General Discussion

General Discussionisn't that funny

isn't that funny in General Discussion
I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

    From all the games that I've played in lower mmr every time I crushed someone in lane or just got out of control enemy team or at least 1 or a few players always blame the guy who was facing me in his lane. Why he has to be reported if he lost a lane to a player that has 5 or 6 times higher mmr than him rofl that makes no fucking sense. You can put all 5 players in my lane and I will still win that game, so why you're fucking flaming that 1 guy. I mean they don't know what's my real mmr, but isn't that fucking obvious when someone is far more better in a game than you? Isn't that fucking obvious when you make just a little mistakes and this player just fuck you up for it and mostly your whole team so fucking badly. I can imagine what's going on in the enemy team then. It honestly pisses me off how some retard always points out mistakes, LIKE I WOULDN'T FUCKING KNOW I FUCKED UP RIGHT. Why don't you notice good plays that someone makes? It's like supposed to happen right? Your teammate always has to be better than opposing player what a fucking dumb logic honestly.

    meteor hammer

      Yeah it's always "gg ez mid report dp :V"

      meanwhile ur accounts a lvl 9 account with 65% winrate and 650 gpm displayed, but they don't care, their team is holding them back


        it hasn't happened for me for such a long time
        Oh yeah, ennemy team muted


          If I ever play another game I'd mute the other 9 people because odds are no one has anything useful to say.


            Not often you see smurf complaining about how they can't recognise your good playes and that youre smurf,you simply super-retarded have these problems is ridiculous and would be ok only if you wrote this from psychotherapy.
            Nothing but punch in face could help you.

            I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

              I are no understood your england so did you am no understandable mine.


                nice boosting service you got there


                  either way this is supposed to be some inside joke, or you are a really sad person

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    Of course the guy who feeds is to blame. He let u snowball outta control and then suddenly the other 4 guys have no chance to even get a fair game. But that one guy had a fair start.


                      How to add screenshot ? Do you upload it first or whar


                        Wow, you must be so good to stomp 1k, i think i will bet on you to win ti18


                          ofcourse same when i stomp in 2k they blame their mid its a comon thing when u smur low mmr acc


                            Caring about what morons think hmm

                            Mlada i Luda

                              so who is posting right now? the booster? or the guy who is getting boosted??


                                Rtr (chi long qua) got gifted a 0 mmr account and for the last couple weeks he's been playing the account and is at 1.1k Atm. Every single game he dominates whatever lane he is put into, and every single game these low mmr players blame each other.

                                Never knew a 600 mmr player could talk shit to a 400 mmr player.

                                Este comentario fue editado
                                Riguma Borusu

                                  I remember when I was playing from 1k to 3k (after basically being 3k in skill for years, just without playing ranked), people at 1k were incredibly mental. They'd flame teammates for making the exact same mistakes they make themselves, they can't farm for shit, yet they blame their carry for being underfarmed. They have no map awareness, yet they blame supports for not warding exactly where they just died.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    lul make it from 1k to 6k than.