishy heroes.
        Radiance power spike = early
        Broodmother power spike = early

        It's like the old BS radiance rush. I don't agree with it but if you're doing really well and can get it at min 14 then it's GG

        AT&T Samsung Galaxy

          broodmother is solo pusher and rarely participates in teamfights
          Broodmother needs more pushing power to end game fast
          ^this is wrong, ending fast is kind of right, but u dont achieve it by splitpushing all game
 if u want to learn this hero watch my friends replays, also plz dont build orchid on brood

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            So her playstyle has changed? I usually after destroying t1 and t2 just sit in the enemy jungle, farm and kill enemies who enter jungle (what is often impossible without orchid) then wait at big teamfight and take t3 and barracks in this time (I rather avoid teamfights if my teammates don't come at my lane). And as I remember the most people build orchid as a first item (except last 2 months when they started building radiance).

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            Yung Beethoven

              yeah i'd say radiance isnt very good except you win your lane very hard by killing them often. I'd rather go for midas, phase, orchid, echo, dagger etc.
              Imo getting radiance really delays her powerspikes. It just takes too much farm and isnt that useful.

              AT&T Samsung Galaxy

                just because most people do something doesnt mean its good, brood has a power spike when u get radiance ~12-16 min and u have to abuse this, the problem with splitpush brood is that ur team has to 4v5 all game, but seeing how fast brood farms, why would u waste that gold on contributing to nothing for ur team. U will also thrash the enemy safelane, so when u have tons of farm, and the supports and carry on enemy team dont why would u not take advantage of that

                also i really recommend u to watch some of those replays (top 500 brood)

                зачем я начал поиск

                  Radiance on Brood is really good.
                  The AOE burn on an invis hero and an insane farming boost it gives you are unmatchable by any other build.

                  You aren't supposed to just afk push one lane, btw. You can rotate webs around the map, creating pressure elsewhere. If you have >=2 web charges, you can easily join teamfights and defenses.

                  Radiance Brood doesn't have to finish too early, for if you go something like Radiance>Manta>Skadi, etc. you're a pretty viable semicarry at any stage of the game.

                  Idk, if you fail to understand the concept, go watch some replays of LG/Lirik/etc.

                  You can either split, deathball as 5 with Radiance+BKB Brood <20 mins in the game (good luck defending that) or farm up really quick and take away all the resources. The power of Brood, IMO, is in the ability to lock down the enemy on highground and to occupy the whole enemy jungle, deny neutral farm of the enemy and a quick Radiance does that very very well.

                  It is not a recent trend at all.

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    2) stronger teamfights - broodmother is solo pusher and rarely participates in teamfights
                    No. You can join any teamfight, as long as you have web charges and it feels OK to do so.

                    3) burn - it is good for tanky heroes who broodmother definitely isn't
                    Depends on what you build. You farm PT+Echo/BKB/hp talent and you're already decently fat.

                    4) miss chance - it isn't good to combine two miss chance abilities (radiance and incapaciting bite) because radiance doesn't help in pushing so games are longer. It means all carries get mbk before you end game if you buy radiance.

                    Not sure if you're retarded, but you can easily get Radiance+BKB+Solar at around 21-23 mins in the game and literally be unkillable in any 5x5. MKBs are extremely rare sub-25 mins in the game, you just mow everyone down and can't be killed by physical DPS.

                    Also, you deny the neutral farm, assuming you have won your lane and MKBs will be further delayed very far away.

                    By the time enemies get MKB, you already are 6 slotted and have replaced your Solar w/Shivas or AC.



                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Maybe as a luxury item

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          Because you can farm it faster than any other hero and you more or less melt any support thats not Orge or omni that rotates over


                            Yeah, I'll watch them, however I noticed lately (from patch with additional creep for mid) high mmr players went mid instead offlane so their playstyle can be a bit diffrent from offlaners. I play her only offlane because I'm afraid of negative reactions of my 3k teammates.

                            I could kill the most supports even without any items. Problem is that I can't kill heroes like slark, am, invoker (after laning stage) without orchid.

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              Again, if you not kill, then you just starve the opponent to a very severe gold deficit or join 5x5.
                              You place aggressive wards, lock up their jungle, force them to stay locked on their hg, while you and your team just overfarm.
                              If they have a dogshit draft, they won't be able to fight the remainder of your team either and will just sit there 'till it's over (they won't smoke up and try to get a pick-off at that rating anyway, saw that only in replays of higher level matches).

                              AM with PT+Perseverance ain't going to stop you, from entering the highground @ 20-22 mins in, nor are they going to stop a team with Aegis+ 30 to 40k gold surplus.

                              2 options:
                              1) they have a weak draft (some retarded 2k-tier shit like AM+Medusa in one draft or a jungling carry hero, etc.) - they won't be able to fight the remainder of your team 5x4, they can't catch you either - you just lock them, overfarm and mow them down, killing all 5 and finishing the game 5-10 mins later. I almost never lose such games and know it's a gg from the start.

                              2) they have a good draft for a fight (bara+slardar w mid QOP, etc.) - then you just join the 5x5, having advantage in items and level, win a few teamfights, lock them up and finish. I sometimes lose such games, for I have shit macro and map awareness.

                              I may be retarded 4k, but that's the way I see it at any rating <5k.

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