General Discussion

General Discussionmy impressions in ranked games.

my impressions in ranked games. in General Discussion

    First of all I started playing dota2 in 2015 since dota1 days, and after a while I gave it a try again.
    I'm sitting on 3.9kmmr and the averages matches are 3.7k - 4.1k (at leas what I experienced)
    First of all I noticed that the itemization and skillbuilds are pretty decent, maybe the timings of "cores" to getting the items are not the best but they're decently oriented. The toxicity is not that bad as I expected, so no problems about that.
    Supports are the most awful thing in this tier, they are like "well I'm sitting here next to the carry, doing nothing but leeching your experience". Another thing that I notices is they usually force teamfights all the time unnecesary no matter if the enemies has the advantage or we have vision or not, and they also forget to take objetives. definitely if I was better enough I could carry them easily but is not the case at this moment.


      Another thing that I notices is they usually force teamfights all the time unnecesary no matter if the enemies has the advantage or we have vision or not, and they also forget to take objetives. definitely if I was better enough I could carry them easily but is not the case at this moment.

      yea, this doesn't stop even in 5-6k, i literally have to resort to afk jungling for 10-20 minutes in some games because of this nonsesical throwing.


        forgetting to take objectives rings a bell here


          i literally have to resort to afk jungling for 10-20 minutes in some games because of this nonsesical throwing.

          I did practicly the same in my last match with OD, until I got some decent items. Also everybody pinging on me because of that, but later they noticed that they were throwing gold unnecesary.


            I have to add that My mechanicals skills are reaaally lowered compared to my young dota era haha, my reactions are not even close to it.


              3k carry blames supports... 95% core, and stuck just means that you are not good enough to carry this game, if you know what supports should do, go on, support, lets see you getting 9k in seconds, and there supports will be better, who will you blame then? You just suck, dont look for excuses in others, look for reasons in yourslef


                Best example is that guy fire, who is 6k, calibrated 3.5 k, and just stomped all games at 70-80% wr till he hit 5k, did he have better supports?

                Story Time

                  3k carry blames supports... 95% core, and stuck just means that you are not good enough to carry this game, if you know what supports should do, go on, support, lets see you getting 9k in seconds, and there supports will be better, who will you blame then? You just suck, dont look for excuses in others, look for reasons in yourslef

                  But hey, remember what this forum teaches/preaches? Almost every answer to the question "how to grind mmr" is play core (mid or carry), and there is hardly a respect for suporting, so yuor suggestion to pick sup is an non-ortodox one.... ofc the trash-carry will proceed to play carry even if he is trash - sad reality

                  Potato Marshal

                    You grind MMR by playing what you know best.


                      i can 100% guarantee that supports at 3k have no clue what they are doing.

                      no pulls, no harassing, just leeching XP. then at 5 minutes they ditch the safelane and go to the offlane, because the dude there died once. just to instantly die themselves. always out of position, stupid item builds.

                      when i used to play CK a lot, 50% of the games supports just nuked the creepwave constantly with dazzle/omni/rubick etc.

                      i play roaming, after giving mid an advantage i always go to the safelane to pull and then kill the offlaner. most games the carry actually will carry the game if i help him win his lane. sadly 3k lane supps usually help the enemy offlaner because they are clueless.


                        Mmm I'm not saying that I am the best support over the world, I'm just saying that they don't even react to nothing, just that, I was ganked 9 times in 6 minutes during my last invoker match, none of them even noticed, I have no problem to play support. But I would not like to rely on a carry which have that kind of reactions or plays in a nosense way.

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                        Palmen aus Plastik

                          since when has whining done anything to help in life? the support's your mmr too. He must have done something right to get there. You should definitely try to find out what that is, and take advantage of that. This not particular to dota, but general life advice as well. You cant choose the team you are given in a corporate world either, you have to just find out how to make the best of it.


                            Also I'm not complaining about the tier, I'm sitting here and I supose is what I deserve, I'm just telling my impressions in a ranked system according to my bracket, I played DotA1 from 2005 to 2011 and almost for five years I was out from dota. I never played rankeds before.

