General Discussion

General Discussioncould you be as dumb as a rock and still be able to play professional...

could you be as dumb as a rock and still be able to play professional level dota? in General Discussion

    Jacky Mao could

    mom said it's my turn to ...

      Serious question. Is he really that dumb irl? Also, are there any other players like this? I vaguely recall of a post/article/anecdote of how some top level warcraft 3 player was actually not that bright in any other field


        ^ people call that autism



          chicken spook,,,,

            ya u can


              on a serious, idk, mb hes just insanely weird and bad as a person, in the same time being not dumb, but i doubt it


                Im pretty sure almost all 8k+ Guys have high iq (120+)


                  Yes , But not if you are stuck in Normal Skill :(


                    you won't become top 0.001% in the world at a strategy game if you're not smart.

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      It also helps if you Start playing in young ages. If played aoe 3 since if been 11 or 12 years old and I was like top 10 players there for a while.
                      But starting dota with 18 is just too late i guess.


                        i also think high mmr players are very inteligent or atleast become inteligent cause of dota

                        because dota is some sort of sudoku i guess but it gives sometimes alot stress so is not so good game


                          smart is not the word, nor is clever.

                          its enough to be good at a particular sort of thinking, and u'd be able to succeed despite being dumb in everything else.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            ee was in U of toronto btw so he is not "dumb". nobody is really "dumb", intelligence is just spread across different fields for different people


                              he is retarded

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                id side with triple on this, triples a major retard so he should be able to recognize his own kind

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.

                                  Mlada i Luda

                                    i have too agre with cuki. absolutely no way being pro if your dumb. 0 chances.

                                    meteor hammer



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