General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom 4k to 1k - HELP PLEASE!

From 4k to 1k - HELP PLEASE! in General Discussion
我是谁? 这是什么?

    I used to be 4k MMR about 2-3 years ago, as im writing this im now 1.5k. I need someone to explain to me how this has happened or how to improve again. Im looking for answers beyond "you are shit", that doesnt help anyone. I dont think i have gotten worse at the game although i guess i must have? I was 4K around patch 6.8 and now when i play the game in this current patch it doesnt seem like the same game, i dont understand what dota has become or what to do anymore. Trying to play at 1.5k is just my mid being 0-15 at 10 minutes in, either that or someone abandons before minute 20. Can i get some fucking help or anything!?

    Thank you.


      WHAT LMAO???



      There's 3 things that could've happend here.

      1. You trolled/griefed/intentionally ruined every single ranked game until you fell to 1.5k.
      2. You bought this account thinking you were 4k worthy but then you dropped down to ur actual rating (1.5k).
      3. You play for fun (ele mayo).

      Pick your number.

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      我是谁? 这是什么?

        Do you have anything that will actually help?
        None of your numbers apply to me. Not 1, 2 or 3.


          you overcalibrated and got carried to 4k without any game impact?

          我是谁? 这是什么?

            Except i was 4K for about 6 months.
            and i calibrated at 3100 and climbed to 4K so no.

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              The following statements will be based on my own understanding/opinion:

              my guess is that since it was 2-3 years ago you either intentionally or unintentionally abused the flawed mmr calibration or you are just extremely lucky.

              higher mmr rating will be determined based on how much hero damage/healing that you contributed in the game.

              that means all you need to do is spam global aoe heroes such as zues and spectre and you will be guaranteed to deal huge amounts of hero damage regardless you win or lose. Alternately you could pick heroes such as wraith king or witch doctor and heal by huge amounts and that will do the same for the calibration.

              Do not blame your team feeding whatever, what comes around goes around. I agree that you will sometimes find yourself in games that have 4 stupid toxic players that make it an auto lose but again you definitely will find the same situation equally as much on the enemy team. Just pay attention to the games you play in the future and you will definitely realize there are times that the enemy is filled with 5 stupid noobs that make it an ez game.

              If you have been consistently losing so much games and reach that 1.5 k mmr it would take at least 100 games. The only conclusion is that based on your skill level it is all deserved. In other words yes u suck.

              How to improve? go youtube, learn counterpicking, laning, roles and responsibilities... etc practice practice practice. There is not better advice I can give you


                you used a very specific hero pool to climb to 4k? and then now u are just playing without any aim or proper try harding? which patch were you 4k? game is very different now, yes, but u dont just forget the fundamentals and lose so much skill unless you are playing with a very incorrect mindset

                Mlada i Luda

                  any accident happened to you in betwen those 2-3 years? you hit your head hard somewehre and you past in coma maybe? whats your last memory you have? if you were lucky you could also wake up with artezy skill or even speak a completely another language from yours i've heard those shit happens sometimes when you wake up from coma XD

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                  我是谁? 这是什么?

                    The last memory i have was thinking posting here was going to actually be constructive and help me in some way, but apparently this community is so fucking toxic they just want to shit on other people.


                      no way uwas 4k

                      Potato Marshal

                        ^That's probably why your MMR is dropping so much. Light banter like this shouldn't make you tilt so much.


                          Dotabuff forums is cancer anyways, only trolls here, it's 90% trolling 10% useful/good threads/posts.

                          When I posted my thought of what maybe happend I wasn't really trolling, maybe on the 3rd option but I was being serious.

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                          Mlada i Luda

                            im not trolling man that shit is real go check it in google if you want XD


                              Holy shit, well if one guy can drop from 5k to 2.9, 4k to 1k seems possible


                                Just spam meta heroes to gain mmr

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  no way man . have ever seen 1k lul, its insane, you would probably lost your mind


                                    im gonna go ahead and say 4k to 1k is probably impossible without severe mental disability or change of mindset. lul


                                      Did you change your way of playing?
                                      Do you still play like you are in dota 6.8?
                                      Do you still try to win when you play a game?
                                      Do you play ranked even when you are tired/tilted?

                                      If those questions can't help you, then just forgot you were once good at dota, be positive and start relearning the game. I'm pretty sure 80% of the knowlege you had when you were 4K is useless now and I guess you have lost most of your game mecanics in those low mmr games.


                                        stop playing support


                                          BULLSHIT. 4k to 1.5 mmr my ass
                                          acc buyer

                                          我是谁? 这是什么?

                                            Dont be fucking ridiculous, no-one buys accounts for a fucking Free to play video game.

