Core lich better. Build around the +150 dmg talent bonus.
Treads midas pike sny mjol bkb skadi
I go phase soul ring lance maelstrom Pike aghs mjollnir, and eventually bloodthorn
Those r the core items rest is situational.
The thing is Arctic burn deals percentage of CURRENT hp, so when they're full on hp the skill deals a lot of dmg, but when they're low it's super underwhelming. This means wyvern with just aghs can't rlly finish anyone off, and splinter blast isn't rlly reliable enough, or scales well enough to fulfill this purpose. That's why u need mjollnir, cuz the lightning procs help u finish off opponents. That and u farm like shit so u need something to help u and maelstrom fits that purpose. In the late game u'll need bloodthorn for the same reason, it's a damage steroid and it gives mana Regen and the bonus dmg it deals at the end of the silence helps u kill people.
U don't need bloodstone, u'll buy soul ring early cuz u need splinter blast to farm and have early Mana problems, but u will eventually get a mana Regen item like orchid/bloodthorn or linkens and that's enough rlly.
Midas situational if u can get it fast
Bkb if needed, hex for disable, shiva's/skadi to become tankier and kite even better.
I've also considered fitting in solar crest, it synergizes a lot with the hero, with winter's curse, and makes her tankier, but idk where I wud put it cuz she has a core set of items she needs.
She is also a good Rapier carrier cuz her range is so long and she isn't easy to focus without ur team intervening.
Also if u bloodthorn people in winter's curse their allies will crit on them. Use Arctic burn to cliff urself so it's hard for the enemy to reach u, unless it puts u in a worse position of course. the wyvern drow combo is ok but neither front lines so unlike stuff like drow dusa, drow razor, or drow huskar, u will need to pick an offlaner to front line for u, smth like axe, centaur, bb, etc.
it good but situational...very...its actually very situational...i dont even know the situation in which she is a good pick
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What do you think about a core WW?
I tested it with bots and friends(k isnt the best environment for testing but works as well good) pretty well around a drow ranger line up maybe.
items which are really needed : phase/travel, aghs, bloodstone or orchid/bloodthorn, pike, mjollnir and situational counter like linkens/bkb/lotus
early build 3-1-1-1