General Discussion

General Discussionhow to defeat an offlane wr if u are solo

how to defeat an offlane wr if u are solo in General Discussion
white boy summer

    or at least not lose against it.. you cant even attack her and the games i lose are basically when wr offlane is in the enemy team


      dodge powershot

      white boy summer

        and dodge rightclicks when hes in your ass and u cant hit him?


          i played with u some days ago


            pick weaver safelane


              Farm creeps and ignore her.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                1) pick lycan
                2) start with 2 slippers and 8 tangoes
                3) take the bounty rune and buy pms from side shop
                4) ask for help/try not to take too much damage until level 3
                5) buy helm of iron will
                6) now you have almost twice as much damage and way too much regen to be harassed. just kill every creep you can and deny the rest.

                Riguma Borusu

                  dont be greedy with regen, meaning, have at least two sets of it, either 8 tangos or tangos and salve (heroes like necro and bs with built in regen can get away with one set of regen)

                  get some sort of a regen item if your hero has no innate regen capability

                  that is literally it

                  she is annoying with her huge range but she does not kill people from 100 to 0 solo, she wears you down as times goes on

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                    I mean u can just bait windrun and trade freely with her for a long time, especially early
                    She trades rlly poorly without windrun, so lvl 1 and 2 try to abuse it's down time as much as possible until u can get ur RoH or morning or whatever and sustain the lane


                      Standard shit - be far away from creeps, get only close when you're last hitting, use aggro a lot, buy PMS if you're melee & a lot of regen. Don't trade hits with her, you will always lose. It's a very tough lane for almost any hero. Don't try to harass her out of the lane you will just take unnecessary dmg. If necessary pull small camp (it's fine if u don't stack it), even though u push the lane that way & give her full xp, u can't zone her out anyway & it's better to get sth than nothing. If ur hero can jungle, just consider sacking the lane or just go ganking.

                      Potato Marshal

                        Depends on if you're asking as a support or the carry. I usually just make use of tree fog and just hit and run to whittle away her health. But I usually pick good lane supports that are good at trading.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Or you can just pick a braindead support like lich, eat creeps, blast her sometimes, and harass her when possible, hit and run, etc. Get an early point in armor, too, the hero really suffers from frost armor without her ult.

                          I know the original question was what you do when you're solo, but the thing is, you should not be solo against wr.

                          And if you are, well, you already got a few (very similar) answers.

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                          Potato Marshal

                            ^that, except in most cases I would just prioritize frost blast and sacrifice over armor to just harass her out of lane.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              I kinda prefer to max blast and sacrifice too, mainly because blast does 50 (FIFTY!) damage to the primary target at lvl 1 (it is more worth it to hit the ranged creep and catch her as well, for bonus 25 damage), so you want to get it to lvl 2 as soon as possible. But to get there, you want to get more levels of sacrifice. Most of the time I max sacrifice first which allows me to go from lane to lane and eat creeps and not sap too much exp but still be about lvl 7 10 minutes into the game, while buying wards and so on.

                              But yeah I still never know when I should get a point in frost armor, and when I should just max frostblast, I guess if there's any chance we might kill the offlaner I should just max the frost blast and be done with it, get a ton of levels, and then start getting armor.

                              The problem with lich's leveling is that, while he's a braindead hero, it is really hard to know when you should prioritize which spells when leveling him. Ideally, you'd want a passive lane that allows you to max sacrifice, but sometimes you need armor and more nuking power (needing more nuking power means you get to kill people which is cool in itself, for example when paired with ursa or jugg against a hero with 0 escape, and it can actually offset the fact you get less exp due to lower level sacrifice).

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                              Potato Marshal

                                I usually go EQEQQRQE. Really helps with getting early kills. I don't see ice armor being that useful in the very early stages on in lower MMR bracket games, mine included. Unless I was dealing with a very skilled and coordinated dual or tri-lane, but most of the times you can safely sacrifice and spam frost blast without yourself nor your carry being in danger. I only max sacrifice first if I'm solo offlane.

