General Discussion

General DiscussionWTF? this is ridiculous and pathetic

WTF? this is ridiculous and pathetic in General Discussion

    is dota2 a team game? yes? no?

    why am i being forced constantly to play with non-english speakers on US servers? yet i get muted for disruptive behavior? are you fu**ing kidding me??? i'm communicating in english, on US servers, yet they get to insult and throw all sorts of profanities in spanish and other NON ENGLISH languages? wtf is going on here? i thought this was america with freedom of speech? now i'm muted, cant communicate with the 1% of my english speaking team mates... this is pathetic, get your ducks in a row and fix this crap immediately. Get server segregation up and stop allowing these dumbasses to ruin EVERY SINGLE GAME with their shit. are you fuc*ing kidding me, i mean seriously... i speak up, i get muted... they dont follow the rules, do whatever the flying f*ck they want, and get away with it? unacceptable, your logic is about as full retard as it can get


      welcome to dota 2 please enjoy your stay


        I'm muted but idk why
        Can't use mic


          Cuz you're fucking annoying raj


            I like to speak Korean at the beginning of my games so people don't talk to me.


              The issue here is you think communication is necessary.


                NA tards always complaining about non Eng speakers lul


                  Bryant I usually don't tilt


                    join the Pen15 club


                      no, the issue here is that the mexicans, peruvian, and trashzilians are allowed to whatever the f*ck they want yet here we are, on our own US servers getting punished for speaking our minds. This is the kind of racism noone sees. We speak our minds and get punished: text book discrimination. Lawsuit possible? hell yeah,lemme get my union rep. I cant do what they're doing? F*ck you!


                        how the f*ck am i supposed to know if they are using foul language? i dont speak spick!


                          i feel VERY discriminated against, as an american. I cant say what is on my mind, i cant call people out on THEIR bullshit without offending some little sh*t trashzilian or whatever without getting into trouble myself, i cant even fart in my own f*cking house without getting reported and getting into trouble. Are you f*cking serious? that is discrimination!! either they ALL get muted (like they should, noone wants to hear that spick talk) or NOONE gets muted.. way to discriminate you biased f*ckbags


                            better yet, keep them off US servers. all they do is pick 4 carries, then cry about not having wards or courier, feed, and then leave
                            ever... f*cking... game
                            so, if they can do that on US servers, that means i can go to their sh*thole servers (as corrupted as the trashzilians might be) and talk a lot of shit without getting in trouble, right? i mean, they are allowed to do that, so guess what? i'm not allowed to do that b/c i'm american... yeah, real f*cking biased, you money cock hungry f*ckbags


                              The issue here is you think communication is necessary.

                              are we playing the same game? this is dota 2, right? 5v5? (until 1 trashzilian leaves on my team, as always)
                              how the f*ck is communication NOT necessary>? it's a team game you dumb shit. Any team game requires communication. But then again, i'm willing to be that you are one of the problem f*cks on our US servers, making it horrible and infuriating to queue solo.
                              I shouldnt have to put up with that sh*t as a solo queuer. You can team queue or solo queue in this game. So guess what, they need to make it fair for EVERYONE, not just the trashzilian and shitpuvian population !!!


                                dota is not a team game under 6k mmr

                                don't bother, just mute everyone and play to win for yourself up till then.


                                  Lmao. American mad cuz bad


                                    Ur just a whiny bitch boy who can't get past that fact that u suck as much as them


                                      You are being punished because you are bad + an asshole. It's not discrimination. Lol


                                        America has no national language lol. Guess what the 2nd most spoken language is in the U.S, it's Spanish. No use in complaining that no one on your team speaks English, just makes you sound stupid. I agree it's irritating but you just gotta learn to deal with it.


                                          It's actually hilarious. You're banned in your own home for speaking your own language. Hahahahaha. I can't know the awful feeling bec I'm Uzbek and I play on Russian and East Europe server. But I speak Russian and English during games.


                                            " I can't know the awful feeling"
                                            much english? blurrybob, lawl... pathetic

                                            "America has no national language lol"
                                            shitremains - never said it was, but way to assume... dumb shit


                                              "dota is not a team game under 6k mmr"

                                              that's a flaw on their behalf, just like hearthstone is impossible to advance in without spending hundreds of dollars or playing for years until you get somewhat decent cards.

                                              it IS a team game, no matter what mmr, 5v5 brah... that makes it a team of 5 against another team of 5


                                                No, you said it yourself

                                                you can't find any teamplay, it's just that you WANT it to be a 5v5 game so badly that you can't just accept that it's not.


