General Discussion

General DiscussionAPM(Actions Per Minute)

APM(Actions Per Minute) in General Discussion

    What's your AVG APM? Mine varies between 300-330
    Can somebody rate mine and also tell me what's the AVG of a pro player? Thanx.

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    Potato Marshal

      I think mine's only around 150

      Riguma Borusu

        People who leave autoclick on have the highest APM of all.

        < blank >

          i have 80 and still more mmr than you, burn


            But this means you got carried by your team, mr Deadweight :D
            Jk, I've noticed that my AVG APM has increased from the last time that I saw it, does that mean I'm getting better?

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              apm is a completely irrelevant metric


                Holy Shietttt Gaystrong spamming MK o hell that's cool :D XCuzMeh mistah




                    dota doesn't require high apm for a player to be good, that discussion has been chewed out since dota 1 times and was only there for some e-penis measurments of some trihards from that period because a lot of them played WC3 and Starcraft among other games that required APM
                    those games had apm as a "skill measurement" because you literally had to micro dozens of units if not hundreds
                    dota isn't about micro, it is about timing, positioning and decision making

                    the only hero that apms might be relevant in dota 2 would be invoker for obvious reasons

                    Riguma Borusu

                      lets compare spectre spammer's APM to a tinker spammer's APM, it is totally legit guys


                        Just means you noticed apm as a metric and correlated it with skill, so you probably just spam right click move on ground nonstop all game which provides no value but raises your apm.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          There are no 5 useful things you can do in a second. There are no 300 useful actions in a minute. Unless you play tinker. In fact, an APM of 300 could be detrimental since it means you're doing actions you don't need to be doing. Or maybe you just have the autoclick turned on like me. I probably have a huge APM due to auto click, but it is not an effective thing, I just use it to more effectively juke/move more precisely.


                            I don't think right clicks on grounds count as actions, maybe a+click and then s or h would cound as 2 actions

                            never tested it tho so I might be wrong but I think I have a lot of position changing during the game so I doubt that is counted as apm

                            meteor hammer

                              i have 150 apm on tinker jajaja :V

                              meteor hammer

                                im slow handed ape

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  If right clicks on the ground are not counted as APM, that's retarded. But if they are not counted among actions, then nobody should have above 30 actions per minute, because there's nothing you can consistently do throughout the game, that'd amount to more than that.

                                  Think about it - 30 APM means that you do something every 2 seconds. Now that's very low if right clicks are counted, since it'd mean you right click once every 2 seconds and don't do anything else, or you do everything else but right click even less often.

                                  What I want to say is that most actions amount to right clicks on the ground or creeps/heroes/whatever. But since you can spam those without doing anything with a real purpose, APM is meaningless.


                                    wait why do you think tinker has a high apm? I mean rearm takes a lot of mana and you need like 10 mins to get bot and pressing anything but your bottle and maybe a soul ring in base would be retarded tbh
                                    invoker on the other hand rates every change of qwe as an action


                                      My average is 130 apm. I don't understand people who spam-click like 10 times to move to one place


                                        spam right click on holding mouse button = 300 apm

                                        does it makje u a better play? no


                                          I have 600 apm, im so good


                                            Irrelevant for the game


                                              100 -150 avg
                                              only when voker i get 300
                                              even with tinker i get 120 lul


                                                Mine is roughly 130. But it depends on what hero your playing I think? Or how good u r at spamming starting bounty rune