General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me to get out of HIDDEN POOL!

Help me to get out of HIDDEN POOL! in General Discussion

    Hello guys, from the information ive read on the internet im on shadowpool and im rly worried about that coz i dont want to throw this account with all of those items on it.

    Anyone know how to get out of shadowpool or it goes out after some time?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    All matches are found on US West while im searching on EU servers.

    I was doing hard abuse and thats how i wend in to that shadowpool, but without sandboxie. I wont abuse ever again i just want my acc backm :((

    IF behaviour score does matter to shadowpool i had 6700 now after an abbadon and maybe some reports it droped to 3700 but i managed to play some games and its back to 4900 now. I would love to kknow if this affect the shadowpool.

    Best of all from ZipZap and i hope noone joins shadowpool its a nightmare :(

    Pale Mannie

        lol cmmon man i need help not this -_-

          lol cmmon man i need help not this -_-


            behave urself ingames and keep playing


              if i keep playing and raise my behaviour score i get out of shadowpool?

              does siltbreaker helps u in that case>?

              Dark Hunter

                what the fuck is shadowpool anyway. Are you talking about low priority? or is there something worse than that? That most of us never had to witness deep down in the dark dungeons of gaben himself?


                  i think he means he is getting matched up with toxic people that throw games for him, in which case you just need to behave yourself a wee bit better and never abandon.


                    Depends What abuse u did?




                        battlepass abuse ... its worse then lp i wish u never visit it

                        Dark Hunter

                          Only been in low priority like 2 times. Well good luck. And don't be toxic


                            Op is a retard


                              shadowban is when the game doesnt find u match with real ppl at all but with bots and maybe just 1 real person as enemy with 4 bots in US servers doesnt matter where u search or during the day it might finds u 2 full teams with real ppl that have same punishment as u the shadow ban or shadowpool or whateva is called and it sucks


                                well you asked for it. trash like you should just fuck off from this game.

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Wtf is this thread? lool


                                    Get good

                                    Pubic Enemy

                                      Is shadow pool real

                                      Mlada i Luda

                                        lul 4700bs, in 3k mmr ! your rly in deep shit , you have no idea how deep you are , its like playing in a 3k average games but your team real average mmr its like 300, compare to the enemy team. btw dont take in consideration any trollers or some retards with high mmr even blue stars, if they tell you that it not exist, they never experienced it , and before i experienced it i did not beleive in it also this is how human brain works. now to get out of it , its rly hard actually i could not made it i got rid of that acc, but you can maybe you need to suck your teams dick every game, for commends . good luck


                                          Shadow pool, existing or not, shouldn't be anyone's concern


                                            lol mafioso spreading his lies and conspiracy theories. watch out! the valve police are here to catch you and turn your teammates against you to make you lose. lmao


                                              The first step getting out of Victim mentality is realizing you have the issue.
                                              You seem to want to change your life so that is good.
                                              The second part is to realize that you are the problem. Not the world.
                                              Shadow pool is not real and is a retarded idea that low mentality people invented to keep themself from selfblaming.
                                              THAT SAID.
                                              There is something stupid about playing on low mmr accounts.
                                              basically if you have 500+ games in dota. and you are below 3k mmr You should ALLAWYS make a new account.
                                              If you dont do this you will learn wrong at an extremly slow pase.
                                              basically if you have thousands of games.
                                              and you are not 5k you have learned wrong.

                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                sir congrats for your graduation in psichology . anyway you did not learned shit in there lul.


                                                  mafioso 30% winrate invoker 2nd most pickef hero

                                                  "SHADOWPOOL IS REAL"



                                                    mafioso should not try to insult people without a proper grasp of the english language. lol

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      [ killstealreporter 9 hours ago
                                                      mafioso 30% winrate invoker 2nd most pickef hero
                                                      "SHADOWPOOL IS REAL"
                                                      kys] if you dont have anything to write related with our discus here, you dont have to you know?


                                                        rofl. mafioso you know you should just accept that you have no credibility when it comes to subject of hiddenpool. dont get so butthurt. xD


                                                          1st most picked hero pudge also 30% winrate

                                                          "I EXPERIENCED SHADOWPOOL! nothing to do with the fact that i pick heros i cant play!!!111"

                                                          oh god he is from europe. sea coulf be excusable but eu? so bayed

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            again , same shit as the previous guy, you jsut feel like you need to write something , and this happens. jsut trashtalk spam nothing construcitive ever heard by anyone here. to be honest despite the ' fights' me and cuki had together in this forum i have to admit , he is the only on here that writes some smart things inhere, i realized now why you watched him as a ' god' . i mean im a normal person but w in here i also feel like a god the average iq here rly close to autisem for real.