                                                  Lmao you're just a retarded, racist, KKona. Complain more it's really entertaining. Instead of muting the people you can't talk to you got upset with them and got muted because of it. Sadly you aren't muted on DB. Just fucking grow a pair and deal with shit as it's given to you instead of spewing on here so we all have to listen to you and risk losing brain cells. Making fun of blurryblob for a grammatically incorrect statement when English isn't even his first language. He literally said he was from Uzbekistan fucking moron.


                                                    Typical self entitled inflated self important NA. Lol


                                                      He is complaining about everything he is himself


                                                        You sound like you paid more than those non-English speakers to play on the server. At least they understand each other, the chance of you wining is higher, when you play along instead of being annoying.


                                                          there are people with names that include the words: *igger, f*ck, bitch, f*ckers... and more.. yet i'm the one getting muted for bad language? if they allow those names to go through the filter, then everyone should get banned and muted. You guys are profiling me and in the US that's against the law, on a federal level ... gj guys, way to break the law with your illegal UELA

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            You don't have to worries about any of these problem if you stop Dota.


                                                              good thing this isn't an USA only website

                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                Queue US West only.

                                                                It takes a little longer to find games, but the wait is well worth it.

                                                                You seem to be in Normal Skill. Idk how that's like anymore, but I do know that US West has much more English speakers and far less Hispanics unlike US Cancer. Sorry. I meant to say US East.

                                                                Plus US East has boosters and account buyers left and right.

                                                                GL HF


                                                                  thx for the info... bong rips, i'll try that in the future


                                                                    Simba, i'd love to see you play the 1 support with 4 carries, whom you cannot understand... language nor play style. In these lower tier brackets, as a solo queuer, it's virtually impossible to progress b/c there's just too much dead weight on my team for me to support.
                                                                    But i seem to be talking over your head, let me paint a picture for you, maybe you'll understand it this way:
                                                                    mama bear and papa bear are hungry. they go to the river. but the bears didnt notice the 4 big stones tied to a rope to their legs. the river has a very fast current (that's the speed of the water flow, just in case you didnt know that... not being condescending... that's talking down to people). the fish get scared and manage to swim up-stream. but the bears are too big and the stones are too heavy, so the current takes them down stream....
                                                                    the trashzilians are the stones and no matter how hard or good you play (or swim) you'll always get sucked down by the dead weight.

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                      Unless you're in a 5 man queue, this ain't a team game buddy.

                                                                      basement :)

                                                                        If your teammates do not speak English, why does getting muted matter?


                                                                          LMAO not being condescending. That's talking down to ppl


                                                                            OP is a classic Dunning-Kruger vintage with racist tendencies.


                                                                              Don't ever change OP.

                                                                              Jacques Lacan

                                                                                "muh freedom of speech" except we're not playing usa here we're playing dota


                                                                                  Get server segregation up

                                                                                  Trump voter confirmed

                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                    i dont now other way to explain dota but this .. 1+1+1+1+1 vs 1+1+1+1+1, if you know what i mean? 5vs5 its an illusion


                                                                                      Check your server settings maybe your language is set to spanish not automatic (english), or, maybe try be more polite to other guys explaining there are other servers that are more suitable for other languages, and don't make it sound like you're racist or triggered kiddo. On the other hand, in solo ranked games, sometimes mute button works wonders, you don't even need to talk to some people to make things done, you will just throw game while listening to some garbage crying cringy bs in english.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        consider the following

                                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                          BUT MUH FREEDOMZ


                                                                                            Dude I've only 1 question:
                                                                                            R u a niBBa?


                                                                                              Im pretty sure that those players know basic english, you have chat wheel though

                                                                                              Player 404335202

                                                                                                I always get a pinoy who starts flaming ! Says something like potangina mo tana punga taka muka .... But on other hand i have pinoy frnds who dont flame at all ! So i think this thing is luck dependent


                                                                                                  Lul pinoy detected, run to save your lyf!
                                                                                                  Look, there's no proper Dota 2 in 2k-4.5k bracket! :D
                                                                                                  Still wondering if u gon answer my q. or not


                                                                                                    ^potangina means i love mom right??

                                                                                                    Yuyuko Saigyouji

                                                                                                      "i thought this was america with freedom of speech?"
                                                                                                      And you don't want them to speak spanish.
                                                                                                      Use the chat wheel.


                                                                                                        If you're so salty, u better play on SEA server lul(or EU West)