                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                              That's actually impossible. Even if you haven't improved all those years, a 4k 3 years ago could still be 3k+ now. I don't know what to say to you except to find ways to improve yourself


                                                Wait no[o]ne has bough his account???

                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                  maybe you're still running old item builds? It's a rather baffling situation to me.


                                                    Im 3.6k and i cannot comprehend losing my lane to any sub2k player in any scenario.i got my friend's 1.6k acc and stopmed almost every game. I literally cant actually understand ur problem maybe i shouldnt even post this cuz im not helping but i kinda really wanna share my confusion over here


                                                      Probably you never got used to Dota 3 after the 7.00 patch and weren't able to adapt to all the changes? Are you constantly tilted when you play? You also probably got into the hidden pool too and that doesn't help for sure, according to what you say about the teams you get. But that would be an additional reason why, the main one has to do with your play style for sure since no matter how trash your teammates can be dropping 3k mmr can't be all their fault.

                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                      Ivan Demjanjuk

                                                        What Meta did you learn and when was the last time you watched the pros play?

                                                        Tell us more about the truth of who (you used to be/ what the game was)
                                                        what you do when you lose that isn't about others.

                                                        If your problem is always other people, then you'll never be able to change it.

                                                        我是谁? 这是什么?

                                                          Im not saying my team is always to blame of course, but i have multiple games where i go 12/0/18 for example mid and still end up losing the game. TI5 is when i was at highest MMR watching Synderen daily etc. Watching TI7 this year was like watching an entirely different fucking game. None of it makes sense to me atall anymore. I still maintain 600-700 GPM and XPM but still dont win games.


                                                            Dont be fucking ridiculous, no-one buys accounts for a fucking Free to play video game.

                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                              Kek Thread

                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                account buyer.

                                                                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                  Says blunt.. XD AHAHAHAH IRONY IS REAL


                                                                    Account buyer is literally the only one that can be true, if you reached a certain level you really can't become so bad that you drop with 2.5k mmr in this case, it's not possible, maybe you drop with 1k but that's where it should stop. This guy drops with a full 2.5k.

                                                                    pick Ringmaster and I feed.

                                                                      hey bro, i feel you except I only dropped no more than 500 mmr but climb back again, the thing is you just need to figure the current meta and abuse those high winrate heroes, and ofcourse watch some youtube plays.. hope this help

                                                                      pick Ringmaster and I feed.

                                                                        and some thing I learn grinding MMR is, if you have a great internet connection, try normal games in other Server, figure if you can adapt or you have a better gameplay than the players in that region, then try playing rank in that certain region, if you feel like your winning in that region then play their until you reach the point where players are catching up/ understanding how you play. Then PRACTICE! I know im only 3k but this helps me a lot.. and im climbing steadily :).

                                                                        PS, if you have compendium try playing International Rank, practice there but play seriously, itll help


                                                                          either u are the one trick pony or ur memories is bad

                                                                          the only suggestion for you is to learn again dota mechanic

                                                                          Giff me Wingman


                                                                            XD AHAHAHAH IRONY IS REAL


                                                                              Wait you start to play again after 3 years? IF yes you lost some skills, and game was changed so you miss almost everything. After that when you start to lose mmr you go in rage, haven`t calm for other game and you lost even more. When you play ranked you aren`t confident at all, don` t think about game so you play 50% with you own skills. What do you think when you play rank? Abut game or i need more mmr, I have to win? Even if you didn`t lost your skills you don` t use them. Some people are better when they are obsessed with that, some aren`t.
                                                                              P.S. If you don`t play for money, you play for fun so play for fun!


                                                                                2.5K difference, it can't be that he overcalibrated, nobody overcalibrates that much. Account buyer, IDK, he seems genuine with his innocence, of course intentions are easily faked online but w/e. I'm seriously at a loss. I'm a low 3K but on my brother's 1K account I could play Io mid and win lane. How a former 4K could fall so hard is beyond me.
                                                                                Did you take an extended break at any time? 6 months or more, stuff like that?
                                                                                Best advice, if you're in it for MMR, is to spam broken low MMR heroes. If you're in it to truly improve, i don't have much useful advice to give


                                                                                  "I have played Dota since Beta. The first year I reached 5500 MMR by spamming tank heroes. I was among the best. I took a break in Dota for 2 years in which time I also lost my account. I started a new account, calibrated again. Now I am 2200 MMR. I do not belong here. Everybody is toxic, my team is bad, nobody helps me on Dotabuff. Pls halp. How do I get back to 5K?"

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                    lol vertox is at least back to high skill.