                                                              so im winning the game because ive bs over 9000 and not because im learning. shit now ill have to do cookie challenge

                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                killstealreporter, jsut so you realise hor retarded and completely not in point your comment is , i will repeat to you others already know, this is not my acc, i have not played 1 game with inoker never in my life in dota 2, i used to play him maybe 10 times in dota 1 and thats it. i taken this acc recently where i play for fun with my friends mostly , only less than 100 recently games are mind. DICKHEAD


                                                                  LOL yyes you have IQ of a god.


                                                                    guys let's see here, he claims this is not his account. he has at least 2 accounts with similarly poor normal skill sub 50 winrate where he claims its because of his party mates.

                                                                    i mean let's assume its true that this isnt his account, so you'd expect him to win a lot more if he was playing normal skill games right? wrong.

                                                                    so he's probably like 1k in reality playing in a high 2k bracket he doesnt belong to. lol thats the only story that makes perfect sense.

                                                                    you know what else makese sense? that he'd have a tendency to blame his teammates and believe in the hiddenpool at the same time. just watch how he blames he's party mates and appreciate the wonder of the delusional mind

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                                                                      when you use ad hominem in an argument against mafioso


                                                                        man you get very salty. seems i hit a nerve there

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                                                                          he get's extremely salty to the point he cant forget me, because i called out his sub 50% winrate in the past too. lol

                                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                                            @man you get very salty. seems i hit a nerve there. yes you did. @ diox, i apreciate your try to analise my person but you not even close at all. ... Now for the real talk about' HIDDEN POOL'. i se a lot of kids are rly confused about it, and the only reason why im doing this is that i feel i have my responsabilities in this. first of all i never used term hidden pool, in learned this from you guys in this forum. i;ve talked about BS and how it effects on the game. the problem is that it lookes to me rly simple the logic about it andi presumed that you will also would understan without me needed to go in details, but i was wrong i overstimated your intiligence sry about that. so lets start with baby steps, everyone here aggre about that mmr determines the skill level of the teamates that you will have in team right? you understan that cause that thing is in the surface everyone can see the mmr, well it is another factor which is BS and mostly of the players were not aware about it , but that thing was always there and always had its impact. thats all waht i said ' BS score matters' it have an impact on how your teammates will be. i did not know andv was not prepared at all for those retarded extreme reaction from majority of this forum like ' oh my bs suck , i always loose cause of team' 'oh i have 9000 bs so its not me doing good in game but is my team wining for me ' . mostly of reaction were agresive and insulting the players who had to deal with low bs and were complaining and asking explanation here in this forum. gues waht the got as an answer .. '' fucking retard 2k scrub you suck at dota dont blame team' poor guy was only asking some explanation from more experienced players he though maybe they know something more about this. instead the got a shit tons of insults from retard kids like jacked and many others here. thats why im try to clearify as much possible asi can and make it ez even for some rly little kids inhere , and for the retard grounp ups also. i dont rly what you have in your mind when you say HIDDEN POOL i think that many of you think about in in different ways about his meaning. but i know about BS i tested it , with this being said dont over comit in it, i know many of shitplayers will use it as an excuse for the looses, and thats why cuki was commited so hard in that '1vs9' thing to make you know that it is you the most bigest and important factor in your game, and he probably went a little bit extreme on that thats why many of you are rly confused now, buti dont blame him he probably was thnking same as me , we overstimated your inteligence and presummed that you would understand some basic stuff without being said. about the test , i played for 1 week in an acc with 3k mmr and above9k bs , i was in normal mode, i mean i was ranked buti was not rly trying hard , jsut wanted to see how much BS effects the game in solo ranked. andi had around 80 % in that ac. than i got another with 3k mmr and 6k bs i played with same attidute as in the other jsut playing normaly not trying to comunicate or trying hard in both casse , and in 1 week my winrate was around 40% with this being said, its still jsut a factor among many others not the most important, you are the most important factor in your game, if i would try harder i'd probably maintaned almost same winrate in both scenarios. ty for readin you not gonna see stuf like this anymore in near future... deal with it XD


                                                                              on the contrary, i'm actually quite a team player anywhere above 4k.

