General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to lose with dazzle?

How to lose with dazzle? in General Discussion

    I really think dazzle is ez hero, i dont understand how people lose with him.

    Most of the games are ez 30 minutes stomps, and KDA isnt just anything special, i think its just ez mmr hero, you agree boys?


      Dazzle is a fantastic laner, but is super defensive with limited offensive capabilities
      He can't roam or rlly gank well


        who needs it any way? he is good ez mmr taker, thats enough


          Because roamers and gankers have to ability to influence other Lanes meaning u can apply urself wherever needed
          Dazzle isn't so good at that
          Just look at sb's Winrate in 5k
          If ur good at dazzle that's different but he isn't a god hero


            You are wrong, i am sure that my skill with dazzle is quite bad as with all supports i play, i often do not carry tp to save cores, i basically only buy wards/pull or go agro in laning stage but thats it.
            How ever with support like dazzle you only need good positioning and not skills, stay in the back of fight and heal teammates, and that is ez win my bro


              are you a combination of frank and ice tea.....also idk man...dazzle is pretty weak in solo queue need to make sure your team will pick around a push strat/huskar

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                All defensive supports are really strong in pubs if you know what you are doing.


                  Out of my games with dazzle i had huskar like in two of them, he is oppowite from weak, if you are not ganked, you are unkillable in lane, and you have strong slow to fuck enemy up, ez mmr


                    Dazzle brings a stick.

                    AXE brings an AXE

                    basement :)

                      Dazzle. I forgot he existed.


                        Axe is pretty shit againt dazzle, he is good against shallow grave, but he is very bad agaist shadow wave, and if he berserks more thsn one oponent, you csn do 1000 damage to him with one heal.


                          ^ any hero is bad against shadow weave.

                          Just because dazzle's ult is strong doesn't make Axe any less of a counter. Axe basically negates grave, making Dazzle half as useful as usual.


                            Axe gains 40 armor during call so the shadow wave dmg isn't as bad for him