General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to farm behavior score?

How to farm behavior score? in General Discussion

    I get game ruiners in literally every game. My current score is around 2k. I heard that the best way is to get LP & feed there constantly (you can't get reported in LP) & after a long streak of feeding, you will get good behaviore score, when you get out of it. Is it true?


      That is pretty curious


        Be human,get human skills,i know its hard when your life is stuck at 5k mmr


          Its the same at 9.6k


            Don't be cancerous lmao

            ANDREW TATE

              My behaviour score is 3 digits.. less than 1k. I do not get game ruiners every game like u. But i get low morale people who dc after they mass feed... and once they dc they wont come back...


                tantantan - so...they're game ruiners. For me, if someone demotivates the whole team from minute 1 & constantly whines, he is a game ruiner. If it was one guy - I'm fine win with, but it's pretty much the whole team. Good luck winning in this patch with such teams, when pretty much all snowballing/solo winning mechanics were nerfed.


                  I dropped from 9.8k to 9.3k just by having 1 abandon because lost connection LUL


                    I dropped from 9.8k to 9.3k just by having 1 abandon because lost connection LUL
                    Lucky you, I usually lose 800-1000 for that


                      I recently got 10K behavior score. Yet I still get toxic players. Valve said you'd be matched with players with similar BS, why are these guys here
                      Oh wait nvm im in SEA, BS probably means nothing here lmao

                      Mlada i Luda

                        "I do not get game ruiners every game like u. But i get low morale people who dc after they mass feed... and once they dc they wont come back... "

                        im very corious to know what you define as "game ruiners" ?!!!!


                          not being toxic helps


                            play support, save allies. They will be so super impressed and will commend you.


                              Just be positive!

                              Dire Wolf

                                idk dude there's tons of evidence showing behavior score doesn't matter.

                                The only way to up it is playing a lot and not getting reports or abandons.

                                Este comentario fue editado
                                1st class tourist

                                  Guy walks down mid for no reason, stay positive!

                                  You shits are actually hilarious

                                  Story Time

                                    i think someone said that playing 1v1 lobby refreshes the behavior score but i am not sure


                                      PLAYING UNRANKED.

                                      That's how. Play support in unranked, chat and ward, remind people of the commend function on the end of the match.

                                      I used to have 9500 long ago when I played ranked and unranked.

                                      I dropped like 600 mmr and my behaviour score is 2700 now.

                                      It's really shit, my teammates go afk/feed/sell as soon as something bad happens, and I get a lot more reports.

                                      They flame each others as soon as the game starts, nobody wants to support, the supports don't really ward or stay safelane, then carry is left alone, dies, rages.

                                      Quite often games that are winnable become impossible because of crybabies.

                                      Tho I can't complain really since I deserved it all, but I'll get it all back in a few weeks I guess. :)


                                        I dunno if it matters but you will get a lot of commends if you go on a big win streak . Might help .


                                          it doesnt affect anything in dota at all, so why do u care?

                                          mosquito net on my feet

                                            How can i see my behavioral score?

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              google it, it's a console command.

                                              I really don't think behavior score matters though, people just toxic fucks no matter what. When you win most people are cool, when you lose most tilt.


                                                I got 3k behavior score and I feed
                                                yet my team dont rage quit nor report me after the match
                                                won all those games btw
                                                really makes you :thinking:


                                                  how do u have 3k bs withotu reports thoguh


                                                    I abandoned games previously and I was toxic as fuck
                                                    now i keep it pma like bsj


                                                      have you tried bone mealing the behavior score?


                                                        low prio doesnt work for behavior score (tried it)

                                                        O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                                          Those of you complaining with 10k bs, you have never played low behavior score and seen the scums that reside there.


                                                            ^well I play in SEA, 10K BS is the same as 5K BS EU. Behavior score is inflated here because people will commend you despite being the most toxic shitstain ever, as long as you carry them to victory in the end


                                                              mute everyone. play really well. type encouraging stuff into chat sometimes. at the end in after game chat after being nice to your team(regardless of win or lose), say "commend if you wish" or "commended you" after commending someone.


                                                                BS in a nutshell:
                                                                low = trash + toxic players
                                                                high = new players & trash smurfs
                                                                in between = trash players

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  Juan Bot is the only non trash player in dota