                                                                              also i still believe that a sample size of 2 is inconclusive, but like i've said:

                                                                              even if it exists and it had effects on your mmr; the worst it'll do is drop you 500 below your level, after that your games will become so easy that no matter how braindead your teammates are you'd still be winning 50%+ because enemies are simply bad at the game itself compared to you.

                                                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                                that simple size of 2 is only not to make a post with 0 constructive arguments based on , i can keep going with much more others, but i've wrote to much already for a lazy person i am. about the 500 mmr thing is not that simple , but yeah probably you simplifying it for smae reason as mine lol. i think that it effects different person in different ways , cause its not that is only skill , and bs factors inlcuded there are other factors that are related with each other, communication, psichologycal part , how willing is the person to deal with those factors etc etc. for examlpe a person that tilt quite fast wil get hit harder by bad bs . good that you ponite the finger in my size of conlusion and made me clear that , cause i undersood recently cause if you let room for misunderstands , than it will be a lot of missundertands from this' weird' forum. its like they desire so much to missunderstand things and create open wars.


                                                                                  omagad can you summarize your argument please. whats with you an slq rambling on and on and on about nothing as way to mask your incoherent logic. lol

                                                                                  people insult you because your ideas are completely false and stupid. it's that simple. its not that people here are not willing to have a discussion. it's also because u are incapable of performing critical analysis. most likely you have sub-par intelligence growing up and just a very edgy rebellious teen won't listen to people smarter than you. just overall foolish and delusional personality.

                                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                                    lol this jacked is a completely different level of autisem compare to all though . the only one that makes me laugh for real at least, he keep inuslting the persons like he rly knows something about them lol, and always have 0 thoughs about the 'material people are talking'. dont take it personally jacked i did not do this for you i only said your name , to draw more attention lol.


                                                                                      like you know, the argument about BS/ hidden pool/ shadow pool etc. is basically the same argument as proving if god exists or not, it's basically impossible to prove or disprove the existence of it. There's basically no conclusive evidence for either side, it's just an annoying flame fest.

                                                                                      for the plebs: city A prays to their god X that their team wins the Football championship, city B prays to their god Y that their team wins the Football championship.

                                                                                      Then city A wins and they'd make the conclusion the their god X exists and is listening to them.

                                                                                      The problem with this is that either city has a 50/50 chance, only city A could have 100% chance if their god X actually existed.

                                                                                      the problem with that is that you'd have to take literally every other variable out of the equation to make such a claim be true(weather, players themselves, time, location, outfits, food, air density in the ball etc.)

                                                                                      The only conclusive thing that we have is a statement from valve about 3 years ago, we still have basically no clue how the exact matchmaking algorithm works, and the matchmaking algorithm gets tweaked like once a month.

                                                                                      And this is why i simply chose to not give a fuck till proven or disproven.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        Thank god for the Bluestar, so you can just skip the nonsense the lower players spout.
                                                                                        You literally argue about nonsense that doesn't matter at all, then get into fights about who is right.

                                                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                          ANYONE CAN TELL ME SOMETHING ABOUT MY QUESTION OR U WILL JUST RANDOMLY THROW SOME WORDS THAT DOESNT BELONG TO THIS TOPIC>?>???


                                                                                            i truly feel sad for you zipzap

                                                                                            Mlada i Luda

                                                                                              cuki in i also wanted to make such a comparison about bh score and god actually , and i decided to not do it inthe last momment causei dont believe in god and would be like a counter argument for my idea lol. with this being said your comparison stands prety much, cause yeah there are not rly eveidence or real proves about that, just like god you might not trust in him unstil something happens to you and it makes you feel him . but its not exactly the same thing though asi said i dont trust in god, but this bs is quite obvious and legit for me, as i said its simple logic , jsut think if mmr would be hidden it would be a lot of theories about matchmaking, bs is a thing that camme out lately and its not legit yet , but im sure it will be prety soon . it will be something just like mmr.


                                                                                                well all of u post here ur behaviour score and tell me ur queue time...


