General Discussion

General DiscussionThe easiest way to get out of 3k is Meepo.

The easiest way to get out of 3k is Meepo. in General Discussion

    Because 1 Dlance costs 1900 and gives you just more STR, 2x wbands give you same agi, 6 damage and 6 STR. You speed up your next item by skiping dlance, and you'll sell dlance or wbands anyways if everything goes according to plan.

    If I'm not mistaken, the point is basically 1000 gold or 3 STR, I guess 1000 gold is more efficient.

    O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

      You could say the same for a lot of heroes. "3kers can't deal with ______"

      I got out of 4K jungling



        I've never had any sucess by playing BS Jungle or LC jungle.. Or Naix. Or Enigma..

        To me these guys are just not my cup of tea

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          I remember some 5k said 3ks can't play Meepo? Well, I'm a fucking 3k, I was actually close to 2k (3.1k) when I started spaming him on my main.

          Maybe I can't play it on a high 4k or 5k level, but for sure it's more than enough for 3k. Because I'm on 10 winning streak spaming exclusivly meepo.

          Let's see how fast I get to 4k. :)


            Im 3.5 and I just ran into this player.


            definitely not a booster.....

              Este comentario ha sido borrado

                not suspicious at all v2


                  i can shred your meepo playing rhasta mid ;)


                    You gonna be 4K in no time .



                      holy shit i just played 4k mmr flat avg game and had blink wands difusal eblade in 19 min and rosh in 15 min with only 10 mepo games in my life
                      seems that my tinker and naga games helped me alot

                      HOLY SHIT , wheres cuki meme i need it hard


                        As I said, to anyone capable of playing at least Meepo at some basic level, getting out of low 3k, mid 3k and upper 3k should be relativily easy.

                        I've practiced meepo for about 34-40 games on my Smurf (1k mmr), had a prior exp. with maybe 30 games for my whole Dota Career with Meepo, came back on my main, and with tips from Cookie and a few more people I've actually managed to get my Meepo in a good enough shape to win easily.


                          can u share the tips i want to learn this hero im tired of expecting my teammates play to win


                            Just add Cookie guy and he'll help you, just like he did to me.

                            For a start, I sugest nailing at least 700-800 CS for 30 min as Meepo in an empty Lobby. Practice Poofing, farming with each meepo if needed aswell, and learning how to farm as fast as you can too.

                            Apart from that, learn what can and what you can't kill, learn to how to play under different situations and try not to first-pick him.

                            Have a TON of patience, because at start, people will probably tell you that you suck, which is true, but if you don't give up, practice everything stated above and more, ofc, I think if done correctly Meepo can be learned pretty quickly. Maybe 50-60 games and you're good to go.


                              Basically I don't think he's really hard to play in 1k , 2k and 3k MMR, because people pretty much can't deal with him.

                              So apart from decent poofing and farming you don't even need amazing Micro, but regardless, you will naturally develop some sort of advanced micro and map awarness by just spaming him, which(at least in my case) can be useful if you start playing other heroes later on.


                                How did u manage to get ur behavioscore that high again?


                                  quick reminder that if you add me: i will force you to do farming and lobby practice till your fingers fall off.

                                  only after you finish that i'll teach you actual dota.

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    ^yo negger why u not answering facebook message


                                      i open facebook like 1-2 times a week, i probably didn't even see it.


                                        smh u dont have 1 social media to contact u with and be sure to get answered. im not gonna open up a paging cookie thread ...

                                        Player 404335202

                                          Congrats !
                                          Btw in 3k going mid is difficult if ur avg gpm is below 500 ! I have experienced it many times .. Whole team will harass u like 400 gpm wanna go mid ? Joke .. Mid wannabe zzzz and if u give first blood then game is officially over


                                            I have never really spammed a core hero in my 4 years of playing. I always wonder how core spammers do it.
                                            What would you do in this situation. You join a game and mid and safe has been marked. You try to contest but get some russian text with team instant picking AM and invoker. Thats what happens a lot of the time I try to play a core yet I see prfoiles with nothing but cores.

                                            Do you just first pick him if teammates contest?


                                              i also have problems wih ally think im trash 3k mepa :(
                                              mepo cant be first picked , and when ban phase starts try ban some mepo hero


                                                this fucker first picked meepo in my game last night. he is on a 43 win streak.




                                                  no big deal , he played 1k 2k mostly games

                                                  Keep It Rinse

                                                    37WR on SF

                                                    Not boosted at all :)


                                                      If some a hole won't let you safe then go off if you can't off then I mark roamer and insta pick the roamer susually that will work but sometimes u get a qaudruple d bagged and will be forced to position 5 ur Mirna/ Riki / what ever you picked to roam with.


                                                        i only play party games cause it means i can secure my preferred role without having to fight for it xd

                                                        if you're playing solo you just gotta pick early and accept that you're gonna get countered or have someone pick another core to fight for cs, that's just how pub dota goes


                                                          @ Zeus

                                                          I managed to get high behavior score because I think commends help you. People commend you a ton when you rape with Meepo.


                                                            Just wait until you hit 3.7k


                                                              It's not like I've never been 3,7, they are not better than 3.5k. Same shit.

