General Discussion

General DiscussionRatting without micro in low mmr?

Ratting without micro in low mmr? in General Discussion

    Low mmr meaning around 2k give or take, is it feasible to play a ratting strategy with someone like WR? Micro heroes don't work for me, and I'm not a big fan of invis, though I could actually learn someone like clinkz whereas a meepo will always be foreign to me. Any other non micro heroes that can be used to rat effectively?...Another way to put it is I need a low skill rat hero.

    Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

      Learn Meepo. Rating in 1k and 2k with him is super ez.


        Nature's Prophet doesn't really need much micro
        But ratting is always a viable strategy, just need to make sure you dont get countered

        Riguma Borusu

          You can rat with any hero in low MMR, even if the hero is not good at taking objectives, you can build items that would make it good at ratting. It is good enough for low MMR, at least.


            Heros I have had success ratting with are tiny , am , clinks.


              Ratting can be done with anything
              I've ratted as void before, the basics is that u can kill creeps and that u have an escape
              Therefore u can cut waves and shit to rat
              Or u can do huge building dmg and just buy a blink to escape
              Etc etc, there r lots of ways to rat as most cores and even supports.


                I get that you can technically rat with any hero, esp at low mmr, but keep in mind my skill level is not usually leaps and bounds better than my opponents, so I like to give myself as many adv as possible. Like Tiny I'd like to try but I don't think I farm fast enough and he seems weak early. I'm thinking Windranger offlane of course with aghs and some combo of mael blink sb?

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                Potato Marshal

                  WR isn't the best ratter, but if you were to rat with her, I'd recommend going for the standard blink, maelstrom, aghs build. Blink to quickly escape or initiate, maelstrom helps with nuking waves fast since powershot isn't really very good for that. I don't really like deso on WR, especially since there's no synergy with your maelstrom, but go for it if you want to rat since the minus armor will really help with taking towers.


                    So is Clinkz the best alternative? I would have to learn him first whereas wind I already know, is he that much stronger in terms of taking down towers and escaping?

                    Potato Marshal

                      Clinkz just does so much more damage with less items. Towers go down so fast with just a deso. You should learn him if you really want to rat, he's not a particularly complex hero, the only remotely difficult part is managing your time and movements to eating the largest creep in the heavy camp then clearing the rest of the camp.


                        With Clinkz ult having a longer cd managing your time should have become a bit easier, you should try him I think


                          Yeah he does hit pretty hard pretty quickly, I just don't favor invis as a means of escape. That damage though, it does take me a lot longer to get there with WR, I'll have to give clinkz a little spam action and see what I can do.

                          Potato Marshal

                            Don't think of it as just an invis, the movement speed boost from skeleton walk is almost comparable to windrun, their movement speeds are only 10 points apart with both windrun and skeleton walk active.


                              clinkz can rat with backdoor protection on

                              deso => bkb => moonshard/diffu+ac = ez rax


                                dedalus or mkb are bretter than deso on wind

                                Potato Marshal

                                  dedalus or mkb are bretter than deso on wind

                                  In most cases, but if he's planning on ratting, deso is way better.

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    keep in mind my skill level is not usually leaps and bounds

                                    :thinking: to not become shit, learn to shit on shit :thinking:
                                    Anyway any hero with good mobility should work, otherwise clinkz and jugg come to my mind