                                dont be thrilled by this ...

                                  depends on what hero youve picked, (you care for farm or care for exp like slark?)
                                  anyway ... in first case which is more important and almost covers the latter:
                                  buy 2 slippers into PMS early game.
                                  tons of tangos and some branches (i remember of a game i had TB in enemy team which had no supp, he had pms and spammed branch+tango and he almost didnt feel my presence and freely last hit/denied)
                                  depending on what items you gonna need later buy some regen items (ex. if u need vlads later, buy headdress and if u need armlet buy helm and etc.)
                                  and try dodging arrows, never stay in a line with creeps so she cant farm with arrow and hurt you simultaneously.(it doesnt always fit cuz she maybe wanna damage you with max arrow dmg as the first target it hits)

                                  well, i guess this gonna help you early game. and ofc if she spams magics a lot, buy a magic wand.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    it looks like you dont know how frost blast works. the main target takes the area damage + blast damage, the other targets only take the area damage. so it does 125 damage at level 1.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      it looks like you dont know how frost blast works. the main target takes the area damage + blast damage, the other targets only take the area damage. so it does 125 damage at level 1.

                                      Oh, interesting. I always found it weird how it seems to do more than 50 damage.


                                        Anti mage can do well vs her if you brought two sets of Regen buy pms then oov ,once her manas gone you just blink on her and throw her out of creep xp range .


                                          Frost armor is a rlly good value point, and frost blast is already good at lvl 1


                                            you can just use searing arrows as clinkz in half a second intervals so she needs to either pop windrun for 1 arrow or get harassed hard and you keep repeating this until she pops wind run for 1 arrow.


                                              Meta is based on self reliable carries. So no slark, spectre etc. But more spell based heroes - veno can lane well even solo, with max q. It doesnt matter if she has windrun, he.takes half.hp. other choice is weaver, who cam just disapear. As well PL can work - drops a lot.of.magic dmg, copies to annoy, quickly comes close, can disappear as well.

                                              Generally no afk farmer. Usually you want support as well, who can just annoy her. Jakiro, lich, dazzle, ogre, lion or kotl to drain mana. Shadow demon works well - takes her into ball when.windrun and can even.kill.


                                                Nobody mentioned Sky??????


                                                  He playes carry. But sky is great, yea. Pretty much vs any offlaner, he wins the lane.


                                                    just get helm or ring of health and ur fine

                                                    meteor hammer

                                                      ice armor is op though xd

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        if the enemy team is trying to kill your friend they are permanently slowed by 24% or whatever

                                                        white boy summer

                                                          i struggled to play veno against wr since u dont go shield on him and veno seems squishy af for me. and one gale doesnt hit as much as she does during windrun


                                                            1. Keep in mind, the skillset of wr is early-mid game potential, especially u said she is in off.
                                                            2. Melee carry can counter her (Am, lycan)
                                                            3. Buy PMS
                                                            4. Safe farm, draw aggro, stay safe if she do aggressive move with her 3rd
                                                            5. Drag the game till very late, u get the item, she lost momentum, u win.


                                                              lol but you dont auto-win ulra-late against wr. she is like the highest single target dps hero in the game in ultra-late.


                                                                Yea. If she get lvl20 and.mael,aghs+one other dmg item, it is pretty much 100% kill of one hero. As well, she can easily take towers in late game. In super late, with lvl 25, she can just melt towers.


                                                                  she is like the highest single target dps hero in the game in ultra-late.

                                                                  wr with aghs, deso, and bloodthorn is scary af in ultra-late; the only heroes i can think of that put out even close to her single-target dps are ck and tb

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                                                                    veno shud fuck wr in lane
                                                                    just max gale
                                                                    get 2 points in passive
                                                                    whenever she tries to do anything just gale her
                                                                    she windruns, u wait it out
                                                                    then kill


                                                                      be weaver/necro/viper/skywrath