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                            Friendly player

                              Mid is the best lane ever. No supports who hit every single creep they can see. Nobody blames you if you die once or twice (People don't care what's going on in other lanes). Well if you lose mid you will get flamed and reported by your friendly teammates. :D

                              Palmen aus Plastik

                                yes i completely understand, but i was pointing out conversely, that the same supports you identified as having problems, would say the same about you in, perhaps, a different forum. Maybe they'd say this carry can't farm, or plays too passively etc. If this were to be encouraged, the entire system would just be a mess, as I'm sure you agree, it is, to a certain extent.

                                Story Time

                                  supports in 3k are not 3k supports, they are 3k cores who do not understand suport role, that is why it is so bad (actual mmr of the 3k cores in suporting is way lower than 2k). But my point was that this forum encourages to play only cores to get mmr...

                                  PS A dedicated support can get higher mmr irrespective of what trash-player at Dotabuff say...

                                  Friendly player

                                    In 1k here 90% of all supports i have ever seen just stole my last hits, pushed the lane and shackled someone 1000radius away and wanted something magical to happen even though i farm the lane creeps. After all im AM hard carry.

                                    Story Time

                                      ^lol, the one who picks AM in under 1k mmr games is a masohistic freak


                                        midlan is not the best lane trust me.

                                        in this patch midlane has become a sh1tfest, everyone rotates to gank mid. by minute 6 you have all kinds of people sitting mid battling it out.
                                        now even i my solo ranked games at flat 3k. beforehand i only saw this in higher mmr games

                                        afeect monkaS


                                          playing as support is much easier to get higher mmr in 3k brackets, its easy to gank and to steal bounty runes, the impact is huge, also anyone with 3 fingers can play as a carrier


                                            Yeah, I know that, but I don't care about the flame, I'm just stated what I noticed in general about the tier, I just want to know how much mmr could I get.


                                              3k supports have same clue how to support, as 3k carriers have clue how to carry.
                                              At any mmr you play against players of equal level, so the only thing tk get mmr and climb, is to increase gameplay of yourself


                                                ^ I think the same kormoranas, I don't believe that a 3k carry could manage to win in a 5k avg match.

                                                Story Time

                                                  At any mmr you play against players of equal level

                                                  Not true. A core player of 3k mmr will not play as a 3k support player... what dont you understand? When a core player is forced to play support or opposite, the skill will be lower than mmr. And then we arrive at the situation when there is no real support player in a 3k -team and therefore the average effective mmr of the team will be lower than it is official one.


                                                    you don't need supports up to 5k mmr

                                                    no matter how good or bad you play it, you don't need them.

                                                    you just need a courier.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      Well I'm not consider myself a 5k player, so you think that I could win a game alone, with the same level of playing than my teammates and enemies?

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                                                        if you belong to a bracket you stay at that bracket

                                                        only way you're getting out of a bracket is by playing BETTER than your teammates or enemies

                                                        Story Time

                                                          ^how is that guy not in a new Navi team?

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            carries are just as bad dude. Last time I played lich is was a hard lane, with sven vs razor and earthshaker, but the sven literally sat there scared the whole time they would kill him not getting his cs. Razor can't kill anyone outright, he has to steal all their dmg first. I told him dude just get aggressive on razor over and over, especially once es started roaming after a few levels, but still he wouldn't help me kill him, saying what's the point he'll drain all my dmg. Most passive sven ever in lane so we lost lane.

                                                            Carries are super bad too, if you can solo win them the lane like if you're lich vs a solo earthshaker sure they will cs and farm jungle and get fat. But any adversity they have no idea what to do like if enemy offlanes necro +1 hero you are screwed cus they'll either over commit and feed or they will be super passive and not farm.

                                                            Story Time


                                                              you don't need carry up to 5k mmr
                                                              no matter how good or bad you play it, you don't need them.
                                                              you just need a courier.