                                                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                      Start out by changing your name
                                                                                      No seriously just relearn the game and try as much as possible not to tilt yourself and your whole team by having that name roflmao


                                                                                        Flames dota community for being toxic even tho all the comments r true


                                                                                          welcome to the world . hahha


                                                                                            Ich liebe dich


                                                                                              As ridiculous as it seems, and you might be lying- I'm gonna try to take you seriously and do an objective analysis.

                                                                                              As everyone on this thread is saying and for a good reason, these are the possibilities for you alleged drop from 4k to 1.5k. I will eliminate them based on what you are claiming. I have to list all of them because, this is an exceptional case. And, I want you to understand the "normal" scenarios that can be cause for this. I will start from most likely to least likely.

                                                                                              1. You bought the account. Thus, you calibrated way above your real MMR and you fell down to it.

                                                                                              2. You completely stopped playing for a long time. And now, you refuse to learn the changes in the game.

                                                                                              3. You are extremely toxic in your games, which even though might not be a reason for your drop- you should not be. You make everyone around you play bad by just being there.

                                                                                              4. You got lucky with your calibration. You calibrated with some OP/game winning heroes at the time, and those were the only heroes you knew how to play. Then, the frog nerfed them hard and you feel lost.

                                                                                              5. Similar to 4, you operated on some specific skill set that is not as valuable anymore. You do some really outdated stuff, you believe in it and you keep doing it repeatedly. Nothing can persuade you otherwise. For example, battlefury Bounty Hunter.

                                                                                              6. You changed servers and for some reason you cannot get along with the new region players. You can't play the way they play.

                                                                                              These are the possibilities as far as I can think. Now, let's start with solutions for each type of problem and eliminate them based on what you've said so far.

                                                                                              1. If you bought your account and you "think" you are as good as 4k but you actually were not. You say that's not the case. You calibrated at 3.1k and climbed to 4k.

                                                                                              2. If you stopped playing for a long time there have been some huge changes on the map and in the game itself. You need to relearn the game.

                                                                                              3. Just mute everyone and don't chat in game focus only on playing. Do this without fail, every game till you don't feel the tilt. You can go step by step.
                                                                                              If you feel triggered by one particular person, mute that one.
                                                                                              If your entire team triggers you mute them all.
                                                                                              If even what the other team says triggers you, go to settings and select Mute enemy chat.
                                                                                              If anyone says "hi" and you reply with "fuck you" and you lose your shit like there is not tomorrow, go to settings and select Mute all incoming chat.
                                                                                              If you yourself type anything and you realise what a piece of shit I am, do not press the enter button on your keyboard while you play Dota so you can't chat- you don't need it for anything else.

                                                                                              4. If you got lucky in your wins and you "luckily" managed to get to get to 4k, you just need to watch your own replays and actually see what you are lacking. Analyse your own games. If you can't do it yourself, have some friend who is higher and stable MMR have a look at it and listen to what that person is saying.

                                                                                              5. If you playing some old school shit, you need to be more flexible and be open to changing up your builds and ways to play. Try to do what the majority is doing at the moment. There is a reason it is popular- it works on some level.

                                                                                              6. If you changed region, just try to blend in. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It clearly is not working out for you. Just play on the lowest ping server.

                                                                                              At some point, most of the players who play a lot of ranked games have experienced a MMR drop. I started at 1.5k little more than a year ago. Almost dropped below 1k. Played the last year's seasonal ranked, exchanged it for 2.3k. Reached 3k. Dropped to 2.4k again. Now, I'm at 3.4k aiming to go 4k. And the thing is, I cannot imagine myself dropping back to 1k. Heck even dropping below 3k is hard for me now. My major reason for dropping was, I tilted a lot and I'd go on long losing streaks because of that. After I realised this, I would stop playing after a I felt like I've started to tilt. I play less now, look at my own relays more, practice a lot more.

                                                                                              It really is a matter of finding out what's your problem. It is likely a combination of all of these factors. Just work out your shit and get back to 4k. And as cookie always says "Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?"

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                                                                                              Mr. Flintstone

                                                                                                I think it depends on what region you are playing for. I have a 4k mmr back then, now im close to having a 2k+ mmr. Im playing in SEA region right now where you can find different types of cancers and imbeciles.


                                                                                                  Step 1 : hang yourself

                                                                                                  End of story

                                                                                                  Till my Internet Gives Up

                                                                                                    lying sack of shit


                                                                                                      WELL THIS IS STUPID hahahahahah HOW THE FUCK WILL YOU GET DOWN TO 1k???? WTF IS THAT??? your supposed to be going up not going down XD its either your an account buyer or just an iidot haahah