General Discussion

General Discussiondamn riki safelane 2 stronk xd

damn riki safelane 2 stronk xd in General Discussion
Lester, Moe

    lol keep hating on my riki safelane fucking noobs

    meteor hammer

      when ur safelane riki goes 21 and 3

      Shadow Shaman: Im done since min 0
      Shadow Shaman: and im still here


      Riguma Borusu

        your shittalking though

        are you 12?


          600 riki games

          l e l

          Riguma Borusu

            only a retard would play more than 300 games with the same hero

            Lester, Moe

              tfw spamming lc is too hard so u gotta give up ranked

              Riguma Borusu

                my comment was a joke because I have over 300 games with 3 heroes

                and I gave up ranked because I realized a person should not play ranked if they aren't really trying to win


                  LOL 1K LC JUNGLE GAMES

                  NEXT LVL AUTISM

                  Riguma Borusu

                    just a side note, shittalking is way less effective when you have subhuman winrate


                      i mean i thought rpq was a self aware lc jungler, the rarest breed of dota player
                      either way idk that many people that hated on safelane riki, just that its jank and dank

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        HoW CaN GaMeS OuTSiDe Of SeA Be ThAt ToXiC?????????

                        Riguma Borusu

                          well, being aware that what I am doing is wrong, inefficient and game ruining doesn't make me any less of an asshole

                          at least I don't play ranked tho (even though I went from 1k to 3k playing almost exclusively lc jungle)

                          I thought safelane riki was ok, not amazing.

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          chicken spook,,,,

                            The problem with core riki is that you'll net easy reports when you lose