                                                              Giff me Wingman


                                                                  damn verto god mad again

                                                                  same with me


                                                                    katz meepo spam MonkaS


                                                                      Just need to get out of lp and i'll rape them again

                                                                      tilt happened.. fuck my life


                                                                        The journey ends here TriHard


                                                                          well maybe it does, maybe it doesnt

                                                                          i'll try to make sure it doesnt :D


                                                                            ^NO WONDER YOU ARE STUCK IN 3K DESPITE TRYING FOR YEARS, YOU ARE A FUCKING TILTER AND YOU CANT GET OVER IT!
                                                                            YOU TILT MORE THAN 50% OF YOUR GAMES AND BLAME YOUR FRIENDS IN PARTY GAMES.

                                                                            YOU ARE RETARDED, EVEN IF YOU REACH 4K I BET YOU WONT STAY THERE LONG AS YOU TILT SO MUCH DESPITE HAVING PLAYED SO MANY DOTA MATCHES


                                                                              Keep building Silver Edge on PA, you fucking sea-tard.


                                                                                ^ How else do you kill the fucking bristleback? Do you think you could kill him with MoM on luna when they have a slark with sb as well..

                                                                                Anyway thats not the point.
                                                                                You are the retard to tilt in an normal-skill LP game when the whole team picks carry and you tilted since you were not able to farm safely and got first blooded.


                                                                                  You just nuke him down with my ult, my 1st spell and DP/Necro... The fact you actually build Silver Edge and yet again ended up with 11k HD says something.

                                                                                  The only thing I did that game was clicking on enemy towers trying to push, and yet I managed to do more HD than you.

                                                                                  Yes I am the retard, so what. Deal with that. Or just stfu.

                                                                                  Have a nice day! XD


                                                                                    I was sure you would come up with a retarded explanation like this to prove that you are right. That too in a retarded NS lp game where all 5 pick cores , yet you would tilt so bad in the first 2 mins when you can clearly see you would be having a rough lane for the first 10 minutes. Rofl

                                                                                    Sure nuke the bb down everytime with the 140 sec cd ulti at all low levels. Nuke the slark too while you are at it when he uses his ulti and sb. Oh wait also they have an omni who has a spell ammunity and heal spell which can be applied to allies and morever he's going pipe. Luna ulti OP in this case , nice foresight 10/10. Its so funny , thats it sad XD!

                                                                                    The fact that you still dont comprehend why i bought the silver edge makes my point about your tilt more clear.

                                                                                    Keep it up and keep the tilt up. Slow applause!!

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      what the hell are you to braindead farts talking about.


                                                                                      I am amazed that you have the balls to complain. You actually tried to abuse with your smurf to get out of low prio, yet you struggle reallly hard and feed relentlessly. You played so fucking piss poor and yet you complain about silvers on PA, against a Bristle which obviously was a problem LUL.

                                                                                      You just showcased how fucking terrible you are. I'm waiting for you to drop to 2k, then make new threads about how to grind MMR while being fucking dogshit at everything you do.

                                                                                      Silvers edge PA has way shittier ping, better stats, more farm and more impact.
                                                                                      while you
                                                                                      Useless feeding ass, trash stats, better ping, less farm, idiotic items, impact so the enemy teams can get farm.

                                                                                      I can't believe that you would tell him that you have more hero damage, OFC you do, you're fucking luna you garbage ass player. Luna gets more hero damage because of her glaive, ult etc.

                                                                                      All you fucking braindead animal did was nerf your own DP mid, feed all fucking game, and get your filthy dumb ass carried. You are nothing but a liability.

                                                                                      -> liability
                                                                                      -> liability

                                                                                      silvers edge venge for no appart reason xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

                                                                                      This is how you get out of 3k:

                                                                                      Do us a favor so we don't have to read your useless threads and see your useless ass anymore.

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        3ks cant play meepo either so its fair enough.


                                                                                          what the hell are you to braindead farts talking about.
                                                                                          I am amazed that you have the balls to complain. You actually tried to abuse with your smurf to get out of low prio, yet you struggle reallly hard and feed relentlessly. You played so fucking piss poor and yet you complain about silvers on PA, against a Bristle which obviously was a problem LUL.
                                                                                          You just showcased how fucking terrible you are. I'm waiting for you to drop to 2k, then make new threads about how to grind MMR while being fucking dogshit at everything you do.
                                                                                          Silvers edge PA has way shittier ping, better stats, more farm and more impact.
                                                                                          while you
                                                                                          Useless feeding ass, trash stats, better ping, less farm, idiotic items, impact so the enemy teams can get farm.
                                                                                          I can't believe that you would tell him that you have more hero damage, OFC you do, you're fucking luna you garbage ass player. Luna gets more hero damage because of her glaive, ult etc.
                                                                                          All you fucking braindead animal did was nerf your own DP mid, feed all fucking game, and get your filthy dumb ass carried. You are nothing but a liability.
                                                                                          -> liability
                                                                                          -> liability
                                                                                          silvers edge venge for no appart reason xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
                                                                                          This is how you get out of 3k:

                                                                                          Do us a favor so we don't have to read your useless threads and see your useless ass anymore.

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                          Giff me Wingman


                                                                                            replace ( with [

                                                                                            Retro T

                                                                                              just spam necro and ur ass will going higher to 4k


                                                                                                [quote] *text* [/quote]

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  can you stop making low dogshit filth get higher mmr than they deserve?

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    how is it humanly possible to have a 25 minute dragon lance on luna did u break ur items halfway thgrough or what

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      Blunt, I've heard there's some cheap-ass 6k MMR accounts on the sale.

                                                                                                      Add me if you're interested man, so you can start your career from the scratch.

                                                                                                      I've heard that thay also offer boosting from 4k to 5k, if you need it..