                                                                                                  [Developer] account_id: 72989532
                                                                                                  [Developer] wins: 2745
                                                                                                  [Developer] losses: 2321
                                                                                                  [Developer] xp: 695
                                                                                                  [Developer] level: 17
                                                                                                  [Developer] initial_skill: 107
                                                                                                  [Developer] leaver_count: 97
                                                                                                  [Developer] low_priority_until_date: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] prevent_text_chat_until_date: 1499614997
                                                                                                  [Developer] prevent_voice_until_date: 1499614997
                                                                                                  [Developer] last_abandoned_game_date: 1500813570
                                                                                                  [Developer] leaver_penalty_count: 3
                                                                                                  [Developer] completed_game_streak: 34
                                                                                                  [Developer] teaching: 345
                                                                                                  [Developer] leadership: 375
                                                                                                  [Developer] friendly: 353
                                                                                                  [Developer] forgiving: 311
                                                                                                  [Developer] account_disabled_until_date: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] account_disabled_count: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] showcase_hero_id: 1
                                                                                                  [Developer] match_disabled_until_date: 1501033655
                                                                                                  [Developer] match_disabled_count: 131
                                                                                                  [Developer] partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
                                                                                                  [Developer] low_priority_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] competitive_rank: 3415
                                                                                                  [Developer] calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_competitive_rank: 3300
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] recruitment_level: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] has_new_notifications: true
                                                                                                  [Developer] is_league_admin: false
                                                                                                  [Developer] secondary_leaver_count: 65
                                                                                                  [Developer] last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1500340098
                                                                                                  [Developer] casual_games_played: 2002
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_competitive_games_played: 1213
                                                                                                  [Developer] party_competitive_games_played: 995
                                                                                                  [Developer] casual_1v1_games_played: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] competitive_team_games_played: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 114
                                                                                                  [Developer] play_time_points: 166
                                                                                                  [Developer] account_flags: 3
                                                                                                  [Developer] play_time_level: 402
                                                                                                  [Developer] player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 5177
                                                                                                  [Developer] player_behavior_score_last_report: 4478
                                                                                                  [Developer] player_behavior_report_old_data: true
                                                                                                  [Developer] tourney_skill_level: 5
                                                                                                  [Developer] tourney_recent_participation_date: 1498928400
                                                                                                  [Developer] prevent_public_text_chat_until_date: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] favorite_team: 1227323744
                                                                                                  [Developer] anchored_phone_number_id: 322849440428542930
                                                                                                  [Developer] ranked_matchmaking_ban_until_date: 1496821661
                                                                                                  [Developer] recent_game_time_1: 1501179682
                                                                                                  [Developer] recent_game_time_2: 1501164638
                                                                                                  [Developer] recent_game_time_3: 1501121227
                                                                                                  [Developer] general_seasonal_ranked_rank: 3434
                                                                                                  [Developer] general_seasonal_ranked_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] general_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 39
                                                                                                  [Developer] general_seasonal_ranked_rank_peak: 3612
                                                                                                  [Developer] general_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_seasonal_ranked_rank: 3694
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_seasonal_ranked_calibration_games_remaining: 0
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 209
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_seasonal_ranked_rank_peak: 3951
                                                                                                  [Developer] solo_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
                                                                                                  [Developer] favorite_team_packed: 281552286122023


                                                                                                    THE BIG POINT IS EVEN WHEN I SEARCH IN EU SERVERS IT FINDS MATCH ON US SERVERS THAT KILLS ME MORE so there is a 100% proof there is something wrong


                                                                                                      i wanted to do a testing a month or two back, i wanted to collect accounts with 500-1000 BS differences and actually just record the overall playstyle and player behavior at the same X mmr

                                                                                                      with like 3 games on each account and 10-20 accounts you could see a pattern appear that you could use to make an actual conclusion to only the existence(the specifics would still be unknown).

                                                                                                      but all the players who claimed/disclaimed they knew BS/hidden pool/shadow pool or whatever existed didn't actually want to give their accounts for testing, then i realized:

                                                                                                      this forum doesn't want to find out the truth, they just want to be right, so i just deleted the post as it just turned into an useless flame fest.

                                                                                                      so tbh, that's why i don't care if it exists or not anymore.

                                                                                                      way back before this BS score or hidden pool was a thing(years before i even got to this forum). when i started to git gud i just made a theory that i can always compensate for my teamamtes mistakes, regardless of how bad they are; just as long as i'm better than the enemy i'll win. That's why it never mattered to me, because i could always win if i played better, regardless if my teammates were flamers/feeders or teamplayers/bros

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                                                                                                        cookie can u send or dota_game_account_debug