General Discussion

General DiscussionI hope invoker arcana win!!!

I hope invoker arcana win!!! in General Discussion

    please vote invoker.



        pls no ty.....think of all the 2k 44% winrate invokers that will buy arcana and think theyre good.....hell think of all the 4k invokers


          vote voker tq


            I'm afraid he isn't quite the grandest magus.

            Fee Too Pee

              People have too much expectations on rubick. I prefer have invoker arcana that surely have all spells changed.

              And for rubick supports? Pfft . When u win with rubick in ur team anyway

              Raj Limbasia

                I hope sniper wins


                  I am doing everything in my power to disable invoker winning.


                    rubick deserves the win
                    plus i dont want the other 3 to win since noobs will spam the hero more if either injoker, hoho haha, dendi fangay hero wins

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                        Pudge is the key, pudge is love.


                          I'm seriously tempted to buy a BattlePass just to dump votes on Rubick.

                          basement :)

                            I voted Pudge even though I will never buy it.


                              just get sniper invoker pudge riki arcanas out the way then the entire Russian hero pool will have arcanas.


                                Vote rubick so that im not the only shitter thats willing to support in my 1k games KrappaG


                                  You seriously want to play with shit Invokers on your team every game? Please no.

                                  Fee Too Pee

                                    You seriously want to play with rubick on your team everygame? At least at ranked , invoker is more usefull than a fucking rubick


                                      dont know why people butthurt so much about invoker picker. i think invoker arcana will be interesting man. In lower bracket rubick is useless anyway, since no one gonna play it effectively. go2 invoker.


                                        You guys do know that Valve can decide who's gonna win by their own, right?


                                          well if that happen again, i guess invoker gonna win this time. oo yess!!!


                                            yo Lil' remain i spam invoker to get out from 1k trench. looking at ur rubick winrate , it give more reason invoker deserve to have arcana. XD