fuck for a moment there i thought op was saying hes 12yo and been laying since 2005
if not a troll:
clans arent a thing since about 6-7 years ago, and they never were a thing in dota2. there are several relatively populated communities, but there's no use in being part of them, literally. just find some friends to play with.
With the international league going on watching all these professional players. It's hard for me to sit back and play with random pubs all the time. I am itching to get back into the professional gaming along with my 12 year knowledge and experience of this game.
Honestly, I feel like I am wasting my time playing with random pubs cause it isnt worth it and they aren't very competitive.
your win rate is not high enough with your ranking to get on a team with anyone good unfortunately
idk i thnk clans/gaming communities were a thing back in early 2013/late 2012 with guilds and shit
Disregard my current stats and mmr. Like I said, I just made the transition recently from dota 1 to dota 2.
You will know my capabilities in-game or by watching my previous games.
@OP when i made the "change" from dota 1 to dota 2 i still managed to get 4,9k at my calibarting. So having 1k after playing dota for years means you are not good at it and probably never were.
This is as exclusive as it gets. You are looking at an extremely rare player that woke up from the dead.
I could care less about your stats/mmr bullcrap. To a 12 year veteran player like me, that is just some new generation bs for you young players these days. Even if you're 10k or 100k MMR, i wont sweat 1v1'ing you.
When I got back into playing dota again after years of taking a break with real life, I thought that dota community has gone weaker and became less competitive.
Its like a Vietnam war veteran coming back into the weak Trump/North korea cyber war.
You kids are weak.
go show me your skills, school me in the middle lane. i have only played dota for 3 years so you have 4x experience
To all the nay-sayers and non-believers responding here. We could settle this into a 1v1 best of 3.
I dont like wasting my time arguing with noobs online wasting my efforts and shit.
Of course, there are always kids who try to sound smart/good and talk on the mic all game, but can't back it up with their gameplay.
Just 1v1 me to settle it scrubs.
he had good gamesense, when i blew spike on creeps he walked at me immediately because he knew he could win the trade, just not used to normal cs battles prob
Jdf do you have some laning tips? I noticed that I lack the ability to quickly notice good trade potentials and exploit it but I might miss out other things that I should improve on
round 2
he had a very unfortunate level 2 because i had totem + shock and shield and he had boots and fissure, never really recovered
he was trying to just sit back for xp and kill me with ult but i stacked bracers with raindrop so i could tank through everything under t1
The knowledge you had at dota 12 years ago is irrelevant to the current game. I've had friends who played since dota 1, and yet, I've already been able to surpass them and more.
Sometimes being an older player is dangerous because you won't let go of biases that have proved to be inefficient.
i mean he couldve been a lot worse for a dota 1 player, the big thing holding him back imo was his item builds
im supposed to be the top 0.21% of dota 2 players anyway, even if im rusty
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What's up everyone,
I am looking for a competitive clan to play dota with. A little bit about me, I have been playing dota 1 since 2005 and I just made the transition into dota 2 earlier this year (few months ago). My specialties are carry agilities and initiator tanks such as ES, kunkka, axe, etc.
I was in the same clan as IceFrog back in the old days which is clan TDA (The DotA-Allstars). If you guys haven't heard of IceFrog, he is the creator of dota himself. He created the dota map in the warcraft 3 system and it just blew up from there. Without him, we wouldn't have this amazing game to play.
Anyway, I know it's sad I have been playing dota for this long, but it's been on and off and I just now found some spare-time to be playing again. I am impressed by the dota 2 system and I can honestly say it is way better than dota 1, but it is still the same concept and almost 100% similar.
If any clan is interested into adding an additional veteran player such as myself. Feel free to respond here or msg me.