I don't know why I skipped that part. I'm terribly sorry.
^ That's not Qop or Luna's job. That's Nyx or lich's job.
It's an hour-long game with a very close score (48-46). These games are determined by pick-offs, roshing and using aegis/cheese to go HG. Sometimes you can do everything you need to and still lose. Without seeing the replay, and judging by the stats page it doesn't look like you did anything glaringly wrong.
Luna didn't have butterfly. That 35% evasion is big against TB WR pounding on her. Sceptre could have been replaced.
The Luna was saying the Aghs second item choice is good because at that point in time I was strong and ahead, so he can just put the ult on me. I personally thought he could have gotten a dragon lance for half the price for more range + damage/health and eventually the hurricane for positioning. But the Luna was telling me nothing is better (even butterfly) than the Aghs because he would still die from Earthshaker going on him and the damage output from the TB.
As the for Techies, no idea why he first picked him since he 95% picks phoenix and he just goes and "does" things for who knows why but I just let him be and try to only worry about what I need to do. They're my friends but we have disagreements since they just focus on trying to win but I want to get better to win more and move up and out of the current bracket.
Items wise I say both you and Luna shouldn't go aghm.
Luna go butterfly
You should got bkb sooner, mjollnir and ac or oct or Shivas
U need mjollnir
A shiva's or ac as well
Aghs is bad don't buy it
U want veil then orchid, instead of aghs u get linkens faster, then bkb, then mjollnir or shiva's or hex or ac.
Mjollnir on lvl 25 qop is rlly good, cuz u lifesteal of the static shield and lightning procs. Luna shudnt have gone aghs, but since she did ur veil becomes even better. Lich shudnt be buying that. U guys needed a pipe and a lotus, not greaves. Butterfly is mandatory on Luna that game. The bloodthorn upgrade is good, but I'd prioritize mjollnir considering they have manta on tb (and tb in general), greaves on pudge, and multiple bkb's. Wudve forgone hex, but idk that's a personal decision it's still a good item.
Tldr buy mjollnir and an armor item, stop buying aghs on qop, aghs Luna is bad
Hmm right...mjollnir is good for illusions as well, I didn't think of that. I wanted someone to get a lotus but that didn't happen unfortunately so I just got myself a linkens. I'm not really sure about when to buy BKBs. I normally buy them after the orchid, but I was told sometimes it's better to buy them later since those BKB times can be helpful when you can last longer in the fights. But I guess the same thing can be said for the mid game cause I'd probably die a lot more without the BKB.
I have a habit of buying the aghs on qop because of the low cd and I can do a lot with it whether it's farm/fights/or even split push if things are that bad? But that's just how my thought process is currently and I know I have terrible item choices but that's just a part of learning. Thank you all for the input!
Issue when vsing a veno if he gets a good ult off and you win the fight you get nothing from it because your team to low to push objectives.
Aghs is kinda useless, it's just not how qop operates
Qop needs to transition to some form of right clicking to stay relevant.
Aghs is 4200 gold for shit stats and dmg that doesn't scale well
64k damage on a veno, only 2 bkbs on your team which you got extremely late for some reason, and nobody built a pipe. Veno won them the game, you and your team allowed him to deal an insane amount of damage.
I go at least hood on carrys sometimes, just went hood on tb vs a necro.
If the item Is needed just buy it.
for that game I'm sure an early pipe would have led to easy pushes.
Your Luna is not pushing enough (3.8k bldg damage, should be at least 12k in a 1hr game specially that she has a BOT). She also has no additional damage items and goes for fights a lot instead of ratting. That is not what she is built for in a 1hr game. She should have gone BKB and butterfly instead of Linken and Aghs.
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Hello, been playing DotA for a while now but only recently did I think about actually trying to improve. If anyone can help out, I'd like to ask what I could have done better in my last match (3374934619) and what the Luna can do better as well as our flaws.
Also Luna got an aghs as a second item after manta. Can someone tell me if that's a good item choice and why?
Thank you.