General Discussion

General DiscussionHow would a 7k+ Player have won this 3k average game?!

How would a 7k+ Player have won this 3k average game?! in General Discussion
The one and Oli

    Hi everyone,

    "every 3k game is winnable if you are skilled enough" is what i often read. Heres the match i just played:

    1. BS jungle first pick
    2. AM second pick into LC
    3. Alch roam?! 3rd pick
    4. I pick SF (my best hero, hoping to have a little chance carrying this) and face Huskar in mid lane and obviously get no help.
    5. BS and Alch buying Midas.
    6. AM obviously going for an 18min BF.

    1. Has hardcore early laning, gank and push lineup with Huskar, Monkey King, Ursa, Legion Commander and Nature Prophet
    2. Obviously wins or at least not loses every lane

    I did whatever i can trying very hard to win this. No chance. How would a 7k+ have won this 3.3k average game?


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      outfarm and outsplitpush the enemy



        how did you expect to farm any creeps in a game with bs am and alch picked already?
        Pick lich and make sure am gets big, force lc out of the lane. Keep warding your junge to prevent am getting ganked

        Edit: lc jungle ofc... nvm
        change your lane with am, you can lane vs ursa and he cant. I actually like your item choice, but 140lh 30min :/
        Probably because jungle was cleared by others all the time?

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          just let bs go mid

          he can beat huskar

          and go riki

          if we talking about picks and personal opinions


            Dire Jungle lost


              I think jungling with no ganks means you lost automatically :)


                By not picking SF mid and picking what the team needs..


                  Am new to dota but let me )let this right your answer was to pick a easy to gank mid core into a team has "Has hardcore early laning, gank" all while you already had 3 very farm dependant cores.

                  The one and Oli

                    Kk i got it. It's mainly about the pick and i completely understand it tbh ;-)

                    But talking about the giving situation in this game, with SF mid, im Sure Arteezy, Miracle-, ABED, SumaiL would have found a way to win this. Any suggestions of high MMR players? I'd appreciate very much!

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                      >But talking about the giving situation in this game, with SF mid, im Sure Arteezy, Miracle-, ABED, SumaiL would have found a way to win this. Any suggestions of high MMR players? I'd appreciate very much!

                      Anyone can lose. If you pick badly like this, it can be almost unwinnable. A player like RTZ would have picked better.

                      A player like RTZ would also probably win, yeah. He probably wouldn't have gotten bad items like a halberd and so he would have won. And other small things that make a game easy.


                        Those guys dont come to dotabuff to give serious advice bro

                        Gank bottom early
                        Buy smokes and blink instead of sb
                        Push tier 2 solo to make space, blink in trees when somebody goes for you. If its more than 1 hero tp out, if not blink back in, kill that fool and take the tower
                        Manta and forcestaff in case of emergency (ursa hunting you or np orchid+sprout)
                        Could be a linkens game if it goes long, somebody will buy abyssal probably

                        Legion was poor af, couldn't kill anybody solo. Enemy team didn't buy wards. Communicate with am, make him tp into np splitpush whenever he sees him and safe Manta for orchid. Him becoming a force while you make space wins this


                          This game looks so easy i probably would've won it with 1 hand.


                            people saying it's about the pick are wrong
                            i can guarantee you i could play any hero and stomp this game, it's just a combination of farming, not dying and pushing efficiently


                              People claiming to have the ability to win 100% of times with any pick in any game where the MMR is inferior to their own, are wrong.

                              I can guarantee you that you have a maximum chance with your skill level of winning this match with a YOLO pick like SF of around 80%. Reason: because your pick isn't optimal, with a combination of your large but not gigantic relative skill level difference. 90%ish with optimal picks.

                              This match was probably easy, but let's not pretend that picks don't matter. Humbleness and honesty.

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                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Those guys dont come to dotabuff to give serious advice bro

                                And the people who ask here usually aren't looking to improve either
                                anyone who is looking to improve will figure things out on their own by searching and proper thinking, while this dude can't even see that he already put the team is a huge disadvantage before the game even started.
                                There is a reason why we've lost so many high mmr players who genuinely tried to help people around here. It's either "HoW GeT VhS" or "I SuCk I Do NoThiNg AnD AsK FoR EaSy MmR TiPs HaHa"



                                  This thread is like almost every other, idiots looking for excuses not to feel bad about themselves.

                                  Isn't it so much easier to put the blame on an external factor like teammates, behavior score, picks, communication etc. instead of owning up to your mistakes?

                                  These posts are made directly to present the most unwinnable looking games as the average game in some X bracket, so that other idiots would jump on the retard train and agree with them.

                                  chooo chooo

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                                  meteor hammer



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                                      By not picking a terrible hero for a terrible situation yourself you highly increase your chance of winning


                                        your enemy has 5 core disaster pick, it was very easy win with heroes like bloodseeker, you could have won in 20 minutes

                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                          Me hide in jungle and base all game. Me no die whole game me good kda me team feed


                                            A 7k will Snowball from laning stage And make no mistakes. Then even with a bad lineup they will split push and get pickoffs like a maniac until his team has enough momentum and mapncontrol to end the game


                                              600cs in 30min

                                              DON'T CLICK THE LINK
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                                                meteor hammer

                                                  most of the time u dont even need to get ahead, ur playing against such baboons that u can just hit structures and they will react too slow over and over until you use bkb to kill their melee rax



                                                    last meepo game they thought i was an some kind of an alien wizzard

                                                    neither team saw me walk up to their t3 and racks then just take them

                                                    16 minutes into the game

                                                    idk what half the champio...

                                                      Even 8k mmr Russian boosters only manage to get 90-95% winrate at 2k and they have thousands of games worth of experience at winning "unwinnable" games. The truth is that some games are unwinnable no matter what anybody says.

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                                                        Something's fishy, here ain't it xD


                                                          Well a 3ks would not be in position to respond to the plays a 7k makes on the map because they do not anticipate that they are possible. Like how cuki is able to make certain plays like hit the rax out of the blue and not getting punished for it. Step one is never losing the lane / winning and snowballing hard. Step 2 is playing the map in such a way that the enemy is never in a position to respond properly to you. that has to do with timing, map awareness, map positioning, overall game sense that your 3k shadow Friend does not have

                                                          The one and Oli

                                                            @Cookie: I didnt make this post to show an unwinnable game so that every "my-teammates-hold-me-back"-noob can jump on it. Im seriously working on gaining MMR and I believe that MMR does not come from easy games, but from games that seem unwinnable and u still manage to carry. Otherwise you would be 50-50. I asked because this game seemed pretty much unwinnable for me as we were constantly pressured by NP while Huskar and Ursa seemed very hard to stop in the early stages in combination with LC and MK. Also my teammates who could potentially help stopping them went for early Midas farming only the jungle and doing nothing in fights. Thats why i went halberd as I thought i have to do everything myself. But I strongly believe that there was a way for ME to win this if I was skilled enough :D If you say this game is pretty much unwinnable, then I'll just take away that I have to improve drafting.

                                                            @diox: I was not able to snowball out of the lane as i faced a huskar mid. Even if this guy is complete 3k retard he will at least get the counter-kill after i killed him due to his burning spears and my squishiness. I even managed to get firstblood but obviously died immediately after. I also couldnt really flash farm lane and jungle as Huskar would just have jumped and killed me under tower. I was busy not dying while trying to captain my team.

                                                            @all: I think it's mainly about the pick and I can agree 100% that picking SF here was not the right move. I tend to pick SF when i anticipate games to be very hard to win as this is by far my best hero and i believe its the only one i play far better than 3.3k MMR. In this case it was bullshit 1k move, I GOT IT :)

                                                            I asked Wagamama yesterday about what I could have done to win this game. He basically said my item decision and everything was good but not optimal. He would have build Shadow Blade straight into Desolator to kill core-only enemys very fast to create space to split push a little and win the game later on. Maybe thats the solution, im gonna try in my next hard game.


                                                              you cant play with 100% winrate anyway


                                                                ^ This is false since Vroksnak proved you can have 100% win rate out of a big amout of games if u play in a stack of smurfs.

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                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                  [ 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 22 hours ago
                                                                  This game looks so easy i probably would've won it with 1 hand. ]

                                                                  lmao. keep forgeting i saw him livestream lossing rly "ez games" in 3k bracket . prety sure you were using both hands XD.


                                                                    Lul how can you not out lane a huskar as sf lul

                                                                    Try gitting gud first

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      By not picking SF mid and picking what the team needs..
